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Offline Jail Time

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I think doing actions within DOC like prisoner jobs to reduce time is a better idea. You have to consider that DOC is still a faction with members that want to RP with prisoners and to outright deny them of this by logging out as soon as you arrive at DOC is unfair on them imo. This seems like a temporary fix for something that really needs work on but I agree with the sentiment that going to DOC feels like an OOC punishment.

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2 hours ago, STE said:

Other alternatives could be to give more tasks in DOC to allow you to reduce time, for example, cleaning dishes, sweeping the cells anything along the lines of this. Once a task is completed, a certain amount of time is taken off your jail time automatically. DOC could control who could or couldn’t do this based off good behaviour. In my opinion this would encourage people to rp with doc more and not only that but build good relations with them instead of just “fuck the guards!! Let’s riot!!” 

^^ +1

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1 hour ago, Eoghan_Macc said:

Criminal Rp Right is doing something risky for an hour, getting caught and serving one and a half to five hours in DOC, where new players you kill after asking you for your stamps run out of the cell they just spawned from asking you to kiss them. 

Eclipse depicts real life scenarios as in real life when a criminal commits a crime, they get punished, after serving when they are caught again for a crime they get sentence for more days. I agree there should be more rp in jail but I won't agree with bail because there are gangs with millions in their bank.

 look at the jail suggestions, then think to react to this topic

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People should understand that these *simple* suggestions being made are to counterbalance the time it will take to implement the suggestions in Chunder's DOC suggestions thread because we already know that *big* updates take a while, not that we are against it, hate it, or being crybabies. So please support suggestions that backbone and recompense the big suggestions out there.

If people hate something, add temporary small suggestions that makes a change to the way people think of something and are affected by it towards a positive direction.

Once the DOC update (if it's even being worked on or considered) is finished, add it and revert what was changed because peopld won't have a reason to complain. 

Unless small changes only happen to make the player's experience terrible on the server like how the first nerf of the Drag was and how we can no longer carry bags/crates/briefcases while driving (even though staff issued punishments to people who didn't rp putting a crate on passenger seat and things were fine).

Final thoughts, this small change won't impact players negatively whatsoever and will make us stop complaining until a big update towards certain subject happens and things can get reverted.

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I personally think that implementing a system where jail time is served whilst the player is offline makes sense in the current state of affairs. Perhaps a system where the jail time goes down 50% faster (per se) if you're logged in than out is a sensible compromise. That way people that are inclined to log in are rewarded for their efforts whilst the people that are already in jail with stuff to do are not penalized more than already.


Edited by Beet
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Logged in time ticks down at the normal rate. 

Logged out time ticks down half as fast. 

Completing different tasks through mini-game UI's would reduce prison time and would also give logged-in users something to do as opposed to watching Netflix on their second monitor. These tasks could include:

  • Collecting litter - Walk around the open prison area, empty trash cans and take the bag to a recycling center at the other end of the prison, rewarded per item dropped off.
  • Cleaning cells - Walk around each cell and use a command to put you in a mop animation, empty and refill your mop bucket in a mainetance cupboard, rewarded per mop bucket refilled.
  • Mining - Speaks for itself
  • Cutting trees - Same as the existing lumber job at Mount Chiliad, rewarded per item dropped off.
  • Painting - Walk around different areas of the prison and touch up the paintwork in corridors, just trigger a suitable animation against a wall, rewarded per animation.
  • Crafting clothes/shoes - Collect materials from one end of the prison, take them elsewhere, sew the clothes together and then drop them off somewhere else, rewarded per item crafted.
  • Playing chess - Chess minigame, rewarded for time spent playing (maybe a bit more for winning?).
  • Playing poker - Same script as tequila-la-la, rewarded for time spent playing (maybe a bit more for winning?).
  • Repairing DOC vehicles - Same script as mechanic shop, per repair you get reward (wouldn't necessarily have to be vehicles that are being used, could just spawn them in for RP sakes, i.e. service & MOT)
  • Cooking food - Collect materials from one end of the kitchen, take them elsewhere, cook the ingredients together and then drop them off somewhere else, rewarded per item crafted.

None of the above tasks would necessarily bring about a resulting item or monetary reward but it just gives people something to do and communicate over. Even fun social games such as chess or poker could provide reduced jailtime as it would incentivise players to engage with one-another rather than isolate themselves. At the end of the day the purpose of the game is to bring enjoyment to player and in its current state prison does not do that to any extent. 

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17 hours ago, Jorge Compass said:

Due to the lack of current RP in DOC, +1

Personally I disagree with this. Lack of RP can be said for the whole server, it's your own fault if you just want to tab out and watch Netflix for the duration of your sentence. As an ex DOC guard, and a current MSI, I've realized that inside DOC, you need to make up your own RP if you want it. There has been suggestions about improving DOC and giving inmates something to do by themselves, which I do agree with. There's not much to do inside, but if you want to do something, you have to make it up.
RP is not gonna come flying your way.

For the offline time being served, I think that DOC has already been taken to a point where it's near the bottom. A compromise could be this:


12 hours ago, IAmTurtle said:

A possible solution could be removing the cap. And after 50% of your jail time being served you can have time go down at half speed while playing on an alt and 1/4 of the original speed when you are completely offline. Thus giving some rp in doc but allowing people to have the option to do some of that time out side of DOC and develop another character or force people not to play for a day or two if they do not want to sit in doc.


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My main complaint with the 2 hour cap in the past was that a person could shoot ten cops and then be around 2 hours later. 

Since the cap was raised a lot, I agree that doing the time offline is not an issue. That character is taken out of 'circulation' for a decent amount of time.

There are no downsides to this. The people that wish to heavily immerse themselves into prison life, they can still do this, no one is forcing them to log off. The only thing this will change is people that will stay in prison will actually want to be there, and provide good RP.

You will not get better RP by forcing people that don't want to be there, to be there. All you will get is people tabbed out or super aggressive because they are frustrated.


Everyone that is saying -1 because you believe this will 'kill DOC' do you really believe it would be better to have 10 people there that don't want to be there, at an OOC level or would you rather have 2 people that are choosing to stay there? Which group will provide you with better RP and less OOC grief?

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1 minute ago, Vixxey said:

If nothing is going to be changed, I say remove the 'you can't force your own death rule' and have people kill themselves before getting arrested to avoid the jail time punishment! My friends, join me in this #KILLYOURSELFTOAVOIDJAIL movement!

yeah if the injury is bad enough for death then it should be allowed for death RP I don't see why not.

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5 hours ago, RishabJaiswal said:

Don't do crimes, if you wanna do crime then plan it out, so you don't get caught.

If police is chasing, why running away? Surrender because you can tabout to watch Netflix. -_- log back in again commit crime again, surrender and continue with your series. Borrinnngggg

U serious?

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2 minutes ago, lSpixsy said:

U serious?

Plan your crimes. Like disposing of dead body after murder because we know it will despawn. Robbing without getting caught. If you know there is nothing to lose when caught then you will just go and do anything you want and then after getting caught you logout. It is unfair, doing crime and not getting punishment

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5 hours ago, RishabJaiswal said:

Don't do crimes, if you wanna do crime then plan it out, so you don't get caught.

If police is chasing, why running away? Surrender because you can tabout to watch Netflix. -_- log back in again commit crime again, surrender and continue with your series. Borrinnngggg!!!!

can't really help it when I log in go 85 then get pulled over and searched by cops, Sure thing let me just take an hour to plan out which routes I'm going to take with the GTA map before I log in so I don't get pulled over

Edited by paroshh
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4 minutes ago, RishabJaiswal said:

Plan your crimes. Like disposing of dead body after murder because we know it will despawn. Robbing without getting caught. If you know there is nothing to lose when caught then you will just go and do anything you want and then after getting caught you logout. It is unfair, doing crime and not getting punishment

Aight lemme try to explain it so that it actually does make some form of sense, cause seems like you dont really know what being a criminal can feel like & I assume you're fairly new here. Basically there is a difference between playing a game and having it be fully real life. When we go around and do criminal stuff, then we do it cause we find it enjoyable & fun! If PD sees this then we can get so long in prison solely for having fun, this is why this addition would be so great. Currently in DOC there aint anything to do so this would be a great solution.

This means we can go make some coffee, play a different game & basically take a break until our time is up. It wont add to more crime cause the time still has to be done. It'll solely just add a new and easier way to get the "game" & "fun" feeling implemented more.

Hopefully this makes sense, cause in the end all we wanna do is have a fun time & DOC simply just feels like an OOC punishment where we're forced to stand afk for having fun in a video game !

Edited by Emptee
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+1. This wont even change a thing in terms of RP in DOC. What difference does it make if someone is tabbed out or logged out completely. If someone doesnt want to RP inside DOC, they shouldnt be forced to be logged in to do their time because they would just tab out regardless. Therefore, the argument that it will kill DOC doesnt make sense since at least the people who are still actually logged in want to RP in some way, instead of having 20 prisoners ((TABBED OUT)).

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How could you even -1 this? People have real lives, jobs, families. Understandably, some people do not have this, and, therefore, wish to enjoy their time sitting AFK in a roleplay cell. However, at least the vast majority of people playing this server have alternative events to do.


On 7/11/2022 at 6:58 PM, KocKo said:

Personally I disagree with this. Lack of RP can be said for the whole server, it's your own fault if you just want to tab out and watch Netflix for the duration of your sentence.

 Bro no one wants to sit inside a cell for 9 hours roleplaying. Its so stupid that it has been kept like this. 


We all know DOC needs an update, but the devs have become lazy with all their money they make, and have let the server go. The least they could do is implement some sort of last update for DOC...

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Yes DOC is very boring and if nothing else is done either ICly or OOCly to improve it's quality i'll say +1 for this. 

Before i resigned from the faction i brought up the implementation of a schedule for the inmates to follow throughout the IC day to add RP (Gym time, lunch time, yard time, ect. ect. like a normal prison) however i'm not sure if that's gone anywhere. 

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