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Offline Jail Time

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Allow the jail time to go down while a player is offline.


We have to remember that people play this game to have fun and some will play to escape things happening IRL. It doesn't effect anyone if people can logout, go to sleep, work or anything else while their character is in jail.



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It should only work like that while the player is on a different character and not if fully offline, that's so bad. You say there's nothing to do in DOC, agree with you, but you definitely have other things to do on a different character. This makes us roleplayers develop multiple characters further.

I personally don't care to be honest and know that this isn't DOC (the faction's) fault so +1 anyway.

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-1. This is going to kill doc even harder than it already is. 


A possible solution could be removing the cap. And after 50% of your jail time being served you can have time go down at half speed while playing on an alt and 1/4 of the original speed when you are completely offline. Thus giving some rp in doc but allowing people to have the option to do some of that time out side of DOC and develop another character or force people not to play for a day or two if they do not want to sit in doc.

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7 hours ago, IAmTurtle said:

-1. This is going to kill doc even harder than it already is. 


A possible solution could be removing the cap. And after 50% of your jail time being served you can have time go down at half speed while playing on an alt and 1/4 of the original speed when you are completely offline. Thus giving some rp in doc but allowing people to have the option to do some of that time out side of DOC and develop another character or force people not to play for a day or two if they do not want to sit in doc.

Killing DOC is not a reason for the other 80% of the server to be forced in AFK timer lmao or lets call it Netflix marathon 

The server is very grind base regarding money , might as well make the fines x5 x10 and make the prison time offline or 80% reduced 🙂


Having 40 people in DOC afking , and other 60 cooking drugs is the reason that at 250+ players is no one on the street is not hard to agree that PD/SD need criminals to interact with and that is not doable as long as they are stuck in DOC. 

If everyone wants to argue that they see those 250 players driving or interacting in the city feel free but make sure you put at least 10 different Pov`s of it to make it genuine 

Edited by WindEZ
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God bless your soul @HobGoblin

Hi @IAmTurtle,

After being a full-time criminal for 2 years now, I can say I have never experienced much roleplay from DOC and there's no one to blame for it. There's limitations such as we cannot perform prison breaks or any hostage taking. All the time people who go to prison are instantly tabbed out. 

Now for example I work 8 hours day in real life, I'm not here to join the server afterwards and tabbing out, we are here to have fun and enjoy ourselves. Now you could say the simple term "don't get caught lackin" but if you are not the top of the chain of being a criminal you wouldn't understand how hard for some of us to stay low profile and most of the time we cannot even turn our phone on to interact with others. But let's not go off-topic and stick to the main context of prison time can be served OOCly, which I heavily vouch.

One simple thing to understand about it, if people are logging in to serve their time to TAB OUT OF THE GAME, then clearly something is wrong.

Edited by PhenomenalX
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I would like to say myself that the prison system on this server has to be one of the worst parts of it. How can being put in an AFK timer for 5 hours be considered good RP at all? It's not like we have good RP to do in prison, we're literally still waiting for the prices of the things in the store in DOC to be changed from when burgershot got added and ruined the prices. Now I understand that IC actions have IC consequences, but it feels more like an OOC punishment than anything. By letting us serve a hefty sentence while not being online is beneficial to the server's integrity in my opinion. Criminals will be less scared to commit crimes that would put them away for hours upon end. There'll arguably be more people in DOC in general if people are less scared to commit crimes. LEOs will have more RP opps.

I do understand the downside of making it potentially killing DOC though, but this can easily be fixed by implementing a feature of letting your sentence time reduce quicker while you are logged in, but still allowing for your sentence time to go down while you are offline at a reduced rate.

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+1 but it would need to be balanced as I get peoples points about it ruining any DOC rp.

An example would be that when logged off, the jail time goes down at 25% of real time and or it stops going down once you are left with 1 hour or 30 minutes for example, in my opinion this would encourage people to actively rp for that final hour rather than just tabbing out for a full 5 hour sentence only to tab in for afk math. 

Other alternatives could be to give more tasks in DOC to allow you to reduce time, for example, cleaning dishes, sweeping the cells anything along the lines of this. Once a task is completed, a certain amount of time is taken off your jail time automatically. DOC could control who could or couldn’t do this based off good behaviour. In my opinion this would encourage people to rp with doc more and not only that but build good relations with them instead of just “fuck the guards!! Let’s riot!!” 

like Samuel said, this is a game after all and personally, working 10 hours a day, coming home and having to essentially afk for 5 hours in DOC is just demotivating. I do think a good middle ground can be found to benefit both DOC and Criminals. 

Edited by STE
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I think it’s time this drastically changes as it has been suggested for years and no decent action has been taken

DOC officers do a good job of RPING to the best of their abilities but the environment in which DOC is in it is simply just a painful place to be for longer than 2 hours 

I have been in DOC over 100+ times and it just feels like a way to heavy of a punishment sometimes. 

@IAmTurtle I PERSONALLY don’t think DOC is dead, nobody is in the mood to RP after being in a cell for 3 hours, with little to no incentive inside the place to warrant good rp

in my honest opinion a 2 hour cap should be put in place

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5 minutes ago, skeletee said:

-1 Personally, I would rather more script support and updates added to DOC, rather than changes to DOC fines and times.

I think down the line this is something @Chunder is going to be absolutely instrumental in. That being said, right now something has to happen. If I was a New Player nowadays and I got 3-5 hours in prison on an RP server I would be severely demotivated to log back in ever again. @WindEZ Is right having people sitting in DOC tabbed out watching netflix and people holed up in properties cooking impacts how many people are out and about actively Rping. 

+1 From me tbh.

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Big -1

If tabbing out will be option then what is the difference between committing crime IC and getting suspended from server. In both you can't login until your time of punishment is served. Then remove DOC and imply suspension of that character, whoever gets caught won't be able to login through that character.

If there will be offline jail time then people will not be scared of punishment, which will surely boost crimes in city, i.e., murder/crime, get caught/surrender, go offline, come back online, go kill 2 more people, get caught/surrender, go offline, come online, repeat. It will ruin every other rp and it will also spoil criminal RP. This suggestion is going to make criminal RP boring.

Plus I have went to jail for murder and was caught with human meat, and the time I served there was too much. Now when I do crimes I plan my escape also using a team and brain. What's the fun of crime rp if you are not afraid of jail time?

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25 minutes ago, Eoghan_Macc said:

I think down the line this is something @Chunder is going to be absolutely instrumental in. That being said, right now something has to happen. If I was a New Player nowadays and I got 3-5 hours in prison on an RP server I would be severely demotivated to log back in ever again. @WindEZ Is right having people sitting in DOC tabbed out watching netflix and people holed up in properties cooking impacts how many people are out and about actively Rping. 

+1 From me tbh.

Don't do crimes, if you wanna do crime then plan it out, so you don't get caught.

If police is chasing, why running away? Surrender because you can tabout to watch Netflix. -_- log back in again commit crime again, surrender and continue with your series. Borrinnngggg!!!!

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6 minutes ago, RishabJaiswal said:

If there will be offline jail time then people will not be scared of punishment, which will surely boost crimes in city, i.e., murder/crime, get caught/surrender, go offline, come back online, go kill 2 more people, get caught/surrender, go offline, come online, repeat. It will ruin every other rp and it will also spoil criminal RP. This suggestion is going to make criminal RP boring.

Criminal Rp Right is doing something risky for an hour, getting caught and serving one and a half to five hours in DOC, where new players you kill after asking you for your stamps run out of the cell they just spawned from asking you to kiss them. 

The server needs more activity and action and big scenes, this suggestion was made by a GFU member (Meaning he cant have an active criminal) and I see other members of his division in PD saying the same exact thing on this thread. The length of prison sentences and the fact that there is absolutely no way of shortening them or making them less painful to bear is the reason why criminal roleplay is already boring. 


10 minutes ago, RishabJaiswal said:

Don't do crimes, if you wanna do crime then plan it out, so you don't get caught.

If police is chasing, why running away? Surrender because you can tabout to watch Netflix. -_- log back in again commit crime again, surrender and continue with your series. Borrinnngggg!!!!

As for this? Ill make sure its all planned out in future thanks for the insight bud.

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Referring to the main points brought up by the other comments, while I do think that the jail cap shall not be reduced in order to be an active deterrent for crims to stop going on a killing spree with cops and whatnot, the prison time offline would aid what I think stands in the main issues within the processing phase and in DOC itself.


I personally work 10 hours a day as well, I have been on both sides of those endless scenes where it can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour or more before the /prison command is done, and I believe that the sentence time should start running down from the moment that charges are pressed in cases where even solely the combo between Felony Evading + Illegal Firearm + Resisting arrest/face concealment or FPE gets you three hours in DOC, punishing in particular those people that have not that much time on their hands to actively serve the sentence. If this could be served even offline, slowed down to 25% irl time, there would be a sort of middle ground to both issues.


From the moment you step in DOC, in all the times I've been there, there is simply not enough people and/or guards that are willing to interact with you other than the occasional screaming guy that tries to DM you or people tabbed out in a cell (mea culpa as well). DOC guards will argue "We have our own rp to do, it's maintenance, training" and all those pretty stuff, but what really needs to be focused on is the actual interactions with the prisoners. I'm sorry, but I do not think that this is something that would be solved with more script support.

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