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Everything posted by Requiem

  1. I agree that if someone is doing nothing but being hateful on an OOC level, then its a problem. If its kept IC and they have no ill intent behind it, and its just for RP, I don't feel we should restrict speech any further. We don't want to have people fearful of what they can and can't say while playing having them scared of catching a punishment for something they didn't even feel was negative in any manner. Anyone can find almost anything offensive in some way, and the line has to be drawn somewhere to keep it fair for everyone. If someone says something you feel is offensive, then kindly PM them and ask them not to talk about that any further. If they continue after that, staff can intervene and deal with it appropriately.
  2. Sorry but I cannot see this going well if it was implemented. I feel as though it would be used to troll and create poor RP scenarios...additionally, this seems like built in Powergaming...stealing from someone else without permission or their involvement at all. It takes away from RP, not adds to it, so I don't feel this would be good to add.
  3. I see no reason why this would be a problem...makes sense to me!
  4. I was playing last night and myself and one other PD unit were covering the entire city by ourselves and in addition there was no MD, so we were covering medical calls on top of that. This wasn't at 3:00AM either....this was about 11:00PM UTC...
  5. You can hand things out the window while driving. Criminals do it all the time with bags or guns while evading police.
  6. A couple of issue I see with your suggestion. First off, even if it took several seconds to lock your car, it can just be locked before getting out, so when you do get out, its already locked anyways and this change would be pointless. Secondly, you seem to have a very specific example given here...the health and betterment of the player base and server should be thought of as the priority and not just rhetorical examples. I believe that if all players had to wait to lock their vehicles, the number of instances where someone just runs over to someone else's car after its unlocked or someone gets out and the car just gets stolen will go up dramatically and cause a higher rate of NRP rule breaks and be largely negative for the server. Overall, due to the above reasons, I have to disagree overall with suggestion.
  7. I think you should view this from a server health perspective rather than your own personal experiences. It would be very unhealthy for the server to limit players' freedom to RP how they wish or join certain groups.
  8. The police in the field are monitored by supervisory units and direct which situations for them to attend. If 10+ units are chasing one car, then thats less police to respond to other situations and criminals get a free escape elsewhere, obviously causing problems for the city. I can assure you that if for some reason 10+ police are chasing a warrener, a supervisor will clear them off it and direct them elsewhere. You may feel that certain response is excessive, but you might not understand the other side either though. What if only 1 unit showed up to a store robbery and 6 armed robbers ran out of the store and shot and killed the officer(s)? I can see from your side and limited experience on the server how some of these situations can be frustrating. I would recommend each of you make a legal character and join one of Law Enforcement factions and get a feel for what its like. I have seen many examples of long time criminals on the server having similar experiences or opinions as yourself, but eventually made a law enforcement character and were able to gather a better understanding of both sides.
  9. Prison times have already been reduced several times AND caps added in place. The recent gun changes reduced time even more. If you get caught with an illegal .50, its only 30 minutes instead of 60. How much more do you want?
  10. Unfortunately not. The only way to obtain it is from other players or from getting it at the pre-defined locations.
  11. This has been a suggestion several times in the past, and I think the primary hesitation with implementing this is that people could find out who sent them /badrp and have OOC resentment for it, potentially creating toxicity in the community. If someone sends you /badrp for example, you can review your panel and depending on when it was sent and the feedback given, you could most often narrow down who sent it, depending on who you interacted with during the play session. Some people take criticism well, others do not. Some people may take the feedback the wrong way and have OOC issues with what was said, or maybe someone who provides /badrp with negative emotions at the time rather than being reasonable may write things that are overly harsh because they are worked up at the time and create OOC issues.
  12. This sounds like technical issues with your game(s) or PCs. I would recommend going to the ECRP discord in the technical support section and make a post so someone can assist you there. One thing I would recommend you do for your settings is turn your extended distance scaling down to 0 in the advanced graphics settings. This is one of the settings that effects game performance more than most others and causes a lot of crashes when your PC tries to render in many assets at once.
  13. You can simply correct the mistakes you made and just alter existing answers. No need to rewrite the whole thing. It just needs to be known you understand all the rules and will provide positive roleplay to the server.
  14. I would say +1 to the concept of the suggestion, but the issue with this is that LSC is already struggling for employees on duty as it is. This would only further spread mechanics thin and make things more difficult for the server.
  15. +1 to the suggestion. I think this should be combined with the IRS suggestion as well.
  16. I agree with the concept. It doesn't seem realistic that after you get stabilized, you can sit forever and not die, after having been turned into swiss cheese with GSWs. However, on the flipside, some scenes have a lot of injured people after large shootouts, and there is a lot of RP to be done. Each one of them has to be treated, cuffed, searched, ID'd, etc. You could always continue to RP with medics after being stabilized. Even if the medic previously finished RP, you could hit them with an /ldo that you started bleeding again or are having some kind of complications.
  17. There is an IC property advertisement/marketplace section on the forums here you can take a look at for an idea on properties and prices. Additionally, you can look at gov.eclipse-rp.net at the public government sections for an idea of business licensing, prices and how all that works. All the information you are asking for as far as specifics though needs to be found out through in character methods Best of luck to you
  18. Gotta disagree with you there. This would be abused. You would get 10 man groups going in and robbing a store just to get more cash. It would create unrealistic and abusable scenarios.
  19. Or more recently, if its during the night shift, there have literally been only 1 or 2 PD on shift for hours. They are the only unit around to respond to all calls coming in. I can attest to this as last night that was me.
  20. I like the concept behind your suggestion, but the issue is in their current state, these could be abused. When you place a cone down, it is a hard stuck object that cannot be moved or broken, so someone could put them down in the road and use them to block people in or as barricades to stop a car chase. Development would have to be done to change this interaction for this to work.
  21. I personally have been enjoying the fact that since the introduction of NPC car chopping, cars can be left places without being stolen or broken into every 10 seconds. I feel this would be taking a step backwards towards that again, so -1 due to that issue.
  22. This could be pursued ICly. Use the CB radio to call out a radio freq to use for all truckers for example. Or put out a weazel ad to promote it. Lots of ways to make a movement happen and establish your own truckers frequency.
  23. From a script perspective, it MAY be possible if you stream the radio broadcast over youtube and then people use carURL command to listen that way, but I am not sure if there is an issue with playing a live stream over /carlURL as I have never tried. For the rest of it such as starting a radio station in game and the business perspective, all that is to be done IC. You can talk to the government in game to figure out how to start a business and get a property, etc. EDIT: I have been told its NOT possible to listen to a livestream...so thats out the window. You COULD still pre-record it and upload it to youtube though and it could be listened to on /carURL if its under 10 minutes.
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