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Everything posted by Requiem

  1. +1 Just makes logical sense.
  2. +1 on this... no reason not to do the same for other store UI's as a QoL change...if someone wants to buy 10 waters from a store...allow a buy x quantity. 30 Lockpicks? same deal.
  3. +1 I have been apart of the LSPD faction for over a year and can attest I have never seen anyone create RP opps when their sole purpose for coming to Mission Row was to pay tickets (other than them parking incorrectly or something along those lines and an officer taking 5 seconds to get after them to move their car). I don't see any impact to RP by implementing this. If there are those that are still concerned about impacting RP tho, at the very least, just add a spot to pay tickets directly at the impound lot booth. That will make everyone happier.
  4. +1 This kind of update would be massive for the server as the lack of DOC RP opps is probably the most talked about (and agreed upon) issue on the forums...something needs to be done.
  5. +1. There is no reason fridges should be so small, especially as necessary as they are now.
  6. +1 to the suggestion as it would be a great QoL improvement, but I foresee big dev time to make it happen, and I think there are other things that should/will get worked on first as higher priority (DOC UPDATE!).
  7. If you would like one side to go off realism, then the other side should to for consistency. You ever see an entire city of people ignore all traffic lights/laws, all drive sports cars/bikes and consistently drive 200+ everywhere they go? More than likely the answer is no. Law enforcement is not a proactive faction, they are reactive. If every criminal they come up against is evading on a high speed motorcycle or sports car, PD works with the government to obtain one to deal with them, as they cannot just let the criminals do whatever they please. As for your comment regarding the number of units at a traffic stop or pursuit, that is all dictated by IC protocols within PD. If PD pulls someone over that tends to evade 90% of the time, then we make sure to get multiple backup units and the appropriate response vehicles to deal with it. As I said, its reactionary response. If someone that PD has never seen before gets pulled over and they have a fairly clean record, then no backup is asked for. I agree it should be fair for both sides as well. But do you think its fun for PD to see criminals drive by going 200+ in the city on drags/shinobis non-stop and have 0 chance to do anything about it? Deployment of the high speed resources is strictly limited for a reason. PD cannot just patrol around in a high speed car or bike for no reason. Lastly, to your original point about realism...do you think it would be realistic for criminals to be stronger than law enforcement? Have the whole city run by gangs and PD would be powerless to stop them because they have less firepower, less resources, less equipment? Its not realistic in any sense to have criminals overtake the city and to just have it fall and burn because law enforcement cannot do anything about it.
  8. Gonna have to be -1, and I will tell you why. I think there would be issues with this currently as the system uses packed cash for money laundering of stolen money from stores or banks for faction influence for crims. If people could pack their own cash, then it would disrupt the way the system currently works. Additionally, for the Law enforcement side of things, it would make it nearly impossible to catch store/bank robbers. Currently if law enforcement catches someone with packed cash on them, they can be certain that it was stolen from a store or bank or ATM. If people could pack it themselves, everyone could just have some just to hide the fact they robbed stores or banks, and currently there are not enough server side tools to for law enforcement investigation to support finding out whether the cash was legally or illegally obtained. Lastly, this would require extra developer work/support. I would personally rather that dev time be spent on much higher priority things such as extra criminal content, clothing/uniform updates for jobs, or a DOC rework!
  9. -1 I like the logic of the suggestion, but it hinders roleplay. I feel the reasoning behind the current setup of the injured system is to always allow proper medical roleplay to occur regardless of injuries. If there was more script involved in the medical treatment process, I would support this suggestion to make injuries and bleeding out more realistic. Because most of the medical treatment is done via text RP with /me and /do, then just a single command input, I think its important we allow that RP to occur and don't take that from players. Some people might not like medical RP, but other like the RP opps it presents. Making it so people die faster will just take away from the MD faction's opportunities, and some players that want to medical RP, and encourage more PD vs Crim shootouts so they can die to get away from charges.
  10. I agree with everything here. Additionally, the advertisement of the coroner job needs to be better. Many players don't know it exists or how to contact a coroner if they find a body.
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