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Everything posted by Requiem

  1. I think a list of "approved mod" should be given that improve the sound effects but don't give the advantages everyone is concerned about rather than outright banning gunshot sound mods.
  2. Agreed with the comment above that its likely a GTA game mechanic problem. +1 for the seatbelts though. That should be a thing and if you take the extra time to use the command and actually put a seatbelt on, it should help prevent being ejected from the vehicle and taking that extra damage.
  3. +1 I don't see any reason this shouldn't be implemented.
  4. As others have mentioned, Legal Factions do not use Teamspeak to avoid the issues of in game VOIP. We still have plenty of issues with VOIP while on duty and there are many times where this has caused us some of the same pain points. When using teamspeak, it is still regulated and it is considered Metagaming to use teamspeak for IC means and not also be speaking using in game voip at the same time so other players can hear what is being said on the "tac radio". As mentioned as well, LEOs are not indefinitely siting in TAC waiting for situations to occur. TAC is only utilized for situations requiring it, and as soon as the situation concludes, TAC is closed out and we go back to normal in game radio. The primary issue is the lack of a dispatch system as Valor mentioned, and the incapability to utilize more than one radio channel at once which is why Teamspeak is required.
  5. I am in the middle on this one. I agree with the OP as it doesn't seem realistic that someone gets to just pull a gun and get everything they want and the other side gets no room to react in any way. It creates one sided RP scenarios and it ruins the experience for one side. Rules and the foundations of the server should set RP situations up in a way that promotes creativity and enjoyment for everyone. On the flip side of that coin though, there has to be a way to prevent people from just completely ignoring their character's safety and keep things realistic. If the rules were more loose, everyone would take advantage of it and just say, "my character wasn't scared in this situation" when they go and do nonsense, unrealistic acts. The rules need to be setup in a way that allows creative RP freedom where possible, but also the server staff need to be able to realistically enforce the rules with hard drawn lines so its not always a judgement call... If there was a way of changing the rules to allow more of that freedom, but still prevent the unrealistic behavior due to it being a game, that would be great, but I don't know how that would be done...
  6. I am agreeing with your 2nd point though. Currently, with the system the way it is, the risk is not worth while for criminals. I am suggesting that bank robberies and changed from a server side to make it more interesting RP for both sides.
  7. First off, the OP was regarding non-RP bank robberies, not "how op LEOs are". Its not productive to turn every thread into cops vs crims. Second, to address your points, there are no script cameras for the banks, so there are no cops watching bank cameras. Not sure what you are on about there. Third, you say cops have "an armory in their trunk." I would love for you to find an instance of ANY bank robbery occurring in real life where heavy weaponry and full geared up SWAT teams are not sent to a bank robbery situation in real life. I don't see how you think it would be unrealistic for law enforcement to bring all that gear to a bank robbery situation. The point here is not balance, its quality RP. Is it fun for EITHER side to participate in bank robbery RP where its copy paste every situation of rob the bank in 30-45 seconds with 12 motorcycles and then run out of the bank and drive off with a bunch of fear RP breaches and non-RP when the scout tells everyone cops are almost there? I don't think its fun from a LEO perspective to participate in, and I think most on the crim side would agree that just copy past rob banks with bikes and run just for "the grind" for the packed cash is not good RP either. Instead of just saying -1 and continuing with the poor RP quality and the tedious grind, why not suggest something better to help with the problems you are stating, or at least support the idea of better RP quality? Hostage banks don't have to be the only way it gets done. Why not look at some of the suggestions above regarding adding other elements to the bank robberies to make it more involved and interesting for both sides? And to respond to your point about hostages, I agree with you about getting the hostage, it doesn't make much sense, however, its also not fair for a player that doesn't want to be involved in that kind of stuff to have someone randomly pull up to them while they walk down the street, point a gun at their face and use them as a hostage for the next 2 hours. Gotta think about both sides. As for PD cooperation in hostages, PD is willing to cooperate to some degree with reasonable demands. When you say that you want PD to sit and watch while your guys roll up to the bank in their drag or issi sport and pick up the cash like a pizza delivery guy and drive away for free or you will kill the hostage, that doesn't fly. It obviously depends on who is negotiating with you, but I can say personally, I have done many negotiations, and if the other side asks to let the hostage go and get into a vehicle and leave, I will most often allow it and I will make sure no one shoots at the crims the moment they get in, both for fairness and ICly its against PD policy to shoot at someone that's not posing an active threat. If PD is shooting someone and "cutting the RP short", its not because they don't want to deal with the situation. PD is reactive, not proactive. If the hostage takers are threatening the hostage and escalating the situation, or refusing to reasonably negotiate, then it forces PDs hand to react and take the hostage takers out to save the hostage. This is always saved as a last resort though. To your last point regarding raiding, you likely didn't do a good enough job of covering your tracks to prevent PD from figuring out your involvement in the robbery if this is happening. I very rarely see anyone get raided after a bank robbery situation honestly. Normally, if someone is found to be involved, its just a warrant hunt for the person usually, not raiding their house. Secondly, if you commit serious felonies like bank robbery, you can't expect there to not be any risk or repercussions for your actions. Maybe don't keep all your valuable stuff in one house, or if you have committed a serious crime and have a chance of being raided, then move you stuff and be smarter about it. Some LEOs don't care for hostage situations because it sometimes involve sitting around for 2 hours doing nothing because the only ones RPing at the time are the negotiator and the hostage taker(s). It can get boring for some. Also, there was a time several months back before the rules for hostages were changed that LEOs were dealing with literally 2-3 hostage situations a day, sometimes back to back, and the same RP over and over and over got really worn out. To your second point...not being able to lose police in a chase - gotta say skill issue man, sorry. I addressed the shooting from LEOs in my points above. You cannot expect LEOs to give you everything you want and be invulnerable to anything just cuz you have a hostage. You need to be willing to compromise and negotiate, and if you can't, then its not gonna go your way. You say "perfect bank robbery", but that may be one sided...might only be perfect from your perspective. As for the prison thing, I agree some changes are needed. I don't think just simply reducing prison time is the answer, but I think additional RP capability in DOC is needed so its not as bad to go to DOC. As I mentioned already, lets try and come up with solutions to improve RP at bank robberies that don't always have to involve hostages or 15+ bf400s.
  8. Perhaps instead, scale the size of the incidents or number of incidents occurring based on how many workers or on duty at that time. If the number of works is above a certain threshold, then a new 2nd incident spawns for example, so they could choose which one to go to and if one incident has enough workers, the others could go to the other one. Obviously this has to be limited so there aren't 20 incidents simultaneously around the city, but I don't think there would ever be that many road workers anyways. Also, it may help to rebalance the pay for some of the other freelance jobs to spread players out more so not everyone is doing the same job...
  9. +1 Seems reasonable to me. Don't overdo it as Mikazuki said, but help avoid dead content and add some new RP opps.
  10. The fire extinguisher and the smoke launcher are both invisible and its pretty obnoxious. Would be nice if this buggy behavior could get fixed.
  11. I absolutely agree that the robberies are very poor RP sources currently. There is no interaction between crims and LEOs with these robberies unless someone is caught, and thats just the standard slap them in cuffs and haul them away. No good investigation stuff or RP for crims side. The answer is certainly not to require staff involvement. This would create headaches for everyone involved. I agree with Cyrus Raven's suggestions of adding more script things to do within a bank for BOTH crims and LEOs. Make minigames crims have to complete to be more involved and the better they do at them, the more it holds off the alarms to avoid alerting law enforcement of the robbery. Add more things that LEO's can interact with for evidence for investigation RP and evidence handling such as script CCTV cameras to work with, more things to fingerprint, allow talking with the tellers somehow, etc. I don't think the solution is to give more payout from other areas, as that will just change the "meta" and make robberies more dead content. Why would anyone perform a robbery if there are other easier actions to get the packed cash. I suggest making the bank robberies more involved that require more actions and risk, but bigger payout. Maybe changes the packed money system so its not required for gang turfs and give straight cash but in larger payouts to make the bigger risk factor more rewarding while also solving the "grinding" issue that crims face for money. Not sure what the perfect solution is here, but a change is certainly needed since there is no good RP that comes from robberies as it stands. I am sure that there are a good share of rule break punishments handed out due to store/bank robberies as well on both sides further proving the point this is a lot of poor RP.
  12. -1 The suggestion and several of the comments on this thread are acting as though this is a PVP server and not an RP server. Talking about balance like either side should be able to win a shootout 50/50 is just straight pvp. Go play a FPS is you want that. I have mentioned this before that this server is meant to simulate real life. The portions that are not realistic are balanced out by OOC means. If most criminals in the city drove around in normal vehicles and every other vehicle they evaded in wasn't an Issi Sport, Paragon, or drag, then cops wouldn't need to have high speed cars or bikes. Law enforcement and GOV are reactionary factions. If law enforcement starts seeing shootouts with heavy weaponry consistently every single day, you bet there is going to be a reaction where all LEOs get more heavy weaponry and vehicles to deal with it. As Bunkie mentioned above, there are ways of avoiding cops and getting away with things that don't have to always end in shootouts or huge chases. TL;DR - Don't just think about "how can I always win the shootout or encounter", be creative and find better RP ways to give yourself the advantage. This isn't a PVP server. Lets not ask to make it one.
  13. While I agree with you, I think something like this that completely changes GTA game mechanics and animations would take a VERY long time and a lot of dev work and I would much rather have devs spend their time on more important things that provide more RP opps for the server. -1 from me.
  14. If the driver of your vehicle got shot realistically, you wouldn't just be able to move him while still inside the car and swap seats with him. -1
  15. The phone messages thing I agree with, the vehicle locked status I do not.
  16. This should probably me merged with the other coroner update suggestions already posted +1 tho for sure. Coroner job needs an update badly. Its an important job and has many flaws currently. I think spawning some bodies every once in awhile would be a great idea.
  17. Thanks for the update and insight into the issues you guys work through. I think we all appreciate the hard work you guys put in and no one should take this server for granted.
  18. -1 As mentioned, this is something to petition the government for IC. As for the OOC portion (the empty city streets), the streets are only empty due to server performance issues and allowing more actual players to be on the server concurrently. The streets should still RP wise be treated as if it was a normal city with many civilians.
  19. +1 There is a lot of money in the server and some additional money sink that also improves driving RP would be good. As for the LEO side, I am not sure how to feel about that though. I agree that LEOs are often unrealistic with their driving as well and should have to pay for it in some way also. Only issue is there are things LEOs also use the cruisers for such as training new officers in driving and PIT maneuvers. Also we do training in other areas that require we destroy the tires or practice things that damage the vehicle and this would hinder that RP.
  20. +1 Don't see any downside to this.
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