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Everything posted by Requiem

  1. -1 This will make bad problems worse as stated above by others.
  2. -1 Don't need to create more non-rp scenarios of someone that just gets released from the hospital and decides to run again for no reason. You would realistically be escorted out of a hospital by officers IRL and wouldn't have a chance to run.
  3. +1 This would be really nice.
  4. I will weigh in as someone in PD with 150+ hours as a heli pilot. I can personally say when I fly, I may see someone speeding, but I never use speed alone as a reason to give someone something like reckless operation. I always ensure I see them breaking multiple traffic laws such as speeding + driving in the incorrect lane + illegal u-turns, etc. At that point, I ask for a unit to come and assist and pull the person over. To NOT do so as an officer witnessing a someone endangering the public with the incredibly reckless driving would be NRP from my standpoint. I don't think its fair to ask someone else to avoid certain RP or let people do what they want simply for "fun" or because of game balance, especially when it promotes poor RP from one side. If you are going to drive unlawfully/recklessly through what should be considered a heavily populated city, you should be well prepared for the consequences. Regardless of whether a heli sees you driving like a maniac or you stumble across a ground patrol unit seeing the same behavior, shouldn't have any difference in the outcome. Overall TL;DR -1 to the suggestion. It would be NRP/unrealistic for a LEO to not act on seeing someone driving recklessly. There are already IC factors to consider for issues citations/charges. If it wouldn't stick in court, the charge shouldn't be placed. If an officer is placing citations they shouldn't, they can be IC IA reported for misconduct.
  5. Requiem


    Sounds like you are. If people are rushing banks or fighting outnumbered, thats a rule break problem, not a balance problem. Secondly, I agree with you that some LEOs have a problem with this and need to be calling on SWAT when appropriate more often. It would be better to wait and see what the new gun damage will be after the update before thinking about altering any armor values. Irrelevant and you should know that. There are never more than a dozen PD on at one time at the busiest times, and if there are, its during the time of a supervisor meeting when all the supervisors are tied up and they have to be online. Even when there are quite a few PD online, they are normally split between multiple situations, especially when a bank robbery occurs, and you won't ever have more than 2-4 units at the bank when anything happens, and there will be 12+ crims in the bank with the zerg rush strat on BF400s. So its more like 12v6 against PD in most cases at these banks, and thats usually best case. I didn't say that. You are exaggerating the armor way too heavily. You are also not thinking about all scenarios. You are tunneling on situations where cops outnumber crims, but there are PLENTY of situations where I have seen the inverse, especially when a LEO rolls up to a situation and doesn't have backup and won't have it for several minutes, and by that time can already be dead. What is laughable is that you were in PD and don't understand any of this or see the issue from both sides. I 100% agree with you. Legal factions need illegal and vice versa for proper RP. If you honestly think that the armor values PD has are the reason people are leaving, you are delusional my guy. The finger is being pointed at LEOs for the issues on the crim side and its doing no one any good. Go read this discussion and some of the suggestions on there where the real problems with crim RP is being talked about, all of which I agree with and I believe just as much as everyone else that changes are needed for crims RP and server development focus put on adding more opportunities for illegal factions.
  6. Requiem


    Video game that simulates real life and is balanced as such. You are free to go play the new COD if you just want to shoot and have balance with the opposing side. It's not a joke at all. It doesn't take nearly 15 bullets to eliminate 200 AP and 100 HP. As I have mentioned previously, I have been headshot while wearing SWAT armor and have been taken down in 2 shots, both headshots. So sounds like a skill issue buddy. Secondly, if you make the decision to try to win a gunfight with a SWAT team, you are asking for the 5 hours in DOC. Make better choices. Not everything in this server has to be about gunfights.
  7. Requiem


    Thanks for the insight, but respectfully I can safely say I have more experience with shootouts in PD than you, especially in SWAT where we have different weapons are armor levels. As I already mentioned, there should be clarification from a script side if the people being shot in the head were influenced by being present in a NCZ. There may be something in place that lowers the damage due to this. This isn't an FPS game, its a RP server. If you would like to find an example of some criminals having even a small chance of beating a SWAT team IRL, please be my guest. To make an argument to say we should balance as if its an FPS isn't correct. PD is supposed to be stronger than crims.
  8. I take back my prior statement. I have had multiple issues in that past couple of weeks where I fail when its perfectly in the middle of the green. It won't be on the first couple of hits either, it will be the last 5-10 out of 50 where it fails.
  9. +1 Fix the freelance job issue so that roadworker job isn't the only viable thing and everything else will get better, this included.
  10. To add on to this suggestion, maybe in the future a type of "heist" system like in GTA online could be added where crims could setup a jewelry store robbery, or take down a money transport truck, but it would be a larger scale heist that requires a lot of preplanning and could give opps to both crims and LEOs. Make it high risk but really high reward.
  11. +1 More flexibility of positions in stores overall would be cool. Maybe add more to the store in general, so rather than just putting in an order for restocking, you also have to set it up in the store like "stocking the shelves". Maybe allow a player to work the register rather than just the NPC.
  12. +/- 1 I agree with the idea, but I don't think it will matter at the end of the day. More than likely, if they got added, someone with 40m in the bank that plays once a week would buy it, log on long enough to restock, and log back off as with most other player owned stores in the server. The issues with non-active players owning stores should be addressed first IMO.
  13. +1 As mentioned, no reason for a civilian to have access to bulletproof cars. Restrict these to government VIP's (commissioners) and/or SWAT.
  14. -1 from me. In the current server state, I don't feel this is needed. It already takes quite some time to break into a car now with the new minigame system and player vehicle thefts are way less frequent than they used to be.
  15. The script portion of your suggestion is reasonable, but I believe the rest of your suggestion sounds like it should be an IC thing to be honest. This is something you could recommend to either the police department or the government in character. To the suggestion here tho, the intention of the roadworker job was to have players not only clean up the incident thats blocking traffic, but also set down blockades and traffic markers to self direct traffic so it does not require police intervention. While I like your thinking in giving players more RP opps, most officers likely wouldn't like the idea of doing traffic control on these scenes as they would find it boring. To your point about the script changes, LEO's actually can see these incident calls come in already as it is now. They actually go to the medical/fire department by default from the "dispatch" system in the script, but Law enforcement is able to look in the list of current calls and see those.
  16. I don't think its fair to put down a blanket statement saying LEOs don't want to RP. There are plenty of LEOs that heavily RP and go out of there way to create RP opportunities. You will always come across players who have lower RP standards regardless of they faction or group they may belong to in the server, but that doesn't mean everyone else has the same RP standard. As an LEO myself, I come across crim's everyday that are either doing a bunch of Non RP actions or are just salty with the L, but that doesn't mean all crims show the same level of RP. I have RP'd with some crims that create some great RP opps and are really fun to play with. TL;DR, there will always be people who have lower RP standards, don't sterotype one group unfairly. If you DO have issues with a certain faction's RP, I recommend taking it to that groups faction leader(s) and/or if its a legal faction, take it up with the Legal Faction Management team. Complaining about someones RP on the forums won't get you anywhere.
  17. Date and time (provide timezone): 14/OCT/2022 - 9:45pm UTC Character name: Bill Breacher Issue/bug you are reporting: I went to push a completely stalled/broken warrener out of the road and it went flying into the air along with my character. Expected behavior: The car should just push and not send the character and vehicle 30 feet in the air. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: https://streamable.com/eeplzh Vehicle license plate number*: V3T8ARN2
  18. +1 Would be cool to have functional furniture and customization.
  19. There is another open suggestion to change vehicle storage capacity based on the vehicle size. If thats what this thread is for, I would take your suggestion over to there.
  20. -1 I like the creativity, but its too expensive of an option and no one would realistically carry a laptop around with them soley for group chatting when they have a phone in their pocket.
  21. I think this is what RP is for. Use /me or /do when hiding items other places and RP this with someone who is looking in the vehicle. I can't speak for others, but as a LEO, whenever I search someones vehicle, I always RP getting in and searching around the seats, console area, glovebox, etc.
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