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About Warhaul

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  1. +1 Would be cool to have at some point down the line, I'm a sucker for good gun/car sounds.
  2. Hello everyone, specifically my roadworking companions! As a newer player on the server who makes most of their early money doing roadwork, I believe this change would benefit not only newer but seasoned players as well. As is, mitigating incidents can be a bit frustrating for newer players, as there is no way to tell if someone is already working on a specific aspect of the scene (i.e a barrier or cone), without asking them and getting a response. However, not everyone will actually answer to you, as I found out on my first day. While attempting to clean up a barrier that (unbeknownst to me) a coworker was already removing. I asked him multiple times both through voice and text which barrier he was working on (he was sat between two of them) so that I could work on whichever one he wasn't. When he didn't answer, I picked the one he was facing away from and began dismantling it, only to realize that he had already been working on that one when my action was cancelled. He then immediately began working on the next one, meaning that I was unable to get any work done and therefore not earn my salary. While it is possible in real life to have an asshole coworker who ignores you, you would also be able to tell what they were working on just by looking at it, which is not always possible in-game when people intentionally attempt to mislead you in such a way. My suggestion is to change the mechanic to allow only one person to work on mitigating an incident, so that if John Smith is already cleaning up a particular cone, I would physically not be able to perform the action at the same time, therefore eliminating the issue of someone thinking they are the only one performing the action, only to realize someone else already was and therefore losing out on work. Another solution to this could be to allow more than one person to perform the work, and to speed up the process in relation to the amount of people working on the same incident, and possibly either split the pay equally among them for that object (or not split it and everyone gets the full amount, unless this effects balancing). I believe this would make it easier, more straightforward, and more enjoyable for everyone, especially newer players, who are not aware of this and therefore get screwed out of their salary. TL;DR: Make it so only one person at a time can work on an individual object at roadwork scenes, so that newer players do not get screwed out of salary because someone was already working on mitigating an incident that they were unaware of. Thanks for reading, and I apologize if this has already been suggested, though I did check the suggestions and did not see anything on this specific topic yet. Cheers!
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