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About Purely

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  1. +1 While overall I'd think this is a good idea, I think there should be a 2-stage confirmation or something because as we often find as a whole community typing the correct ID can be interesting sometimes, so I suggest adding a way to confirm the ID you selected is correct before applying the actual rating. Especially when doing a /badrp as it would be unfair if it's incorrectly added to someone else! Edit: This is controlled with the current limited range.
  2. +-0 I think that removing it would not benefit the server, nor do I think it wouldn't take anything away, it shouldn't matter what someone's experience is and if it is affecting people's interactions with others then it would become a problem. What would make the OP believe that someone didn't want to attempt a robbery due to XP? It sounds like a specific scenario that has been described and isn't a common occurrence on the server. But if I saw @hrxvey in a lab I'd 100% still rob him because I know he can't shoot.
  3. -1 I think that this change is positive, and doesn't take away RP as claimed. As for tacking, being in a foot chase has always been rinse and repeat for the past few years. If you're close enough to the LEO - you get tazed, and cuffed, if you're too far then you probably get boxed in and cuffed. Having a different option that allows both sides of a scenario to attempt to outplay each other in a light-hearted and enjoyable way will improve the experience of the player. In addition, the tackling has been used in a fun way already by players, simply to have fun with each other in their own groups, and I'm sure that the rag dolling will be improved, etc. But even as it stands now it's been widely received as fun. For the cuffing, perhaps a small 5% of cuffing RP could be considered interesting. Just yesterday, I was tazed, and by the time I was recovered, somebody typed out "/me attempts to pull her arms to the rear." and I replied, "/me would try and resist." They said "/do How?" and I said, "/do by pulling her arms away". As soon as I typed that out, they took a step back, shot me with a tazer again then repeated their line of roleplay. There is no development there and it doesn't provide a positive experience for me. With this new system, it's going to take a slow, boring, and repetitive situation, which you're probably going to lose as a portion of members in certain factions will taze you until the "/b you can't resist because you've been tazed 3 times" message, to a dynamic, and much quicker (in a good way) situation.
  4. Looks great, can't wait for our characters to meet!
  5. @Osvaldon I did an in-game report, and @Chunder tried as well and had the same issue. It doesn't say tracer in the wheel, just 'No Attachments' or 'Flashlight' when I use that attachment too. It does remove 'normal' ammo when the attachment is used. And prevents me from loading tracer ammo without it fitted. (I have tried closing the game completely and re-opening it, same happens)
  6. Date and time (provide timezone): 1691780200 Character name: Amie_Koal Issue/bug you are reporting: Cannot fire '9mm Rounds' with the tracer modification with a Heavy Pistol, which has the tracer attachment. Expected behavior: The weapon should fire tracer bullets through the gun when ammo is loaded. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: (no ammo shown in top right, and weapon doesn't fire) Vehicle license plate number*:
  7. Hello! I had a brief look through previous suggestions and I didn't see anything about this, so I thought I would put this thought out there! The idea is to treat salary like cash when you have debt owed. What's the issue? When you are in debt after serving time in jail/prison, you are able to put cash into an ATM to begin to pay off your debt, 50% of the total amount of cash that you deposit will go toward your debt payoff, and the remaining 50% goes into your normal bank, allowing you to use the funds. However, salary is different when you attempt to claim it while in debt, as 100% of your salary goes toward paying off the debt you owe. If you do have more in your salary than what your debt total is then you'll receive the remainder to your bank. Now, if you are someone who has stacked up a lot of debt due to mischief through large scale crimes, numerous tickets or whatever your situation maybe, you could be in an extremely large amount of debt. If you wished to turn a new leaf and start doing freelance work, or working under a legal faction, all of the money that is earned into your salary is completely thrown at the debt pile and you receive 0% to use. This becomes an issue when, over the course of your debt pay off, you cannot afford simple items, like food, drink and clothing. Which can severely impact a character's ability to function in the city. What could be done? I think that a solution to this is to allow the same ruling of inputting cash into an ATM, with its 50% to debt, 50% to bank ratio and applying it to salary too would benefit the server in a small way. It makes sense as being in that much debt that you can not physically gain access to food without begging and pleading for bank transfers and cash donations. Let me know what you think of this idea!
  8. -1 I'm kinda against this, simply because of the 'discussing' charges side of things. Saying that you'll be in prison for an hour and a half for murder just sounds stupid, referring to it as 90 months feels more of a grand timescale. Saying months really doesn't bother me, and assists with immersion of conversations, so in my opinion there isn't a reason to change it. The format here: doesn't match the IC penal code's timescale, so perhaps this could all be clarified to sync with each other.
  9. AMAZING I'm with @QuirkyMayhem, I want in RP Criminals >
  10. -/+1 I love fishing upgrade! But I think there should be different fish being able to be caught all over the place, and rods for different prices which have higher chance of catching better fish.
  11. Hello! I am a huge fan of the genre of RP, it is been really fun to immersive myself into all sorts of situations in my time on the server, however something has bugged me for a very long time now, and it's uncapped hours for legal jobs. Now this may lead to IC effects, however from an OOC perspective I'd like to see how people would view this suggestion. If you aren't aware, most legal jobs require people to be on faction duty for over a certain period of time. But there is no cap. In the real world, employers won't allow people to work over time due to local laws, and other things like budget. So why do we here? I would propose a maximum cap be flexible from department to department, perhaps maximum of 50 hours per week, for example. This idea is to make it so that there is a limit for the amount of time people will be allowed to be on duty for, or at least paid for, hear are the benefits and drawbacks; Pros; - Less grinding mindset from Legal players. (People complain about criminals grinding for money, why should legals be treated differently.) - Encourage players to play their characters off duty, actually bringing their character to life, as oppose to sleeping in the PD locker room. - OOC health benefits, spending 10+ hours a day behind a computer screen isn't too great for health, I'm not your mother but I wouldn't say it was a con. - Prioritise RP over Time. Players who are on duty for 100 hours in a week, how much of that is interacting with others, developing your character. Less is more. Cons; - People will take longer to save up money for homes, vehicles and other assests. - People who really don't want to roleplay outside of their job, and don't want to develop their character outside of their faction will lose the chance to earn more money from their hours. I'd love to hear feedback on this!
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