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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Dumpster diving could be super cool if you think about it: A hance to get some random food or clothes or misc items with like a rare chance at a speaker or something that can be pawned. But then think if it was an inventory you can put stuff in also, people can use them as trash cans and also criminals could use them to drop things to other players. Huge potential for something relatively small as placing some inventory spots with a bit of scripted behaviour. Even more so if head/senior admins could place them
  2. This extract is taken from Mason Bathshebas private diary. This is a deeply interesting tale of friendship, love, and attempted murder!
  3. Maybe a request basis would work, where the driver requests the passengers current gps target or something then it it open to people to use
  4. On one hand it would be very convenient On the other hand I love making people give me step by step directions and me getting them wrong to fuck with them.
  5. If direct image links (like imgur) could embed into phone and clicked to expand it would be very cool. We used to have working lifeinvader but it kinda died. I think a simpler twitter-like feed would work well though. Clothing and customisation has an update in the works I believe to hopefully come after the gun update. Also I’ll be moving this suggestion into the proper forum
  6. Money laundering through ic businesses could be an actual thing which would be fun
  7. Feel free to bring this up with MD command, ooc ia or LFM, this shouldn’t be happening. It’s the same thing as mentioned above about macros when interacting with people. Getting a stretcher would be allowed with the current rules but not treatment. If you have any examples feel free to send them to me privately.
  8. Just to clarify this, you can use it for some repetitive things. The rules just don’t allow for use of macros when you’re directly interacting with another player such as trying to attack them or take hostage or restrain them. Things such as bodycam, putting on uniform etc can be used with macro as the current rules stand. I believe OPs point is that whilst cuffing someone is interacting with them it’s leaning more towards the repetitive boilerplate style rp so should be allowed. Overall with this suggestion I think the intention behind the rule is to foster fairness between interactions. But it’s a slippery slope if exceptions get made, cuffing first, then searching isn’t much after, then checking license. I feel it’s adequate as we currently handle it personally, but that’s coming from someone who dislikes macro for writing rp so I’m a little biased one way with it.
  9. I’ll sell you the location of the mall for $100,000
  10. looks like a real gangster
  11. Nah it makes sense why you'd think that!
  12. Yeah there's only so much I can tell you OOC, but it's not what you think where one person is reaping the profits from 5 businesses cucking everyone else.
  13. Are you referring to the businesses that can be leased that @pixiejewels is the script owner for? If so, then that was exactly the point, to allow others the chance to run a business a lot easier than people have been able to in the past. Or they may have been siezed from IC government stuff. Either way I'm pretty sure they're not running them as 5 of their own businesses.
  14. I believe @alexalex303 did this? It was pretty cool. Very possible through existing means
  15. I’ll give you 100k for each of them, best offer for a run down motel infested by British hooligans
  16. Ash

    selling 2g

    Whats the address, show some pictures of the inside and outside, "selling 2g" isnt much to go on mate
  17. Masons first reformation meeting Mason went to the prison for his first felon reformation program meeting. Miss KT Shneedor and Courtney with a K were the ones conducting the meeting. One of the questions asked was "What does reformation mean to you?", Masons reply was "g-g-get m-m-me some p-p-paper p-p-please": Then a question later on was "Are you addicted to anything?", after a brief explanation that addiction means something you can't live without Masons response was "G-g-g-get me some m-m-more p-p-paper please". Kourtney had no paper so she dug out some old tax returns from the nearby trashcan: Mason is addicted to Flarg. (and enchantment powder)
  18. Bit if a deviation but you don’t need a gun license to be a civilian roleplayer honestly mate. You can avoid situations where you’d “need” self defence pretty easily in most cases. If you want to continue with your character, having a legal gun shouldn’t be the deciding factor unless it’s preventing you from getting a specific job.
  19. Masons (attempt to) Get Help Mason has had a rough few months, he's been looking for enchantment powder but nobody can source it for him. Every time he leaves his home (the church) he gets arrested for one thing or another. Last time he left he picked up a hitchhiker who turned out to be running on foot from a police officer who Mason just thought was playing tag with him. Through absolutely no fault of Mason's, he got arrested for assisting in the felony evasion. When he was in prison some of the officers told him about the Felon Reformation Program, a SADOC system to help turn criminals lives around. Mason got denied Parole when he was in prison but he does not consider himself a criminal but what other options does he have to stop being bullied every time he goes outside? Can SADOC help Mason where LSSD and LSPD failed him? Mason's Felon Reformation Application
  20. What @Cyrus Raven said is absolutely right. I’d love to encourage people to make more permanent changes to their character and having the balls to end an rp scenario with their character RPly dead. I do think these decisions should be down to the player not their enemies, however.
  21. This kind of used to be a thing but it wasn’t a full kill, it was in faction wars and if someone was a war kill through a similar process you described they’d be effectively unaffiliated and not able to participate in the gang war until conclusion. And once the war had ended they come back NLRd from the conflict. The whole official war thing was removed a while ago for one reason or another I don’t know personally and the war kill system with it. I’m not keen on being able to CK someone without their consent, but I would like to see some form of support for self-ck with approval where an admin would like admin jail you for 99999 or something so that character can’t be played and you’d be able to transfer up to say 50% of your assets to a new character through request. Even that has several flaws though.
  22. Yeah either you were charged correctly, in which case you should pursue icly to get it changed if you disagree with it. or you were charged wrongly, in which case you can pursue various methods to dispute it icly.
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