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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Ash


    Yeah I was the doctor you yelled at yesterday after you were finished talking to them It's just usually this area of the forum is for actual suggestions people have that administrative staff and developers can look over and discuss. So I was just a bit confused as it was more of an essay explaining yourself as opposed to any suggestions. Seems like most of what you are implying you want to do is more of an IC thing, however but good luck with it!
  2. Ash


    I’m confused, what’s the actual suggestion here?
  3. Just to be clear, I'm not saying I disagree with the main point, was just bringing a little clarity to it from what I know as an Admin. The pillbox example was just a close example in which maybe the justification was similar to, not an excuse as to why it happens.
  4. From my knowledge this was allowed by LFM (or senior/head admins, I am not 100% sure) if there are no DOC guards able to hand the inmate over to (after explicitly reaching out multiple times), as inmates wouldn't really be put into the cell by PD/SD. I'm just saying this to make it clear this isn't an issue with a specific persons RP, but the discussion instead should be around this allowance in general. I'd say the nearest similar thing we already have in the server is you being yeeted out of an ambulance into the hospital with an automatic /do and then fully treated if you didn't go for advanced medical RP. I understand and respect the frustrations about previous RP of being noncompliant or taking advantage of an officer in the cell block not being available anymore, however. It's also worth mentioning this has been a thing for quite a while now so the fact you've only just seen it I think is a good indicator of how actually rare of a scenario it is. Maybe @Chunder or Legal Faction Management can clarify some more if there's anything I've missed.
  5. What whole demands thing? Demands alone do not equal DM rights on someone just because you shouted them. It's relevant in the FearRP rule as it states you have to comply when in direct danger but if someone is just yelling demands from far away it effectively means nothing. Well, yes with FearRP if someone has a gun right to you and tells you to do something you should do it. But if you're generally compliant with the orders then you shouldn't be shot or it's DM (unless they have some other justifiable reason to kill you within the DM rule). I do agree with that last bit though, making it a bit more interesting through RP should always be encouraged.
  6. Ash

    fix afkmath

  7. Ash

    Ban evading

    You would have found out what if you appealed instead of evaded the ban though surely? Then you have no right to complain about it really if you won’t use the systems in place for us to handle rulebreakers, we are not mind readers.
  8. You have already put up an event suggestion in the right area to have the event team consider it, we also do use fireworks etc if it fits. I’m not sure for the need of this thread when you already have one up suggesting it in the correct area so I am archiving this.
  9. How would having a wait time increase the time it takes to get to your report? it does work as a queue system currently based on priority and time
  10. I can understand the idea behind that but what would it achieve other than frustration of "ive been waiting X time"? Reports are always taken in order of priority and then the order they came in so if it's not taken it's just that there's others getting handled before you
  11. I do think that people sit at scenes too long for one reason or another when injured. It’s something I try and push often when I see it from the MD standpoint, having more of a sense of urgency to transport the patient to the hospital especially when they’re RPing a more serious injury, regardless of them being “stable”. I do feel, however, like with the suggested solution it would likely just transfer the time on the floor injured to time in the back of a cruiser waiting. I can appreciate the concept of requiring re-stabilising after a while though, but from what I’ve seen from a lot of people at scenes like the one described, many would just neglect to make a fuss over it or make it known they need medical attention and just allow themselves to bleed out. Maybe if there was some indicator even just a passive /me or /ame like “/me would start losing blood and not look too good” once it’s required could be a nice in-between and if there’s not someone available to come back and help them and give attention then rip. This way there could also be diminishing returns the longer it goes on with subsequent periods. Overall, I think the difficulty with this suggestion is whether the point is for more rp/interaction, to allow for deaths, or to reduce waiting time. Someone above mentioned needing blood transfusions or surgery but very VERY few people who rp having serious wounds want to bother with that rp after a fight (but if you do just ooc ask a medic if there’s someone who can facilitate that kind of rp online). I think the idea needs fleshing out some more but I can definitely see benefits to stabilise not being permanent in one form or another.
  12. You’ll have to ask them that in-character or on their form
  13. If you owned it yeah you can place furniture inside and outside it
  14. You can buy the vending machine from the furniture store, as for licenses you’ll have to ask around in-character for that if it’s needed. you can only place vending machines on property you own (business property or house)
  15. Did you type /phone to turn it on
  16. Ash


    I’m broke after giving a homeless man the last of my cash yesterday sorry buddy maybe you could hand draw it for us
  17. Ash


    Fingers crossed you sell it so next time you post an advert you can buy a camera and supply pictures
  18. Ash

    ban appeals

    Appeals are handled on a case by case basis, some are pending senior staff, some are pending head admins, some pending the person who issued the punishment. It’s not that yours is being overlooked, it is likely a specific staff member who is handling it and awaiting their response
  19. You can sell vehicles at the high and low end second hand car dealerships, if you want to take risks by paying cash in hand or doing a trade then you obviously run the risk of being scammed but there’s script ways to do sales safely there You can use the command /transfervehicle to give someone a car
  20. There’s multiple ic avenues you can pursue. I have one character with felonies who now has a legal gun and another with felonies that works at weazel. That being said, the rules behind that stuff are handled IC by the government and/or police. There are several ic things that do exactly this.
  21. Dumpster diving could be super cool if you think about it: A hance to get some random food or clothes or misc items with like a rare chance at a speaker or something that can be pawned. But then think if it was an inventory you can put stuff in also, people can use them as trash cans and also criminals could use them to drop things to other players. Huge potential for something relatively small as placing some inventory spots with a bit of scripted behaviour. Even more so if head/senior admins could place them
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