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Everything posted by Dim

  1. Congrats on official!
  2. It is, your vehicle can either be on the map, impounded or at mors insurance. Ask around ICly how to get your vehicle out of the impound.
  3. Dim

    Repairing Vehicles

    Simple suggestion, at the moment, you can not repair vehicles you do not own even if you have keys to the vehicle. I think that you should be able to go to the mechanic with a vehicle you have keys to and only have the option for a repair, nothing else (paint, performance..) +1 or -1
  4. Im not saying fishing should be an illegal job, im saying it would be cool to have an illegal side of fishing which makes more money.
  5. +1 What do you think about selling fish illegally and legally? I agree we should add more fish with different prices but make some of them illegal such as sharks and whales. What i think is that at some point deep in the ocean there will be illegal fish, like sharks and whales, which sell for more money and are harder to get. And for this you would need a separate fishing drop (like drug drop off) for all the illegal fish you caught.
  6. -1 we need less NCZ's not more
  7. +1, It has happened 3-4 times a day to me, for the past week. Its tiring having to deal with this shit all day, as you mentioned : In my opinion these people aren't even here to RP, they ruin the experience for everyone.
  8. Maybe have a laptop that anyone can buy from grocery stores, a functional laptop with proper websites and stuff, and one of the accessible websites is the black market. Imagine the RP of buying guns, drugs, cars or anything from the black market, imagine buying large quantities of human meet. Would be cool if police would occasionally go undercover on the black market aswell. +1
  9. +1, Especially since there's been this issue where peoples mic's get super loud for no reason, and the mic issue is only in game.
  10. Dim


    Pantos and Shotguns
  11. Dim


    I took it for a quick drive i'm coming back now
  12. Huge +1, i get 3-4 people who combat log every single day and its really getting frustrating. For example yesterday, one of my allies were at chopshop and two people pulled up and just opened fire, when we started chasing them they drove off a mountain into a lake and combat logged, at the same time aswell. We wasted 15 minutes, they came back and logged out the second they saw us, another 15 minutes for one of them to return and then once again combat log. Its so frustrating to have to wait that amount of time but i do it, because they think they just log and boom they think they're good. I don't know why but this is happening to people everyday, especially since there's a lot of new people on the server. Now lets say your wifi does go out, all you have to do is take some evidence, take your phone out and take a video, at least put in a crash report and let the other parties know. Once again +1, some of these people aren't here to RP (I'm not saying all!), they are here to mess around and do whatever they want rule wise and think they can get away. (This is my opinion from my experience)
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