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About Kayta

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  1. I'd like to invite you to try to roleplay as a criminal with one of the organizations you listed, after which you can give your opinion on it thx
  2. I took a break from the server for about a year and when I returned my roleplay experience as a criminal consisted of being stopped while driving at 80 km/h getting cuffed, searched, getting reckless for not stopping at a red light or something petty and having my license suspended for 24 hours Given this it makes sense that there are no longer any gangs on the server and the ones that do exist spend their time fishing or simply driving around even when we attempt to have regular meetings or humorous events we get raided for no reason and good luck getting an explanation why The current state of the server does not allow you to RP as a criminal All I see those days are people logging in to have fun but it ends up getting them eliminated at the DOC for 5 hours or harassed by cops All I see now is that the server is not fair to play at all. I'm not against cops being op but I am against the fact that some cops abusing that power to piss off and harass some other players cause of some ooc hate or something we all know many people take roleplay very seriously and that the saddest part Maybe I went off-topic but that was my point of view. i agree with that +1
  3. also due to the desync it cannot be seen or reached
  4. Contact me #4093262
  5. Looks Nice.. Good Luck!!!!
  6. Kayta


    Wb and Good luck
  7. in my opinion criminal, RP is dead 2 months ago and to be honest, I'm not making fun anymore in the server there is nothing to do as a criminal I join the server drive around for 2/3 hours and leave -Criminal Faction Member Cap: I don't know why gang members should be limited so every gang should kick 20 members for OCC reason why we don't limit PD members they recruiting every week and you need to wait for 1-week max to join them when you spent 3/4 weeks to join an official gang everyone know that PD complain all times about zetas/triads OP the problem is they bait shootouts, lose then complain every single fight when they lose they start chasing arresting us for no reason and you cant do nothing about that if they cant handle 3 gangs they need to stop abusing and let's talk about small gangs who complaining about councils killing small gangs for no reason just for fun I was part of many small gangs before joining triads and never seen zetas/triads pushing a gang to war if leaders cant handle and lead their gangs that's their problem we all know all gangs start with 4/8 members max and they build themselves alone why we should destroy all that for OCC reason I don't want to give the gang name but I know a gang start OCC recruitment and inviting players from the LTU server to come early hours to fight the war and now they complain about the number and recruitment
  8. will miss you guys I spent many good moments with you all
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