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reeceobz last won the day on January 7 2020

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401 Excellent

About reeceobz

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  1. miss you big dawg

  2. happy halloween reece!

  3. reeceobz

    Los Zetas

    A pleasure to be apart of the most influential faction ever to exist on ecrp. Never thought I'd be achieving and experiencing as much as I have done just by simply asking@Rubsmeisterfor a chance to join, From going to war with the entire city and coming out on top to making a plain old store behind bank 'Z Store' making countless interactions a day. Safe to say this faction has had a huge impact on gang life within the server and has set the standard for any upcoming gangs. Such a shame it has to come to a end but can honestly say its been a good run and I've enjoyed the near 2 years I've been here and wouldn't change anything if I had the chance.
  4. +1 if this emote is added back instead
  5. +1 Unless there is a lot more script support added to DOC
  6. could be like the /window system, /seat 1-4
  7. Date and time (provide timezone): 8/6/2020 Character name: Reece Curry Issue/bug you are reporting: Whilst aiming at the banker she dropped to the floor and pressed the alarm. Expected behavior: Put their hands up and wait for gun to be dropped before they drop to the floor. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Aim a gun at the two clerks and begin to pick the door. https://streamable.com/lqymfr
  8. you obviously seen wrong then because I was at this entire scene and the only people who pointed guns at the clerk was the swat that rushed the building..
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