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Everything posted by Rubsmeister

  1. I also like Xoza's idea, another way to make them less static.
  2. The NCZ shouldn't span to the parking lot, absolutely, the size is enormous and pointless. I would go even further (and a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this, which is fine) and say there shouldn't be any NCZ's at all. As mentioned before, it is like a place where you can freely AFK or be a dickhead without any repercussions. The reason people argue for NCZ's and say they promote RP is because "you wouldn't realistically commit a crime there" because of either armed guards or CCTV. How about instead that deterrent is real rather than fake. Instead, I think in certain areas (Like bank or in PD) it should just be a very bad idea to commit crime. If you're going to rob someone at Mission Row, you're most likely going to get arrested by one of the 10 cops that are there. If you're going to walk around with a gun at the bank, a silent alarm might go off and you'll be arrested. This way people wont go AFK and just do dumb shit in NCZ but at the same time you have to think twice about where you commit a crime. Maybe I want to break someone out of PD. Is that a very bad idea? Yes, absolutely. But don't make it impossible for that reason, just make it impossibly hard. Station cadets outside as guards and not just AFK behind the desk, etc. This way people will also stop hanging out at the bank and make their own communities just like what LSC once was and what the Wanted Gas Station is or the Los Zantos behind bank. Yes these areas are relatively safe but peole still have to watch their back and be mindful of what they say.
  3. I like a lot of these suggestions and I think you put forward a very interesting idea. However, I think it's crucial that chopshop and druglab locations are not static, even if there are a load of locations for them. People will always eventually discover these static locations and this will cause the very NonRP we're trying to get rid off in the current druglab system. IE: A civilian could just randomly call police at these druglab locations, police could patrol these locations, etc. I think to make a system like this work you'd have to allow people to find their own locations to hide druglabs and chopshops, preferrably inside enterable buildings. This way the buildings can be locked and guarded so no random people can just enter but at the same time their location can be discovered through thorough detective work via snitches or following gang members that aren't being careful enough. IMO that makes for a much more fair and realistic system. I like all the other suggestions though, great post!
  4. Wish you nothing but the best with the revival of a great concept. If anyone can pull it off its you. Good luck friend!
  5. Maybe I was a little harsh. The core of my point being that no organisation is perfect. I don't appreciate being told my organisation is "run like shit" when I've poured multiple months of playtime in to ensuring there is good RP for my people and the people that are recruited are of good nature and quality. When someone who is not involved in the slightest and has no knowledge of what goes on then goes on and says something like this it pisses me off. Maybe thats my fault for caring too much, but perhaps you can also see where I'm coming from.
  6. A big thing to say for someone who is a leads a faction that is pioneering the worst type of Law Enforcement RP by mostly consisting of people that just want to win and go around patrolling druglabs and chopshops. On top of that I have never seen anyone from SD fear for their life. Your high horse attitude is laughable and horribly ironic. AND you're a staff member. Insane.
  7. Just a suggestion, my guess that this might be because of this bug: The game thinks you are in an NCZ even though you are not, allowing you to keep your items on death.
  8. +1, this server is in dire need for more criminal content. Introducing a risk-reward mechanic to acquire weapons is a great way to give crims something new and interesting to do. As Collie says, this would offer up lots of interesting RP too.
  9. Planning a heist After a few wars and purchasing the store, the Los Zetas needed some additional funding. To finance their heavy weaponry, a big sum of money was needed that could quickly be acquired. After some debating and considering options the leadership of the Los Zetas decided that robbing a small rural bank would be the best cause of action. Specialized vehicles and equipment are needed for a job of this magnitude, so the Los Zetas set out to collect a multitude of vehicles and equipment. A plane was stolen to use as a getaway vehicle A garbage truck was stolen and a money truck transport was hit, all to use as a disguise to avoid suspicion when robbing the bank. Afterwards, all the equipment was safely stored within the headquarters of the operation Now, the Los Zetas lie low as they wait for the heat of hitting the money truck dies down, planning a right date to commence their operation. All the pieces are in place. The crew has been assembled. All they need now is an opportune moment...
  10. So if I'm a bad criminal I should be punished the same way a rulebreaker is punished? This makes no sense. In it's current state I prefer admin jail over DOC, I'd rather get punished for breaking the rules that RP'ing with police and getting caught. The optimal solution in my opinion is not reducing jailtimes but allowing criminals to log off during their sentences. This way there is a serious reason to not commit crimes obviously or think twice about comitting crimes, which is definitely good and adds an RP element, but at the same time the prison sentence isn't stupid and boring, I can just think "well shit, I got caught, I guess I'll have to play something else for now and once I come back I can rethink the way I'm going to commit crimes". This also defeats the issue mentioned earlier, where people do crazy shit once they've reached their cap.
  11. How did I “deserve” to spend 8 hours of my life doing basically nothing? I didn’t commit an actual massacre, this was recorded in a video game. Why should I be punished OOCly for that? Ofcourse I should have gone to jail after what I did because that RPly makes sense but to then make jail excruciatingly bad does not. I am not asking to be teleported back to my house once I get arrested or caught by police, I am just asking to not get punished simply because I choose to play as a criminal that isn’t a little bitch and surrenders at the first sign of trouble
  12. What is the logic behind killing cops? Not wanting to get arrested? This mentality that comes from PD players that if criminals don’t just surrender as soon as they hear sirens it’s “bad RP” has to stop. I am playing the server within the rules and RP’ing as a criminal the way I like too. Don’t like my playstyle/RP? That’s fine. What is ridicolous is that you seem to think it’s normal to get punished OOC’ly for the way my character conducts itself. Let’s see how great you think this prison system is once you actually try playing as a criminal instead of constantly just bashing the way criminals play
  13. Yesterday this happened: https://youtu.be/vfOpQyVJk50 Me and Benjamin got pulled over by police while we happened to have heavies equipped. We tried to play it cool and we RP'd as criminals to the best of our abilities, ultimately deciding that our best chances was to try and attempt a shootout with the first responders. Sadly, didn't end well for us and we got caught. That's fine, part of the experience part of the game. Whats not fine is that once I am brought to DOC I am greeted with this. Not only do I have to spent a wopping 8,8 HOURS at my pc doing basically nothing in DOC, I have also been robbed of 75k by the government. And all this for one shootout. These punishments are very harsh for only one shootout and should definitely be adjusted, so it's gonna be a solid +1 from me. In my opinion, you should either be able to log out during your sentence or their should be a cap at 2 hours. As the system is right now, you are punished more severly for RP'ing as a criminal then breaking the rules, which is absolute insanity
  14. Date and time (provide timezone): 26-7-2019, 18:24 GMT +1 Character name: Zilian Rivera Issue/bug you are reporting: When clicking on the "display markers" button in the druglab menu, the markers do not appear. Expected behavior: When pressing that button white boxes should appear around plantation zones, they are not appearing. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Just press the "Display markers" button in druglabs.
  15. I don't know why you have to be so condescending, no need to be disrespectful. Besides please take the time to actually read what I said. I said challenges are good, a challenge is what makes a game fun. The current system isn't a challenge, it's a chance. It's random, unpredictable and unstoppable. That isn't fun, that is just frustrating. On your second point... I have no idea what you're getting at to be honest with "holding you back". You get to have bullet proof vehicles, police officers have armor that can take an incredible amount of punishment and also the most information resources. In the real world police isn't unstoppable, they don't always win, we don't live in a utopia. Police is corruptable, held back by government funding and so on and so forth. Please tell me why I am wrong but do so in an respectful manner.
  16. I hate this argument for 2 reasons: 1. We're still playing a game. Games are supposed to be fun. If you lose because something you cannot prevent, the game isn't fun. This is something entirely different then it being a difficult challenge to overcome (e.g finding real snitches in your gang) because then the game is fun, it's just challenging. 2. The strength of PD is unrealistic. Incorruptable and unkillable. The LSPD are basically robocops. Just 2 days ago I went to see John Wick 3 (good movie IMO would advise you check it out) and there was this scene with people with heavy body armor, that just stood there reloading while bullets pinged off them and then shot the shit out of anyone shooting at them. It was hilarious, it was meant as unrealistic comedy. This is reality on Eclipse. I can hit a Police Officer with a pistol 10 times and he will not be dead. This does not make for good realism and doesn't make for a fun game either. In short: Sure PD should have the upperhand, they are the state after all. But making it an unstoppable force that all you can do is go out of the way of is just absolutely no fun for anyone involved and is frankly unrealistic.
  17. You raise some very valid points. I agree with you, a price cap is something you rather wouldn't introduce because it takes a part of the server's identity away. However, when it comes to low end houses for instance you can argue that it is a goverment measure to cap the houses at a certain price. Real governments in the real world do this when there is no affordable housing for lower class civilians. In real life (and on Eclipse for that matter) pricecaps deter people from buying low end houses and selling or renting them out for profit. This way everyone will atleast be able to get a simple house. High end houses can be a bragging right so to speak. As for your idea with the money sinks, couldn't agree more. I was having trouble thinking of money sinks that didn't just impact poor players as much as they impacted rich players. One condition does have to be: You can't sell the cosmetics for profit. They have to be a one time investment and that money has to be gone, otherwise the problem is not solved or even amplified. For instance your idea with the golfclub: Make it something you can rent for a certain amount of time. Richer players will be able to rent the golf club and have their bragging rights, but that rent is now gone forever. Thanks for your great ideas!
  18. Players that have been playing for a little while (and especially those that have played for a longer time) will have noticed that prices of finite objects on the server gradually increase. We see this in super cars, houses, stores and heavy weaponry for the time that official criminal factions were disabled. This is only logical: supply stays the same but as the server grows and players make more money, demand increases. This causes inflation, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It happens in most western countries and is actually stimulated because it stimulates economic growth. This however, becomes a very serious problem when the playercount rises quickly, as it has done over the last few months. Houseprices have almost tripled and anyone that isn't part of the top 20 richest players of the server can forget about owning a super car all together. This is especially damaging to newer players who now have to be prepared to pay around 300k for a simple 1 garage home. Richer players with assets only grow exponentially richer. This is troubling, because if this proces continues, inflation will increase faster then players can make money, making it physically impossible for anyone that doesn't own a house yet to ever own one. I personally think that house prices should range between 30k and 2 million, from low end to high end housing. But how do we achieve this? How do we create a level playing field without undoing all the work that people have already done? We can look at how other games handle the same issues. Take OSRS for instance, plagued by Venezualan botters it suffered from serious inflation aswell. To counter this, the developers introduced more money sinks. This brings me to the first part of my suggestion: Money sinks Money sinks are a simple way of taking money out of circulation and causing money to be more finite. Currently, Eclipse only has very few money sinks. Most things either stay level in value or rise in value overtime. To counter this, maintenance costs or taxes of sorts could be introduced. This way, owning a house isn't just straight up making money any more and prices will take a dip as players realise they will need extra money for upkeep. House caps Even with money sinks, the supply of houses is still very low. This will automatically result in high prices. So to make houses more available, the following can be done: Limit the amount of houses a player can own over his whole account (perhaps limit players to owning only 2 houses). This way players are forced to sell their houses when they buy a new one and richer players cannot just hoard houses and wait for the prices to rise. This will increase supply and somewhat lower the price. Constant prices Even with housecaps, the price of houses will still climb as playercounts grow. To counter this, price caps or constant prices can be introduced. This way there is no money to be made in owning a house at all and players will only own houses to use them. This way the developers can also decide what they think is a fair price for housing and keep it at this price. New players will also be able to purchase houses because the prices come down to actually achievable amounts. Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestion. If you have any questions or commentary, please let me know. I am always up for a discussion!
  19. These guys look dangerous
  20. Bearfact #13: A bear fought in the Polish Army in WW2. He carried shells to the frontline and was taught to salute.
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