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Everything posted by Marca

  1. Marca

    Laws, fines, etc

    If you go on the gov. website, you can see the penal code. It's the 2nd option, right below city hall public website. Though I do agree that having an ingame version of this would be nice. https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/index.php https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSgkMP4BUgMytnbha6Q8ebMshk3nKTjajxaCjSXt3v9_YsJPdXJWj8iF8dcANOMP93f8JiJeNxyw_TC/pubhtml
  2. If you ask me, this rule should apply to anything that has 2 wheels, simply out of common sense. Also from the report you linked, you weren't really that close to him to begin with. Also lets not forget you had heavy weapons on you, you stepped out, while doing so he would be able to see them and well.. any cop alone would get to a safe distance. Again, common sense.
  3. Mechanics earned the most for a very long time compared to other factions, simply because of labor costs. Labor costs realistically go to the company and not the mechanic. However most of your issues sound like IC issues. It also sounds a bit unfair that mechanics would get to keep their high labor bonus, while other factions wouldn't. Lets not forget that labor cost goes into your factions treasury now, which is pretty much the way you get paid now. IRL mechanics also earn money based off of labor cost and maybe a certain % of the parts they have to order for you. How often you're being paid is something your management has to decide, either once a week, twice or every day. If you want bonuses, make a suggestion to them to implement some sort of labor reports, basically paperwork. Ideally you would be able to ask the government for more funding, but not sure if that's possible right now. The system is new and will get adjusted over time. Right now we all just have to be patient and see how it goes, however I think it's a good improvement. It doesn't spawn money out of nothing but actually makes it circulate more, which is what a good economy needs.
  4. I can see both sides to this. I find it annoying when I see bleets from players that are just saying nonsense or are asking for PD to come to impound. I think bleets should be something weazel takes care of. They should be a service that people have to pay for, after all, everyone on the server will see the bleet. For players that like to post serious posts or complete nonsense, we could have a phone app that we can disable or block people on. VIP's could probably have their messages up on top and in a yellow/gold color to stand out. If there was an option to disable bleets, I would've done so long ago.
  5. That is just a ridiculous fee considering it's only a 20 minute job. It's an insult to other factions at this point...
  6. Marca

    AFK Script

    I think the AFK script should ask you a simple math question (3 attempts if you suck at math like I do) and have a bigger range to reset it. Honestly if someone wants to abuse the current system, they can do so easily.
  7. I don't think gas station jobs should be a thing. Most of the time I can imagine them standing there being AFK, waiting for people to show up. Doesn't sound fun and there's not a whole lot of RP in it once a customer shows up. As far as transportation jobs go, they pretty much all pay the same. In the end it depends how fast you can make it somewhere and the risks you're willing to take. All things considered, they're very good money income. I said it a few times now that I dislike how faction payments work. However I can't say there can be "too many" workers. PD has a lot on their plate as is and I don't often hang around LSC, but if there are too many people just standing there, then their management can get them to do something. I'll assume your rope request is for tying people up. You can do that by buying a rope in a store (RP it) and then use it on someone. I'm against people having actual ropes to tie people up, since they can tie someone up and leave them there pretty much forever. Basically it could easily be abused, even if you add in an approval command. We already have a FD, they're part of the LSEMS. Currently there are no fire scripts for them to respond to, but can be RP'd. They are pretty much still a paramedic, however they do respond to vehicle accidents, rescue missions and FD related incidents. An EMT is not going to use jaws of life to cut you out of a vehicle, but a firefighter will.
  8. It's currently unknown when houses are sold, but if people can't dedicate at least a couple of hours of playtime in 3 months, then they don't really deserve that property. Lets not forget that it can be difficult to find a house right now. There are lots of other players who will happily be active enough not to get their properties sold, so I think they deserve them more at that point. If you know you're going to be away for some time or want to take a break, gift your house to someone who wants it or sell it. Hogging things for months and being inactive is just not fair for active players.
  9. Marca

    Weather Cycles

    I do agree with this, I could live without rain... It's not always synced and it's really loud. Sometimes when VOIP works fine, it can be difficult to hear people since we can't adjust voice volume. It's also next to impossible to hear someone, when their volume is really low for whatever reason. So for now, I'd like to see rain removed until VOIP is more functional.
  10. I think this is something any gov employee can do in city hall, so no need for this to be its own faction. However I'm conflicted with this. The current tutorial is very well done and it's simple to do. Getting a drivers license is usually a new player thing and is something I feel like should be available 24/7, since it's a necessity. Lets not forget that player count drops very low for quite a few hours, especially during work days, so finding someone to do this with could be a big problem for some players. It can already be pretty difficult to get your car out of PD impound during that time, now imagine if mors insurance would also be player ran. I think this should wait a bit, until city hall is more developed and also once/if average player count rises during morning hours.
  11. Marca

    Snowy day's

    I think the snow map should only be used during winter holidays, xmas and new years, so about 2 weeks.
  12. Currently analyzing someone's wounds is pretty unreliable, either they don't have any (while downed) or have 20 bullets in them when they've been shot (which should kill them). Because of this, players have to make up what injury they have when they're being treated by a medic. Most of us know that people can be very unoriginal with injuries, 90% of them being broken legs. So my suggestion is that the server would generate 1-3 injuries once someone is downed, based on the last 15 seconds. If someone was shot and downed, the server would generate GSW's. If someone was driving and got downed, but not shot, then cuts, bruises and broken bones would be a relevant injury. The list goes on and I think everyone has the general idea when and which injuries would be generated. There's also a list of possible injuries in the MD handbook, so devs can look into that to get more ideas. I think this should improve RP for medics and patients drastically. At least broken legs wouldn't be as common as they are now.
  13. Electric vehicles very slowly recharge while parked inside a garage.
  14. You two either didn't see the update log or completely ignored the first few sentences. There's already a system in place that will make you lose your houses if you're not active, but the activity time isn't known. Inactive houses clean up now checks hours played instead of last seen Currently you don't know how many hours you need or how often the checkups are done. Inactive players will still lose their stuff, just that they won't know when. Players that take short breaks or reduce their activity down a bit may also find the current system unfair, since it's literally playing the lottery of "did I play enough?". How much bills would be isn't really up to me to decide. Devs have access to financial data to determine that and make it fair. My suggestion is simply to eliminate OOC reasons and move them IC, in a way they would make sense.
  15. Recently an update was made, so all players have to have some sort of a minimum play time in order to keep their houses. Those requirements are nowhere to be found, which is really not player friendly. I also dislike that the houses are sold for OOC reasons and not IC reasons. This is why I am making this suggestion, so properties will be sold for IC reasons. TL;DR: Houses now have bills, bills arrive every 7 days, houses are sold after 15 days if bills are not paid, people can request a 31 day extension from city hall every 6 months. Detailed version: House info panel would display how much time players have, before their property will be sold. Every 7 days, players would get mail (bills) delivered to their homes. Players would have to go around and collect these bills and pay them at the bank. Bills would not be an item in your inventory. Once the bills are paid, the house sell timer resets to 15. All bills have to be paid for the timer to reset, so paying only the first weeks bills and not the second, would not reset the timer. Once the timer runs out, the player is paid the estimated value and the house is placed on sale for a higher amount. Some quick info: When the bills arrive, players would receive an SMS on their phone from the LSDWP (LS dep. of water & power). Bill amount will depend on how many garages a house has. Each garage would increase the bills by X amount. Playtime will affect the bills. The longer you sit at home (offline), the more expensive your bills will be. The more you play, the less expensive your bills will be. They can either be super expensive or cheap, depending on your playtime. Selling a house with unpaid bills would not be possible. Timer would not reset and the bills amount would not reset for the upcoming bills (will reset and adjust to the new owner after). As said before, players can extend their house timers to 31 days, every 6 months. This is mainly for people who may be busy with work, school or life in general. Bills would still come in, so you may want to stack up some money before you leave for a longer time. This could be a feature in city hall. Is 2 weeks enough? From years of personal experience and observation, 2 weeks to visit your properties is more than enough, for almost every player. Option above should also aid people who really can't. How would this benefit the server exactly? Players would be motivated (somewhat) to show at least some activity on the server. They would eventually have to keep playing and earning money if they wish to keep their properties.
  16. I mean you can already do that, but you just have to find a rabbit hole somewhere so it won't get stolen.
  17. Sounds nice to have an alive city with AI, but lets be honest, the AI in GTA was always very dumb. Usually they will just ram at a blockade on the road, honk endlessly and sit there, even if there's a free lane right next to them. Aiming a gun at them makes them go crazy and just cause more havoc, especially if someone shoots a gun nearby. Traffic would be chaos in highly populated areas because they would never despawn since players are nearby. Lets not forget that AI would also be very more intensive on peoples computers and probably kill the server. Rage also doesn't support this and even if it did, I'd be against it. I'd much rather RP with 200 players in a server with no AI, than RP with a small number of players with AI. AI ultimately plays a very insignificant role in the whole RP experience anyway, only being there for the eye-candy and people easily stealing vehicles. -1
  18. Bigger is not always better. +1
  19. I think 10 minutes would be best. It's not really too long and it's not too short. I am against removing it completely because way too many people don't care enough for their characters life.
  20. Would be nice if each player would have their own bank account ID. When going into the app, it would display our ID, balance and two options as "transfers" or "wire money". Transfers would just display recent transactions on your account and wire money option would ask for the receivers bank ID, amount and an optional text box below. I honestly would find this beneficial, if for example you have some payments to take care of, but it's difficult for both players to be online at the same time. Could be an optional feature that you can buy at a bank/atm, obviously with a small (monthly) fee to it.
  21. Interesting, would like to see this. 2 hours of jail seems borderline reasonable. 3 hours is pushing it a bit and more than that would most probably drive people insane. I guess the only reasonable way to increase jail times would be that the timer goes down while offline, to a certain number. So if someone gets slammed into jail for 8 hours, they can be offline for 6, but have to serve the remaining 2 while online.
  22. If someone does decide to record in potato quality, they can at least take a HD picture or two so the numbers are visible. Taking a picture with your phone or even recording with it could be better at that point. I love the way things are now because it just makes things so much cleaner, especially when there are 10 people in 1 small area, trying to talk and RP.
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