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  1. The only concern I have on this is even through leasing, 150k+ should still be considered a sizable amount in my opinion. I only say this because with the amount of blank properties GTA has to offer, there are plenty to spare. If a new-ish player join the server and wanted to open a coffee shop, relevant to his characters back story, he should be able to is my point. Money should only be a driving factor when it comes to making sense of a certain things. For example, how I justify owning a 4G mansion, or how I justify driving around in a Massaro as my daily driver. Yet, not when it limits roleplay to a waiting game. I'd bring something like this up IC but I just don't feel there's a proper way in doing that without some sort of mixing being involved. I'm sure we'd all love to see more businesses being open daily with the goal of giving players things to do and places to socialize, rather than the sole purpose of making cash. You also gotta keep in mind that there's little room for players to make back the money they spend on these properties, as there's little script support in helping them do so. If I ran a coffee shop, selling coffee isn't going to pay back 150k+ anytime in the near future, unless there was a way that business could be funded on another level. I.E, getting hourly paychecks as I'm clocked in to work, as well as selling coffee. These are things we need to keep in mind as a community, that the RP experience is much more important than the cash it can bring. The one thing I'm starting to see as I'm recently coming back is we're more understanding on the need to fix and promote things on an OOC level, rather than an IC one. This is a good thing, because it places down the foundation needed to do things properly IC. We should figure out ways that regular civilians can make money to enhance their RP experience without feeling the need to work at LSC, Bayview, DCC, or anything else for a while until they raise their funds. Take possible backstories into consideration, as not everyone understands how to fix a car or take a bullet out of someone's shoulder. Sorry for the weird and unorganized way of typing, I literally just woke up and didn't get a slurp of coffee yet.
  2. I'm going to skip wide detail and just list things that I think would heavily improve RP More civ support: 1. Cheaper Property requests on a case by case basis, with proper reasonings. Currently I feel RP is hindered by the need to make millions, money should not dictate RP. 2. Much less heavy, stackable furniture to make building less tedious. (I.E, stacking 2 of the same floor lights for less clutter) 3. A proper way to sell back furniture that isn't used. (Can add it to the ctr+x option) 4. Scripted business support in order to allow businesses to open much more often. Remove 24/7 automated scripts from stores and/or allow players to run their own businesses for example. Allow us to hire managers, employees, etc and pay a salary. The only time a business should be automated is if there isn't another one being ran by a player somewhere else. 5. Similar to the above but add more variety of food and items that isn't sold in stores. It's rough to RP something like a burger shop whenever someone can just buy one from the nearest store. 6. Too many automated script jobs and activities hinders roleplay, some should be removed. Trucking faction, rather than a scripted trucking job for example. There's many ways to freak this. 7. Add different activities for players to do that doesn't include grinding for cash but promotes a social aspect. Scripted poker anywhere, more dice options, blackjack, etc. Realistic Crim Improvements: 1. Prison needs to have its own set of OOC rules that either merge with or are separate from the normal rules. Currently, prison on ECRP is a cesspool of trolling and DMing. There needs to be much harsher rules for prison in order to promote a more realistic environment for both the guards and players. More defined escalation, prison faction support with imported contraband, etc. 2. Add a vehicle list that changes daily for the chop shop. Currently, you literally cannot put a car anywhere and leave it for five seconds. I can't go into the furniture store without someone baby sitting my phantom, hell, I can't even walk into a property I'm building without someone trying to pick lock any car that's outside, regardless of the time of day. I know there's many more crim improvements I could have added but honestly, just focusing civ support adds a ton more to both legal and illegal factions, even players without a faction. Someone who does crime doesn't do it 24/7, you still go out to bars, hang out with friends, etc. My point is, there should be some type of means to promote a more naturally flowing LS; a more lively one.
  3. New Chapter: Here But I'm Gone After the separation of the LS branch of Los Zetas, Capone decided it was better to leave entirely and let the legend speak for itself. With LS in a terrifying power struggle, he took a long trip to Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, directly across the border from Laredo, Texas. There, he would meet the now fragmented Los Zetas Vieja Escuela once again and secure not only his safety, but he'd fold into past familiar faces. It was here that Capone would learn the proper trades of shipping and handling, drug distribution and mostly anything surrounding gun supplies. To put it simply, it was definitely an eye-opener for him, knowing those same guns Zetas would import into the US, came directly from US gun companies that would ship the supply to the Mexican military & Police and thus in turn, would end up in the Cartel's hands. Going forward, it was no longer the loud, flashy lifestyle that he was used to living. It was..well, different. Different in the sense that, they didn't wear colors, didn't drive in fast, fancy cars and their operations were much more subtle. It wasn't all subtle though, sometimes the cartel needed to get a point across; a message if you will. Running with Los Zetas Vieja Escuela was not only a learning experience for Capone, it was a culture shock, a reality check if you will. Efforts by authorities to quell the Cartel's influence failed largely due to their inability to learn from lessons of the past; a similar fate LS felt not long ago. You see, Capone soon learned that the cartels harm stretches far beyond the sheer violence of it all. A successful cartel has pernicious efforts on the economy as well. They raise prices above the competitive level and reduce output on a business level. Consumers then choose either not to pay the higher price of the cartelized product that they need, thus forgoing the product, or they pay the cartel price and thereby unknowingly transfer wealth to the cartel operators. Needless to say, Capone was taken to school during his time in Tamaulipas and what started as an LS Zetas confidant, soon became flush with the knowledge of corruption and monetary power far greater and far less showcased than what he previously experienced in Los Santos. Capone's next move was to eventually travel back to Los Santos and contact Jay, using what he learned to benefit his long time friend. What he came back to instead, was a dying underbelly. The underbelly that he poured his blood, sweat and tears into was fading and just the same as he left, the Los Santos's branch of Zetas were nowhere to be found. You see, he had been through a wave of distractions in his time away, not truly grasping the fact that the blue army he put his soul into was gone, not a soul in sight. What he needed was time, time to grieve, time to make amends and time to gather himself. This was truly his New Chapter.
  4. -1 on anything involving robberies unless it's to make it less common. We definitely don't need another robbery culture.
  5. The problem is, wearing a mask 24/7 is non RP in itself. People put themselves in situations where they're being hunted by police and figure the best way to avoid it is by putting on a mask to hide their alias, which genuinely isn't ideal at all. Name tagging should be enforced as metagaming, because well..it is. Think about this, you shot someone for whatever reason and cops saw you do it, rather than wearing a mask 24/7, why not change clothes, RP wearing your hat low and go hide out until the heat dies down. There should be zero reason you're wanted unless they know for a fact it's you and if you're driving around and you look entirely different, it's easy to prove you were name tagged in the first place, staff just needs to be really hands on about this type of thing because it isn't uncommon for these things to happen. There is a script manner in which you can hide ID's through tinted windows, I've seen it and while I agree that it's a great approach, it still starts at home. If you know you're about to do some wild shit? Throw that mask on, it's what it's there for but not every single crime should require a mask as the entire point is to be lowkey. That goes to my next point, for whatever reason, people are entirely too well known to PD to the point where it makes some of that shit entirely pointless. The amount of time my character has been arrested is just bonkers and in no world should that even be possible. I'd appreciate it if a cop who's reading this could MDC Flint Capone, Flint Johnson or Flint Carwyn and post my record here for OOC purpose, simply so I can stress the point even further. CK's when they're not being forced by an Admin or Faction should be requested by forums with the reason as to why you want to CK that character and the story that lead up to the CK, thus eliminating people doing it for a "get out of jail free card". If people want to CK and join another faction, let them. As long as they're an entirely new person and have to meet people all over again, that's fine and there's zero wrong with that.
  6. Since I can't seem to edit this post, I would simply like to add that I'm not pointing at anyone in particular, mainly just a widespread issue I've come to see as of late. To anyone here that knows who I am, ya'll know I got nothing but love for a lot of people in this community and I simply want things to improve for everyone, not just a certain niche of people.
  7. Just as the title says. You see, I've taken a slight break from ECRP and come to understand the value of RP as a whole during that break. To the extent that coming back to the server, it just genuinely feels like night and day. I'm guilty of a lot of things here and as much as I never expected to post something like this, just stepping on the server makes me cringe. This isn't to diss the server in any type of way but anyone who's ever played anywhere else will surely understand where I'm coming from. I had a friend join ECRP, someone who's heavily into RP in general and I watched them try to RP a different voice, RP eating, driving speed limit and interacting with people and if I'm being honest? I damn near cringed out of my skin because I genuinely felt like the level of RP this person was doing, just wasn't the norm. I urge everyone to go take a look at these forum threads and take a solid look at the amount of mask wearing that's going on. Dudes be standing in the middle of stores and the bank with masks on, they wear a mask everywhere they go. That shit needs to stop and for the people who are going to post "IC issue" eat a dick tbh, we all know it isn't an IC issue at all, it's as nonRP as it can get. This doesn't just go one way as well, as I know crims will likely see this and think Flint's being two faced and I completely agree, I am. This is a recent thought of mine and before I played anything else, it never once occured to me. Benny, the old Clown Leader made a post on Zeta's thread going "I still don't like the constant mask wearing" and if I'm being honest, I got heated about that but when I think back on it, he was 100% correct. This post also moves forward to PD as well. Stop metagaming name tags through tinted windows and using third person view to spot guns from behind the car. PD needs to be held accountable and start acting like actual Police. There's some examples that were set and needs to be followed. Shout out to Shadow, Bacon, Hamilton and likely many others for RPing really well as a cop on an RP server. It's sad to say, but these people are/were in rare form. I cannot say that about a lot of PD members on ECRP and it isn't their fault, this simply needs to be enforced better on an OOC level. Start kicking people from the faction that aren't upholding RP standards and this goes to everyone. Another point I would like to make is that none of this is any one person's fault. Somewhere along the lines, we stopped valuing RP and started doing whatever the hell we wanted to, all while point the finger at each other. It's a collective problem. You know things are bad whenever faction members become inactive because there isn't shit to shoot and unfortunately, I feel that staff overlooked a lot of these things for entirely too long. People DMing bank and getting appeals accepted, people having like 30 NonRP's returning to the server and many more. Also ffs, bring back the CK system. Stop allowing people to die 1000 times and return as themselves. Factions should be permitted CK perms on their members and CK's need to be handed out to people who can't seem to grasp the idea of valuing their characters life. Last but not least @FatherOsborn and anyone else involved, Good shit on that announcement titled "State of EclipseRP" it's good to see that things are moving in the right direction. All I ask is that staff keeps that same energy involving government factions as well. I dead ass feel like an opp right now posting this, but there were things I needed to get off my chest.
  8. I agree 100%. Back when Zetas first formed, FM were strictly there to help push us in the right direction. Bakmeel would sometimes give harsh, but WELL needed advice and we molded ourselves around it. I'm sure we used to give him a major headache, always debating and shit, yet it helped us tremendously. Recent days, it just felt like there was a foot on our necks, that we couldn't react to certain situations out of fear that we would get punished or hounded on because of it. I wouldn't have an issue if FM was a more IC thing, aka This Cartel that's always spoken about, the people who do the special imports. I think that would have been a wonderful addition to FM. If an organization was fucking up too bad, they would mediate both parties in a fashion that made sense and it would be strictly IC. Considering our connects to guns came from them, it would have made sense to obey the Cartel. FM means well and I'm sure they're doing their best, but in some situations, it gets to the point where it forces us to Mix IC and OOC as players.
  9. All HC agreed that if one of us were done, all of us were done. We talked about passing it on before, but we thought it better to disband instead and it's healthier for everyone else as well. It's much more fun to grind to the top but once you get there, it becomes almost a full time job to maintain.
  10. Not trying to be that guy but isn't this DojinxMurda on the very first day Zetas disbanded? Didnt you guys start hunting and isn't this basically PD bridge? Seems like the Current State of LS right now and not the current state of The Council if im being honest. It's a power struggle, it'll pass. And here's a time stamped video Yall be the judge.
  11. Thank you all so much for the experiences. I keep trying to tell myself that it's just a game and I should just move on, but man..this thing of ours, I miss it already. Just the feeling of logging in daily, in order to keep building this empire with not just people I met on ECRP, legitimate friends. I still remember when I met Jay. I was working at LSC and at this point, I was so corrupt, in and out of the Crim scene as a mech. Jay Gamble rolls in to LSC with his warrener, completely new to ECRP. I still can't put my finger on why, but he was my fuckin homie ever since. I watched this man go from nothing to his name, stashing drug mats in my 2G on grove, to a multi million dollar kingpin. I love yall niggas man and I appreciate all of you. We've been through so many sleepness nights and weighty decisions, it's bat shit crazy thinking back on it. The saying "You don't know what you have until it's gone" hits so hard right now. I feel I really took this shit for granted sometimes. An old but golden weazal news documentary
  12. Not going to lie, that's actually really well said. I will keep that input in mind.
  13. Assumptions and word of mouth? So your own people don't count as information? You guys specifically saying we never had previous altercations that warranted you being hit doesn't count as information? Aight cool. If what I said was hostile, then you must be hostile as hell as most of your comments involve our factions and you making your own assumptions, don't be a hypocrite. Numbers don't mean as much as people would like them to, no, they don't. Unofficial gangs have no member cap, nor restrictions on alliences. So making the excuse about numbers doesn't make too much sense. I'm not sure what you're expecting from fights but I don't care what restrictions you add, shootouts will never be pretty. Feeling overwhelmed? Go recruit and make relationships. Don't preach unfairness because you want your personal limitations to be universal. You want to only run 30 members? Cool, but know that's your decision and yours alone. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you back to back. If you want to compare sizes, talk about who's RP is better, and who has better shooters? you know how to reach me, but that's not what I'm looking to do here and that's a pointless conversation to have. You saying these recent fights proved that numbers are the main factor? I'm sure I know some goons that will disagree.
  14. My man, you weren't forced onto either side, there's a better solution, it's called mind your business. I'm trying to keep what I'm saying to a minimum because the conversation we had I assumed was a private one, but either way, sitting out was an option and you made the concious decision to attempt to partake. No one was focusing hard on Shelby's until that day and that's a fact. So yes, my point still remains. I had your own people telling me that it was a mistake and shouldn't have even happened, so I'm not basing that statement on a random thought. My point is, people complain and want hard ooc limitations in order to benefit themselves. This cap doesn't effect us as much as it effects who comes after us. If y'all are complaining about numbers now, imagine when a new official faction comes up and they're capped at 40 while the council still exists. Talk about out numbered. Also to add, I'm not trying to be hostile towards you at all. All I'm saying is, people will kick the hornet's nest and act surprised when they get stung by hundreds of hornets. That mentality of "I can do it but when it happens to me? I don't like that shit" really needs to stop and I urge people to start smelling themselves and realize that their shit stinks too. If my RP isn't up to your standards, I apologize but at least make sure yours is up to par as well before you begin discrediting people.
  15. When I saw you post this, I had to double check if you were who I thought you were. You're Aki from the previously Shelby's, yes? It's odd to me that you would say that, as your group did the prime example of what you shouldn't do as a new gang. When we were at war with WCA, you quite literally attempted to join a war that had absolutely nothing to do with you. There's even video on YouTube on how y'all were joining the war. Y'all legit just joined a war based on a 2 day relationship with another faction just for smoke. I still to this day I neverr understood the mentality of complaining about another group for the sake of it. I used to think that people had genuine reasons and I used to listen in and try to understand their pov. Yet when you see people who were all on some "Fuck yeah, let's back the council in war!" To "Fuck Council" because they got the same treatment they tried to dish out to others, it's borderline laughable. Check these guys forum history and you will find them backing the council 100%. I think I'm starting to understand it though. It's the old saying my old head used to say "Don't dish out what you can't take"
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