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Everything posted by Cjeet

  1. +1 it's aids how many times it was used as mg.
  2. I dont see where you see super non rp? Robbing multiple banks as organized group ? what's wrong with it? Also it's a lie that only official factions robbing them. As a "fog city" member been robbing them for a while. But in the end of the day we again getting in the point "it's all IC" how you going to deal with it or split the banks with another criminal organizations.
  3. +1. Miss shrooms and steroids, back in 2018- early 2019 criminals was able at least to bring some drug / guns market around city with a lot of fun and interesting RP, selling "special" drugs (when some drugs had efects, like steroids gives you slithly movement speed) selling and buying it P2P was at least a thing. Now as people stated above, official factions can't bring back market to the streets.
  4. Nice to see how Vory improved by the time, just keep going mates.
  5. It's just common sense, but players abusing that so it has to be writen on the rule book. Huge +1
  6. Cjeet

    Import Changes

    Cant count how many times we were talking about these changes. It's about damn time for some import changes. HUGE +10
  7. Hey welcome, please change your avatar
  8. +1 One guy already made suggestion about gloves. Harmdone on February said he is going to work with that. Sadly we still don't have them ;/ This is the link to last suggestion about gloves.
  9. Hey there, As title says, I am not sure if anyone suggested that but, can we please bleet when weazel employees not in town. If any of Weazel workers in town just simple block the bleets from us. (maybe give that opportunity who have donator status?).
  10. Cjeet

    [House Question}

    Hello, you can share keys with your friends. That means both or more people can use your house and garage.
  11. Cjeet

    Poker (Timer)

    It has Two sides. It would be great and solve problems with people who is farming salary in yellow jack. But also in another hand 10-15 s for my eyes is to fast. Clowns was doing big poker events at yellow jack with 200k pot. And trust me when you roleplaying and playing normal poker vs good players you need much more time to make a desicion also imagine situation when you trying to bluff and play mind games vs another person. As I said it will help for void situations like salary farming maybe (if as example if you not making move after 1min you getting kick from table). But people who likes to play private poker and normal one not like tequila bingo party its not nice to have such a low timer as 10-15 sec.
  12. Cjeet

    Import Crates

    Agree with that for sure +1
  13. Cjeet

    Body Armor

    -1 its good as it now. I would suggest ability to take them off. Because now when you putting them on yourself you can’t take them off.
  14. BIG +1 we need chop shop back for sure for more criminal activity !
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