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About Jayyqc

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  1. Good day sir, have you tried change the IP address of the server on the RAGEMP client before clicking connect? The IP and Port was changed recently which is maybe the reason why you are having issues connecting to the server. Please try change IP and port to the following ; Port ; 22005
  2. It does when you change game resolution (windows mode to full screen example)
  3. They take the side of their friend or crew first. No matter what it is unless its really clear that rule was broken they ask their friend to appologize and admit mistake on forum post and get out without any warning or punishment but if its someone else still gets punishment no matter what even if he was far from breaking a rule
  4. I also think Admins take IC relations to OOC as well. They will always take their gang or friends side instead of being in the fair middle and give the right punishment. For reports mods/admins taking care of the report should have no relation at all with the player being reported or even the player reported. Example ; A Zetas member being reported or creating a report. Should not be taking care by a MOD/Admin that has any relation with Zetas at all to be safe on both parties.
  5. Seems ok for now. Im sure later on it will be a lot better with more pictures
  6. Jayyqc

    Legal job tier

    +1, Would make less people go into crazy criminal life since they could have a legal job with more money made. Or even add more legal jobs with better salary
  7. +1, something needs to be done. People are currently going crazy on prices for house. New players wont be able to buy houses for a while.
  8. The best thing you can do in that case is be patient. Most new players had to wait a long period of time to be approved. People reviewing application do not get paid and do it on their free time. also if you think you might be refused it means you might not have enough RP experience. While waiting feel free to watch RP streams and learn more about RP if you do not have much experience.
  9. +1 For this then... XD my bad ahahaha
  10. I think i miss read. U mean bank to bank transfer...... Sorry still early mornign xd
  11. I mean, Chop shop and just transfer money right away, Sell drugs, transfer money right away, Robb stores. Transfer money right away. People would abuse that to transfer the current money in their pocket before being robbed imo
  12. Could be good but need to make sure a way players don't transfer the money before being robbed or anything.
  13. only way to make money doing drugs is being with Zetas/Irish or Los Calaveras, If not 20 cars show up on your 3 buddies and get robbed
  14. I was enjoying the server when I started, Ive been plying for 2 weeks. But kinda lost interest in the server. I was getting robbed about 3 times a day minimum. Anything you do you get followed by Zetas/Irish/LC and get robbed. Im stuck wasting about 7 hours a day to make decent amount of money to then get Robbed for my goods. With the rules theres no way to fight the person robbing you. Its just an outlaw server now. Something needs to be done.....
  15. Jayyqc

    [House Question}

    Amazing thanks everyone!!!
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