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Everything posted by gyrhnr

  1. gyrhnr

    Criminal Update

    Bring back the old 2017 F4 menu ,where EVERYONE can make their own group and add members
  2. Regarding #2 ,the way housing is done, to make it more accessible to everyone ,especially new players who are just starting off ,the OFFLINE time before a house is placed back into the public market should be reduced from 3 MONTHS - to - 1 month.
  3. gyrhnr

    Los Zetas

    damn man i really hope you find reece
  4. gyrhnr

    Tax avoidance

    It's because the base asset value of a 1g house is around $20,000. You were still in the lower tax bracket (2%).
  5. I want them to add a KM/H counter and custom speedometer like in NFS. And maybe they can implement so that every 200 miles you would need to change oil ,if not your engine would break.
  6. this is very nice idea! you have my full support! yay
  7. but where will pet store be when they add it ?
  8. I've developed a sort of PTSD every time someone rolls up on me with a mask
  9. ok, but why would you want to waste YOUR time trying to explain and get proof to prove your innocent if you are? waste of time and stressful
  10. No for furniture store as there is only one of them. Same goes for hair saloon and tattoo parlours. Clothes shop is okay
  11. I enjoyed the writing and the use of very specific words! Good job
  12. Date and time (provide timezone): UTC 22/08/2019 (after islands/boat dealerships update) Character name: Justin Spice Issue/bug you are reporting: I have had very nice and discreet furnitures placed outside properties I own, including 2 safe's ($40,000) and after boats+islands update my outside furnitures dissapeared. I know others who have had the same thing happen to them. Please tell me why cause this is the second time and I would not like to keep on building knowing it might dissapear Expected behavior: - Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: unknown Vehicle license plate number*:
  13. It would be a lot more complicated and perhaps glitchy to let Y run freely so a simple freeze of the vehicle would be ideal.
  14. I would only agree on the basis if they would reduce 1 vehicle / player / parking lot ,because people just abuse them filling their cars up with stuff and storing it there
  15. gyrhnr


    pay2win lol
  16. sure ,like you'd do it for $300 / 20 min haha
  17. It is getting frustrating that every time you leave your personal vehicle infront of a shop or public road house someone is stealing it, lock-picking rate of success should be decreased! Or lower the income people receive from chopping cars ,it's a full time job that gets people the highest pay when looking at time+effort=pay
  18. gyrhnr


    can be delete sorry
  19. It rains quite often, maybe a bit too often?
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