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Everything posted by NotMattch

  1. All are MAXED apart from Suspension to get the best speed possible! V-STR - LP: COPBAIT - $900k $850k or Any offer Send all offers to 341-9438!
  2. The San Andreas Judicial Branch has been implemented. More information can be found here Suggestion Archived!
  3. Suggest has been implemented! Archived!
  4. This has been implemented into the server Archived!
  5. The San Andreas Judicial Branch has been implemented. More information can be found here Suggestion Archived!
  6. The San Andreas Judicial Branch has been implemented. More information can be found here Suggestion Archived!
  7. The San Andreas Judicial Branch has been implemented. More information can be found here Suggestion Archived!
  8. The San Andreas Judicial Branch has been implemented. More information can be found here Suggestion Archived!
  9. The San Andreas Judicial Branch has been implemented. More information can be found here Suggestion Archived!
  10. Hope you cleaned up my fight ring afterwards!
  11. LSMC Day Trip After another meeting at the weekly church, this time held outside in the beautiful sunshine as the clubhouse AC had gone down and was being repaired, the club was talking about an event idea they had a few weeks prior. One of the enforcers, Alexander Olsson, brought up his event idea once again and said that he’d found a track and course that he’d love to show us! Ava and Johnnie grabbed the LSMC mede-granger and everyone piled in and rode off into the sunset, following the directions given by Alex. Little did they realise, Burns had also snuck his cat, Smokey, along for the journey as well! They headed out the city and went upstate for a while until Alex told them to turn off and directed them up a windy side road before going up a small dirt track. Passing the old lighthouse and taking a moment to look out over the horizon, the club continued following the path until they came to a small clearing and campsite. Alex spoke to them about his event plans, how he’d mapped out the area. They stood around for a while discussing all the details and finer points at length, how the event itself would be managed and what type of assistance they’d need from the sheriff and EMS departments as well as the city itself as the area is so far out of the way. After working out a plan of action, Johnnie tried to show off his amazing off-road “skills” This didn’t really end up well for 2 of the braver members who’d be holding on to the outside of the car. Unfortunately, Smokey, who’d been sitting in the back of the granger this entire time, had left them a lot of little “presents” in the back after this wondrous display of driving. Fearing that he may be hurt, scared and sick, they arranged to go and see a vet. SD had other ideas about how they’d decided to travel to avoid sitting on one of his little presents.... After speaking with the officer and explaining the situation, much to his amusement, he allowed us to travel as long as we kept it slow and stayed out of the way of the faster moving traffic. We thanked him and continued on up and around the highway, past bayview where we caught the attention of an undercover scout, driven by the one and only Pierce Hardy. After explaining the situation, to everyone's surprise, instead of being thrown in the local jail cells Pierce decided to actually give them a police escort to the pet store, being the amazing cat lover that he is himself. The group setoff, following behind his Scout, back up the highway and down to Route 68. Just as they got past Yellow jack and around the DOC area, they stumbled across what appeared to be a roadside robbery in progress. Hardy took over and soon enough, the club was witness to a full on investigation and eventual arrest of a petty thief. Once the situation had been concluded, they continued on, down to the pet store and Burns rushed smokey inside. The club got to work cleaning out the vehicle whilst they waited and Hardy stuck around, making sure his new “Deputy Meowson” was okay and fit for training once the next academy date was posted. Luckily for all, the vets gave Smokey a clean bill of health and some tablets to calm him down. Burns took him outside and he immediately ran up to Ava for some of those amazing treats she always gives him.
  12. +1 ! Having an additional slot, brining it up to 3 , would be a massive, massive help!
  13. Can't agree enough to this. Been wanting to have these available for ages!
  14. Can't be a crim so you marry one instead
  15. Seeing a pattern here... When you can't be the crim, you date the crim. When you can be the crim, you tend to end up in prison
  16. Simple and hopefully easy suggestion: When you go to a drug lab you can mark the areas where the weed grows which show up as a white box for you. Suggestion is to re-use this feature on buildings, add a command or option that allows you to visually see the build area outside a property (which would be marked with the same white box that's used for the weed fields)
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