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About AccidentalHuman

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  1. Wait a minute I remember your name... I cannot remember your IG name exactly from NGG, but you were quite known in the community. Will you please remind me what your IG name was? ((I was also subbed to your youtube channel, but cannot seem to find it in my sub box))

    1. Linden


      Richard Vane. Pretty sure he's banned atm.

    2. Slauki


      That's it. THanks Linden haha. I remember Richard's dumb vlogs 😂

  2. We need a command to fix this voip situation, restarting the entire client isn't working and is not a feasible option especially in role-play. With the influx of new players using voip it's making role-play extremely difficult. I know yall havin this problem get this upvoted to the top.
  3. So I'm not an expert, nor did I ever claim to be. But there is no way that having 1000's of objects spawned on the ground inside stores and drugs labs can be good for rendering health or server health. What I suggest is that after an item is dropped - it be deleted after 30 minutes from the world - I've noticed significant issues with voip and other lag issues when entering an area with a significant amount of dropped items... or - when you drop multiple items on the ground, have it only create 1 object and then an inventory system (like a box) on the x y and z coordinates where the stack of items was dropped thoughts?
  4. [media] [/media] Thank you to everyone who made my time on Eclipse more enjoyable,
  5. Bruh, how 2 be cop

    1. AccidentalHuman


      I quit the PD, it's not worth it in my opinion

  6. It used to be an issue when they were working out the bugs in the teleport detection script, usually popped warnings when someone was desync'd or lagging - nothing to be concerned about.
  7. [media] [/media] New Video out! Don't forget to subscribe!
  8. Unlocked, locked by accident - didn't realize that Reevesy202 wasn't the original poster. If the OP wishes this thread to be closed they can request it as such.
  9. In Regards to Point #1 You understand that this isn't the real world and that not every law enforcement department in the world has access to a database of drivers license photographs - you need to understand that the police department is loosely basing it's roleplay off of the Los Angeles Police Department as that is what Los Santos is - it's based off of Los Angeles. In Regards to Point #2 Any officer that blatantly runs up to someone and arrests them without an attempt to identify them -is- in violation of the meta-gaming rule, they are expected to role-play looking at the person and recognizing them from the mobile data computer. You're referencing a complaint that has absolutely zero evidence in which the officers in question had no chance to defend themselves and was completely conjecture. In Regards to Point #3 That is simply an aspect of role-play, did said person role-play having cosmetic surgery who is role-playing doing the cosmetic surgery? Do we have doctors in San Andreas or do the medics just grab a scalpel and go to work... When someone gets shot and put on the ground does a doctor save them or does the script just miraculously revive them with no ill effects. General Commentary As previously mentioned this is a light roleplay community, the same thing that motivates people to evade from the police when in real life most people don't is the same reason why police pursue, because it's a game. You don't want to get arrested by police then don't run from the police, be a good law abiding citizen - but then that's "no fun" so take your chances with getting arrested. You also reference a Twitch streamer by the name of Lirik who is playing on a modification of Grand Theft Auto 5 called FiveM which has superior levels of bullet sync, vehicle sync and robust damage system. Right now we are limited to "oh he smashed into a wall - he turned his engine back on, aaaand he is running again" The general claim of taking away "advantages" from police is moot because guess what - the police don't always win, the police as it is right now speaking as a police officer are losing - quite frequently actually. In Regards to Point #1 We already role-playingly identify people - if an officer doesn't do this and just arrests a guy without any form of role-play identification either through a license plate or drivers license or through the MDC through wanted records that's meta-gaming... Get evidence of it and post a complaint on the forums. General Commentary As I'm writing this as I go, I just noted one point in the Lirik video - there is role-play fear of the police as seen in your last video you posted on here against us "SA:MP" guys. They actually stay away from the police if they can because they don't want to get arrested, there is role-play respect and fear something this community very inherently lacks as you've seen PLENTY of times watching my live stream. In Regards to Point #1 Pushing your CK system which is already extremely flawed doesn't change facts - yes if there was a character kill system in which fucking with the police would result in their characters getting killed off absolutely that would instill fear into the hearts of anyone that crosses a police officer but that's not the right way to go about it. In Regards to Point #2 I fully agree with this, rather than trying to increase the standard of role-play to what other players see fit why can't we reach a happy middle-ground for all of us, you don't want to get recognized go to a store and buy a mask for $5,000 or donate to the server and support your community. In Regards to Entire Post This already happens, people drive-by cops and what most players consider non-roleplay because police aren't feared. Just another officer reinforcing the fact that people almost never role-play with us unless they're running from us. In Regards to Point #1 Another officer stating that he doesn't meta-game name tags. In Regards to Point #2 Again I have no problem removing name tags if the role-play standard of the server was higher, as noted in the videos that have been linked and treated as "god" status people genuinely can get to know each-other, the name-tag is currently role-played as their face for role-play recognition purposes. That's the way the founders want it to be so that's the way we do it as for right now That's the start of my systematic disapproval of this suggestion, I'll continue when I have more time and more feedback has been posted
  10. Except how I like it? You mean how it's been done on SA:MP and MTA for years and through other role-play systems. Like I said - when I have time I'll systematically destroy this thread.
  11. Then you have no way of role-playingly identifying people at all, you'll never know who your friends are... Yo whats your name again? like wtf no. Guess what buddy police have advantages over civilians, its a part of the role-play police are meant to enforce the law. this thread is dumb as fuck imo ill write my rage story book later
  12. This thread has turned a relatively simple argument, flipped it and dropped it on it's head... I'm closing this - if you wish to role-play miles per hour get your calculators out folks. The only two speed limits you need to worry about are 43mph city and 80mph highway. Blessed.
  13. [media] [/media] Enter for your chance to win $50,000 in-game cash
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