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Everything posted by DontSniffSugar

  1. +1000 Especially for ammo management for shipments this would help so much, having to manually split 500+ bullets isn’t fun
  2. Hello all, I know this is a very niche and specific suggestion, and I'll be very straightforward with this. Currently since the nerf/change of private labs, it introduced a skill check for refilling water bottles. Understandably, with the old system, you could fill up all of your empty bottles at once, and you was able to fill any amount at once instantly. While yes, I do agree that shouldn't be a thing because it's "overpowered" and you shouldn't be able to instantly fill up theoretically hundreds of bottles in the blink of an eye, I would like to suggest a small change to the current system of refilling bottles. Whenever you refill water bottles, you are given a skill check that takes roughly 10 seconds to do. While to the regular player who may only keep one water bottle with them at one time, this isn't too big of a deal, some players like to stockpile empty water bottles to reuse them, where they are using them for drug labs, vending machines, or just general use. For just one water bottle, this isn't too big of a deal, but the time it takes to fill one bottle up starts to take a while whenever you need to fill up 10 or more bottles. My suggestion as a compromise, would be either making the minigame faster, but not too fast to the point of it being a challenge, or having the minigame keep going and continuously fill up your empty bottles until you can't carry any more or until you run out of empty bottles.
  3. +1 on this. I will say that ATMs are pretty low risk for the payout they give. But I do think the 911 call should be changed because by the time you finish beating up the ATM there’s a high chance cops will be there waiting on you depending on which ATM you try and rob.
  4. Big +1 on this. I believe it would create much more natural hostage situations and as someone else said you could be able to get your salary out after working hours. Right now as it stands with the fleeca banks, the only times you’ll see someone going in there is; when they’re about to rob it, seeing if it’s open to rob it, or someone finding out the hard way you can’t get salary from it.
  5. I personally believe that it would depend on the context. You’re cooking drugs at a lab and someone robs you? You wouldn’t call the cops and say that you got robbed while you’re cooking illegal narcotics. You’re somewhere like Burgershot just getting some food and someone robs you? Go for it. A lot of criminal factions will however boot you from the faction if they find out you’re calling the police though. I don’t think hardened criminals would call the police though realistically and just handle the situation in their own hands. It would be something more of a white collar criminal would do.
  6. I personally disagree with this. Currently as the rules stands, you cannot attack or kill officers only for arresting you due to the unavoidable RP that it involves. That's not to say you can't further escalate situations and eventually obtain DM rights on the officer you may have an issue with. In real life, very hardened criminals would have no issues killing cops, but due to the structure of the rules you can't retaliate the same way you could in real life. Lets say that you finally get DM rights on the person you have an issue with, you successfully go through their armor and outgun them, and then manage to execute them. They can just respawn and go on about their faction duties and carry on with what they were doing with no real repercussions. Sure they'll be inconvenienced and have to buy a new radio and GPS, but they won't face the same type of loss criminals do, with it being losing weaponry, tools, and having to wait out the NLR timer to retrieve any vehicles involved. The way I see it, I'm sure lots of "hardened criminals" wouldn't want to IA report officers, but its the only real method they have to try and "get back" on the person that wronged them. Some factions already monitor IA reports that are sent in from your characters, and some will even kick you from their faction if they find out that you are submitting IA reports that aren't Out of Character.
  7. +1 While I can understand wanting to keep it the way it currently stands is to keep immersing and promoting friendly LEO and crim interaction, rather than just purely arrests or shootouts, and on paper that is quite a good thing. However in standard practice, it's usually resulting in waiting for multiple hours to even get an officer to come, or having an officer come quickly drop off a car and impound it and quickly driving off. There's been times I've personally waited and I've seen a LEO quickly come and impound a vehicle and then flat out say no when asked to get a vehicle out, as seen in the quoted message below. For some players, their vehicle in the lot may be the only vehicle that they have access to, and it can be very frustrating not being able to get the only vehicle you own out and continue using it. I do understand on the LEO side, as I've played both crim and LEO actively, that something may come up that requires you to immediately leave the lot after impounding a vehicle, due to a store/bank robbery, shots fired, and stuff of that nature. My suggestion as a compromise would be having a sort of semi-automated system. Where once you ring the bell, the officer can remotely check with the MDC if you have any warrants, if your license is suspended, and whatever else they may need to check. Then once all the requirements are met, the officer can then release the car remotely.
  8. I would like the idea of being able to fix your cars using a car jack and some sort of tool like a repair kit. Not completely fixing your car, but moreso just getting it just to the point to turn on again.
  9. After watching the example video you provided, I don’t believe 200 AP was the reason you “lost” this situation. You cornered yourself with multiple deputies and practically took a losing fight. As stated by others, 200 AP is used in very specific circumstances and isn’t just casually used.
  10. Claire was laying in her bed thinking about all of the times she has heard her close friends asking if anybody has food and water. She wanted to help, and thought about what she could do to help, because on the inside, it killed her to know her closest friends were going hungry. Shortly after some internal debating, she sat up and whispered to herself: "I know what I can do!" Claire then made her way to the furniture store, and purchased a vending machine and a drink machine that was for sale. She got the help of her friend who helped her to load the machines into her Kamacho. Claire and her friend made their way to HQ, where they then began to carefully unload the machine from the bed, and installed the vending machines. Satisfied with the work she's done, she mumbled to herself: "This should do." Claire then shortly made her way to Mission Row, where she went to pay off some fines, so she wouldn't be caught at a bad time with an arrest for Failure to Pay a fine. She noticed that the doors were unlocked, and the curiosity got the best of her. Claire then began to sneak around Mission Row and eventually made her way downstairs. She then saw a vending machine and saw they were selling lots of sandwiches, chocolate bars, donuts, and drinks. ALL FOR FREE! Claire did the only thing she could have done in that situation.... She took every last bit of the food! After all, they were practically giving it away! Eventually, Claire sneaked back out from Mission Row completely undetected from the police, and loaded all the food into her Kamacho, then made her way back to HQ and looked at the lick that she managed to get from PD. Claire then said to herself: "Alright, I've got food, water, and a vending machine, nobody will be going hungry now!"
  11. I’ve also had this issue in the past
  12. It was a nice day in Los Santos. Claire and her two friends were out riding on a boat having fun and joking about what to do next. Claire and her friends were on their way to Cayo Perico to take some cool pictures for their Life Invader profiles and a nice mini-vacation. Eventually on their way to Cayo Perico, they noticed a small ship that was used for landing aircraft and wanted to make a pit-stop and check it out. All 3 of them stopped at the boat and got off of their boat and started wandering the ship. They soon arrived into the Captain's quarters and tried to go through the computers to get information, but they had no luck in finding anything of importance. Claire then joked about the possibility of stealing one of the missiles from the ship and her friends quickly said: "Fuck it, let's do it." Claire ran to her boat and positioned it in place while she let the strong men do the heavy work of moving the heavy missile to her boat. Claire then radio'd to Melody and said: "We just stole a missile!" To which Melody responded with: "You fucking what?" Claire then responded: "We stole a bomb, can you pick us up from the boat docks?" Melody then made her way towards the docks and Claire soon arrived and the 3 began to load the missile into the casket in the trunk of Melody's car. Stay tuned for a Part 2!
  13. I did completely forget to mention criminals can also lose their money if they aren't careful. I do agree it would be nice for salary bonuses to be added for the work done, however I personally believe this could go further if it were to be requested in character.
  14. I agree. The absolute most you can make in an hour on salary is $8,000. While I do understand the argument that it could be passive and guarantee'd income, most criminals that "grind" have made upwards of 20-30k an hour.
  15. To add onto this, you aren't able to make phone calls or answer them, but you are able to send texts and use the phone like you would be able to normally whenever outside of jail/prison. Additionally this has been a thing for a very long time.
  16. -1 I believe it would cause a lot of people, especially on the newer side, to stop playing if they died to something like medic not arriving in time and then having to completely stop playing for a half hour.
  17. Agreed. While we're on the topic of making money with zero effort, I think we should get paid $5,000,000 every 3 minutes. On a more serious note, I personally believe labs are in a good state where they are.
  18. Claire had met up with a new friend by the name of Charlie. They both had began to talk to each other, and they both immediately began to hit it off. Claire and Charlie had began to search Los Santos for vehicles to disassemble to sell the scrap parts from them, and they were unlucky with their finds. They had searched almost the entirety of Los Santos, and could not find a single vehicle to put their expertise to use. Claire had then brought up the idea of spray painting City Hall and leaving their mark. Charlie was immediately on board with this idea, and it was on. Claire and Charlie made their way to the local mall and purchased some cans of spray paint. Claire and Charlie had then made their way to City Hall and scouted the area. Claire then whispered to Charlie: "I don't see anybody, the coast is clear." Claire and Charlie then made their way into City Hall, and began to spray paint all over the place, making sure their marks were visible. And of course Claire had to leave her mark! Claire and Charlie were ecstatic about completely tagging up City Hall, and out of excitement, she called her friends Tanner and Richie to come see. Once Tanner arrived, he offered some cocaine to both Claire and Charlie, to which both of them happily accepted the offer! Claire and Charlie both were given two grams. Both Claire and Charlie immediately did some out of excitement. Claire wanted an even bigger rush, so she immediately ran back inside City Hall, and dumped a line out from the baggie on the front desk, and very quickly did another line! Overall, Claire had a very fun night!
  19. My honest reaction after reading this
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