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Everything posted by DontSniffSugar

  1. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Date and time (provide timezone): 1679492401 (UNIX) 2023/MAR/22 1:40 PM UTC Character name: Jessica_Winger Issue/bug you are reporting: Weird Invisible Barrier at Mission Row preventing people from fully parking in the parking space. Expected behavior: Parking fully in the space Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: https://streamable.com/veen0b Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
  3. There's not a way to remove the serial number as far as I am aware.
  4. My profile has been viewed by not only @Ranger, but ALSO @Icarus. I am now famous.
  5. Yes, you can either type or VOIP to talk. You’ll need a working headset in order to hear people though, some factions will require you to VOIP instead of type though.
  6. Welcome to the server Bala, hope you enjoy it!!
  7. I once ERP'd with @Icarus and we never got to finish it
  8. +1 I'll touch onto this as I also have an MD character. We cannot put bodies into our ambulances as he stated, and 90% of the time, when we encounter a dead body, we usually just RP putting it into a bodybag and open a report to see if the body can be deleted by a moderator. If we cannot get a moderator to delete the body for us, it usually just ends up with us tossing the body into a decently sized bush and leaving it to despawn. I am all for changing the ambulances to be able to store bodies as it would give us more RP incentive to get rid of a body instead of just tossing it into a hidden place for it to despawn.
  9. hey man i really enjoyed rp'ing with you the other day!

    1. Ernest


      Wallah your an npc.

  10. I believe that a change for salary and debt needs a rework. There's been many times where I've gone broke and worked 4 hours of my time to pay off my debt and haven't earned a single penny from that work because 100% of that goes to the debt. I believe a better change would be so that 75% of what you make should go towards your debt while you get to keep the remaining 15%. I believe that is a fair balance towards paying off your debt and still being able to scrap up money to make a living.
  11. I’ve made this suggestion so by default you get a +1 from me
  12. +1 shouldn't have to pay 8k for some soap and water
  13. Here is a screenshot of my welcome message. https://imgur.com/a/9G0O4f1
  14. Can I get donator on the forums? I never bothered getting it on the forums until now. Proof here: https://imgur.com/a/3AZsPp9
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