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Everything posted by DontSniffSugar

  1. Address is 18 Forum Dr (( /setgps 18 Forum Dr )) 200k price at the door or best offer. Contact me at 363-2048.
  2. +1 from me. I believe the person who gave the rating should be kept anonymous to prevent any OOC hostility towards others, but it would be nice to see what others think about our roleplay and what we could improve on.
  3. +1 While I do understand that being thrown in a cell for your actions are IC repercussions for your actions, and I’m not saying or suggesting that they be completely removed, I believe that there should be stricter guidelines regarding putting people into their cells. There has been countless times where I have been put into a cell for my actions (90% of the time I probably deserved it) and have spent my entire sentence in there. While it’s completely realistic to do that, I believe it forms a form of hatred so to say on an Out of Character level. Hatred my not be the correct word for this, but I believe people reading will understand. I believe that solitary confinement does nothing but promote people not wishing to RP at all and just alt tabbing to do other stuff. As an example that I frequently see, players will do silly things and get put into solitary, and then begin to shout, and be met with a /pm or an OOC message stating that people would not be able to hear you. I believe that utilizing solitary just completely revokes all possible RP from being had with others, and should only be utilized whenever all other possible countermeasures show to not work. Without going into too much detail to for possible metagaming, there is a maximum time that is allowed without approval by supervisors, and guards will typically throw them in for the max possible time through their IC protocols. Being a previous member of the SADOC faction, I can say that there are guidelines regarding utilizing solitary. There have been times personally that I’ve been thrown into my cell for my IC actions that I most likely did deserve and have spent my entire 3+ hours sentences inside of that cell, and multiple times I’ve witnessed the same guard while being the only one on shift go off of faction duty just minutes after doing so. I do not wish for this to appear slanderous or anything of that nature, I really believe that Chunder is leading the SADOC very well and I’ve had lots of fun RP while serving my prison sentence, but I believe this is the best place to put this.
  4. I do not believe the automatic alarm is a big issue. I chain rob stores on my criminal character almost every night and I only get caught maybe 10% of the time. If you know what you're doing and are strategic of how you do them you have a low likelihood of being caught. The times I have been caught, it's usually police actively going into the store to buy something and catching me slacking. I have to disagree with removing the automatic alarm. If a store owner gets robbed for his entire profit for the night, why wouldn't he call the police for that?
  5. Date and time (provide timezone): 1688161860 UNIX Character name: Claire_Allen Issue/bug you are reporting: Unable to Picklock vehicles in PD parking garage. This is under the trial of removing some NCZs. Expected behavior: You should be able to picklock the vehicles, as it is not in a scripted NCZ. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Go to the parking garage, have bobby pins, and try to picklock a vehicle. Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
  6. It was a day like any other for Claire, riding around with her friends and looking for mischief to cause. She found herself at the San Andreas Department of Corrections with her friend Luna. Claire wanted to go to DOC, so that she could ask a guard for her items back. As Luna and Claire were pulling into the parking lot of DOC, they saw it.... A poor abandoned Scout just sitting there. Claire then smiled and then turned to Luna and said, "Are you thinking the same thing as me?" To which Luna responded with, "Don't tell me you are planning on stealing that Scout." Claire then remembered all the times that she was arrested, and have had her items misplaced, and then she decided to simply return the favor. She got out of Luna's car and walked to the Scout, and then said over radio, "Tell me if you see anybody come outside", and then began to lockpick the Scout. Just like that, the doors to the Scout were unlocked, and she got in the driver's seat and began to take her screwdriver. She began hotwiring the Scout. To her surprise, she played this out perfectly, no alarms were set off, nobody batted an eye of her devious mischief that she was doing, and the Scout's engine turned over. The Scout's engine turned on, and Claire instantly took the tracker from the glovebox and drove off. As she drove off, she burst out loud in laughter, laughing at the fact the poor officer had to either: walk back to the police station, or do the radio call of shame to ask for a pickup. As she was on her way back to HQ, she picked up Oscar Islington who was stranded on the side of the road and asked if he would like to do some shenanigans with her and Luna. Luna parked Claire's vehicle at HQ and they were off to the dam to wait for another person to pickup, the one and only Patrick Mcginn. We eventually heard Patrick say over the radio, "I'm at HQ" and we were off to pick him up. Patrick got inside the Scout and we were off. We pulled over some vehicles and joked around with them, laughing at how easily the Police Officer let us "borrow" his cruiser. Some people were not happy and tried to ruin our fun by calling the police on us, leading us to flee before we lost our joyride. We had then seen a bus that was LOADED FULL of off-duty police officers and sheriff's department deputies. Claire then burst out in laughter and said, "I'm pulling this bus over." And she did exactly that. Apon turning the lights and sirens on inside the Scout, the bus pulled over, and they almost instantly knew we were not police officers. Deputy Alester Carter then exited the bus and told us to leave. Knowing they are were Law Enforcement Officers, Claire made the decision to leave, as they were all most likely armed while off-duty and she did not want the fun to end just yet. Eventually, as all good things do, her fun came to an end. The same taxi driver who called the police on us had accidentally swerved right into her Scout, and caused her to stall the vehicle. (Such a meanie right?) Claire instantly began to hotwire the Scout once more, until she looked to her side and saw it, a real Police Officer coming straight into her direction with his lights and sirens on. Claire then instantly stopped hotwiring, and a kind stranger quickly let her get into his vehicle, and they sped off before the officer knew it was her. Claire recognized the officer as she was driving away. Claire then whispered to herself, "Anthony Gray...". Claire barely managed to get away. If it wasn't for this kind stranger getting her out as soon as possible, she would have been sitting inside DOC once again! Once the kind stranger gave her a lift back to HQ to get her car Luna dropped off, she instantly asked on the radio, "Is everyone okay?" She got a response from everybody and confirmed that we all made it out without an arrest and she let out a deep sigh in relief. She did not want to get others arrested for her shenanigans. Everybody had then parted ways in order to avoid any possible arrests. Claire was then sat as city parking, and was approached by Officer Ryoshi. Ryoshi asked Claire, "What have you been up to lately? We've had a police cruiser stolen, know anything about that?" Claire thought to herself: "Do they know? Am I about to be arrested? They know for sure." Claire then responded to Joshua and replied, "I've just been chilling here talking to the taxi drivers", hoping that he would believe her quick lie... To her surprise, Joshua either believed her, or was too occupied to further investigate, leaving Claire to be a free woman for another day. ((This was my first faction thread, hope you guys liked it <3))
  7. It would be super useful, but I believe @SquirtleSquad said it better than I could have.
  8. Do you still have the knuckle dusters?
  9. Hello, I believe that after introducing litter and laundry at DOC, mining the metals there with a pickaxe has been made even ore obsolete than it already is. I believe a great course would be to increase the return rate of the stamps that you are given, as it would massively increase the opportunity to make stamps while your character is incarcerated. Earlier this morning, I mined a single piece of tin, and I was given 16 stamps, which is the equivalent to $48, which you can see here.
  10. +1, I hate getting my car out and it's full stalled, and can't even push it because it's in a NCZ.
  11. Can confirm, this happens to me too trying to view CCTV.
  12. -1 As @Jett_J said, I would quit the server if my character was deleted after spending a lot of effort and time on it. If both parties would agree to the CK, then that would be a different topic for discussion, but just solely without both parties agreeing to it, I don't think someone should get the power to ultimately halt somebodies progression on the server, even if it was just an indefinite admin jail, it may as well be the same thing as deleting the character.
  13. I'm a little 50/50 on this. How does one fail at cleaning a table? Or refilling a water bottle? I disagree with the water bottle changes personally to an extent, I would rather have preferred something like just an animation and a timer. I'm exaggerating this, but you shouldn't be able to fill up 200 empty bottles in one go. It does not make sense for someone who's been cooking for years to all of a sudden start spilling their product, when they never did previously I agree to some degree, someone who's been cooking for quite a while would learn what they're doing and minimize their mistakes, but there should be some balance. Why remove the ability to refill water at the water cooler in properties when that made logical sense? (I know PRIVATE LABS, but seriously... it actually does make logical sense to have us be able to refill) I do agree with this, water should be able to be filled up using something that would make sense for it to have water, like a sink or refrigerator, I'd rather be able to give my character clean water, as opposed to the current system of river/ocean water. Balancing a game while keeping the community happy is extremely difficult, as you're always going to have people agreeing and disagreeing with what changes are implemented, and I have nothing but respect towards the developers.
  14. Hey man I really enjoyed roleplaying with you it was really poggers

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