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2022 | Mass Unban?

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  1. 1. Mass unban for players that did not breach major rules?

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Hello my friends from Eclipse Roleplay, today I would like to present this topic to see your thoughts.


Mass Unban for 2022?

So, I am pretty sure that we have all noticed that in high peak times, the server doesn't come near the old numbers.

Eclipse Roleplay is a great community with it's flaws and bad moments for sure.

Most of us, like me can feel the lack of motivation some times, and the online players plays a huge role in that. What I would like to discuss is simple.

Do you believe that high staff should consider unbanning those who did not breach massive rules? Do you think that a mass unbann will motivate groups of friends to return and play?

I believe that in 2022, we should give some people a chance to return and play this game. ❤️ 


And perhaps if those people are to be unbanned, they can keep their characters but not assets? Depends on the situation.

Edited by Papadakis
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5 minutes ago, DrPathetic said:

Where would you personally draw this line?

If this were to be implemented, the line should be drawn at DSO, cheating, ban evading. People that got banned for Non-rp, DM etc should be eligible for an unban. Although it might have a positive effect on the player numbers, I am not sure if its good for the community.

Edited by Dimja
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2 minutes ago, Dimja said:

If this were to be implemented, the line should be drawn at DSO, cheating, ban evading. People that got banned for Non-rp, DM etc should be eligible for an unban. Although it might have a positive effect on the player numbers, I am not sure if its good for the community.

Agree with this also anyone who got banned for failure to report, RWT with asset wipe

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I like the idea of doing this.
I can give an example of people I think should be eligible - I have ~200 discords. Some people were banned because of being in a discord related to the community where some people were discussing DSO and they didn't report it [thus being guilty of DSO themselves].

Perhaps they didn't notice this or didn't give much importance at the time. However, it's been about a year and they are still banned. I think they should be given a chance to come back.

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10 minutes ago, DrPathetic said:

Where would you personally draw this line?

It's really hard for me to give you a solid answer.  See, when someone gets banned, the admins have the full evidence, the high staff can actually see the impact that has been caused from the player's actions to the server.  I can give an example that both of us are familiar.  1 person ban evading, hacking or griefing should not be unbanned. 1 person that decided not to share a screen should, in my opinion. The examples are different, it's up to the high admins to decide which because they have the facts, the evidence and the experience.

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I sure do miss how it used to be and before people comment on the fact that covid played huge part in growing the numbers even before covid the server was popping, bank would always have like 20 odd people outside at 8am mines were stacked with people and you could actually get your car repaired and at poker you'd have 13 people talking smack to you such fun times. 

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Cheating, Ban evading, DSO ect in my opinion should stay banned. However I think that people who for example have gained 2 DM's / 6 Non RPs over the course of 2-3 years in my opinion should be given another chance. After all interacting with other people is what RP is all about, it would bring back a huge amount of people and make the server more lively.

If it is handled correctly and a criteria is made its a +1 for me

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1 hour ago, SmushyTaco said:


I feel like this really ties back to the fact that punishments don't have an expiration date, bans are always permanent, appeals take a long time to process, and depending on the staff member(s) reviewing your appeal and the punishments received you could be waiting up to half a year to reappeal and beforehand you could be waiting a month or more before your appeal is even denied or accepted.

The way things are now just seem so unforgiving and time consuming that some people who really enjoyed playing on Eclipse and have had a positive impact give up and move on.

I'm not sure how exactly a mass unban would work because I feel like a lot of the wrong people could and probably would be unbanned but I'm not entirely opposed to the idea.

for it to work just put out an announcement on disc and im sure other people will tell their friends to submit a unban request, anyone who's been banned for longer than 6 months should potentially be unbanned this way staff can go on case by case basis.

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I have seen some people who has been making 5th 6th appeal and still not getting accepted because of some reason after more than year! It would be much better for the community. It's sad to see how there was only 25 players online and I have only seen these low numbers during server update/rage update. There were 150+ players on Christmas Eve last year at Night Time! 

Mass unban shouldn't happen but for those who has been trying to get back into server after being banned for long time should get accepted to community again!!

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33 minutes ago, IAmTurtle said:

If people want to be unbanned they can submit an appeal on the forums.


I think a system like this will only lead to trouble.

Getting answers for appeals or simply appealing is hard and lengthy process. This community is not what it used to be when I joined, server is getting lower in numbers everyday, yesterday we did not have even hit 170 players in the evening (and its not covid, xmas or any other thing we can make up, another community I was looking at for research part had 700 players), so we need to make decisions and fast.

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Yes, let's once again surround ourselves with people that negatively contributed to the community in the first place by unbanning a bunch of people, so it looks like we have a full server again. That is a move you pull when you absolutely have no one left and we are not at that point yet where we need to get desperate and make those kinds of choices.

There are a number of contributing factors that have lead to a deprecated player count which I won't go into but this isn't the way forward, it's a way to end things quicker.


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14 minutes ago, Bala said:


Yes, let's once again surround ourselves with people that negatively contributed to the community in the first place by unbanning a bunch of people, so it looks like we have a full server again. That is a move you pull when you absolutely have no one left and we are not at that point yet where we need to get desperate and make those kinds of choices.

There are a number of contributing factors that have lead to a deprecated player count which I won't go into but this isn't the way forward, it's a way to end things quicker.


They have been many people who currently play on the server now who have been banned in the past some people do change when giving another chance, this is why it should be done on case by case basis.

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33 minutes ago, Dashingly said:

free @Phil McGee


+1 +1 +1 

a mass unban would be so healthy for the server. kids get banned for 2 dms and never return despite being good RPers/good for the community. 

the report meta is too toxic and there is already mega-threads about the reporting and how punishments are way way way too harsh.

free the man phil

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I totally agree with what's been said, If their was a mass unban to occur It would be very healthy for the community, It would refresh moral for the players now, who would be able to reconnect and play with their friends. Would Increase the numbers which would mean more rp opportunities and things to do and more people to Interact with, and therefore people continue to enjoy the server. It would definitely benefit. However yes the line has to be drawn as to who remains banned and who doesn't based on their actions upon getting banned, which I'm sure staff could easily point out who would deserve a second chance from a small slip up, or someone hacking and cheating and purely being toxic. 

New year, fresh start? 

Also hope everyone has a good Christmas  !!!!

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