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It came to my attention that the arrest system we have actually punishes the user oocly too.
What I mean with that is when you get arrested for 3 hours you have to spend 3 hours of your life in the IC prison.

I am sure that DOC are doing their best to provide quality roleplay to the inmates but it's impossible to provide the same roleplay experience with every single inmate 24/7. 

Most of them end up locked in a med bay, forced to do math for 3 hours while afking. It's impossible for them to play poker because in order to play poker you must have inmates with X ammount of stamps that are willing to give them and play.  

What I suggest is simple. Your character is being arrested for 3 irl hours? You are forced to spend 1 hour in jail. After 1 hour if you log out the jail sentance will count normaly.
So in 2 hours you can log in and your character would have sentenced prison and you will be able to go back to roleplay without being forced to.

Same as the revive system. It's your choice to roleplay a surgery but most of the times you spawn at hospital AFTER it. Without you having to wait 3-5 hours in a surgery room.

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This is a duplicate topic from 2 days ago. 


-1 though, do not do the RP if you are not there to finish the RP. How does it make sense to go and commit a series of crimes, get a 2-4 hour jail sentence, go to bed and then play the next day as if it never happened?

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Crim rp is slowly dying, how long do you guys really think is left?


Try look at it from a main crim point of view, as i noticed everyone who disagreed so far has a legal main.


+1, with the opportunities you have now in prison there's not much to do.


Usually guards aren't around, and i've tried so many times to make some interesting rp in prison with the guards they either completely ignore it, or go into ooc and start complaining because its unrealistic or some shit, this doesn't go for all guards obviously, but it's from my experience.


Then there's poker, not lets say you do get enough stamps to play with someone, you probably wont have anyone to play with. I've been maining a crim for 7 months now, and not once have i seen anyone playing poker in prison.


Then theres interacting with other players, which can be fun, but not for long prison sentences such as 7 hours irl. (Excluding the people who randomly start punching you and start calling you the n word)

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While I disagree with prison time going down while offline I do think there should be some sort of cap at around 4 hours. As someone who has done a 7 hour prison sentence it can be really demotivating at this point it becomes more of an OOC punishment rather than an IC one.  Not everyone has the time to do a 7 hour sentence all in one go too so usually you end up logging on to doing a long sentence, missing any kind of RP with friends or your gang, getting very little interaction with guards and new players punching for no reason.

In the end the cap from 2 hours should have been extended rather than removed, as for anyone who comes in saying "don't do the crime if you cant do the time" go do a 7-8 hour prison sentence and see if you come back with the same perspective.

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I don't like this offline idea. You, as a criminal know what are you getting into and realisticly if you murdered someone you would get a life sentence. I only play on my criminal character but I just take the L and suffer in prison, I know its annoying but thats what you have signed up by choosing a criminal life. 

I would like the idea if they buffed stamps and made them reduce your sentence even more. Right now you for only 500stamps your sentence gets reduced for like only 1-3minutes if im not mistaking. Make so that 500stamps would reduce like atleast 10minutes.

Edited by Vubey
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IRL good criminals don't get caught. Be good or be good at it. The risk of jail time adds realistic pressure to illegal activity's in game. Many officers are EXTREMELY lenient, in the face of the OOC effect the sentence will have on the player. To me the balance would lie in making the criminal activity's rewards higher,but that seems like a topic for a different post.

By and large i think something should be done,more scripted activity's in jail perhaps (lifting weights,playing basketball ect). or even convert any earned stamps at the end of ones sentence to cash.(as a way to earn SOME type of forward progress in jail,give a reason for other to try and take stamps from one another. )

-1 I Understand the problem but disagree with the fix. OOCly,Getting put in jail/Prison is the most consequential experiences on the server. Personally I feel like character death should be as consequential,it would make fear RP better.

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No one is gonna play poker or rp shitting their pants for 8 hours, come on. Sure there is DOC but they rarely do a shit. Mining is also boring as hell and most likely you get robbed. 


either add more stuff to do or allow us to afk / go offline

Edited by Hilbert
lmao can't type
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+1 Do something. Either make the time count when we are not ig or make the time cap to 4hours in max. I even heard they take all our stuff including the GPS and bag etc... Why is that? they won't even give it back when we get released. 

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+1 The prison system is pretty outdated in my opinion not all of us have 4-6 hours to spend in prison at least remove afk timer from prison or add some sort of bail option where prisoners can spend half if their jail sentence then get out on bail.

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On 5/24/2020 at 3:44 PM, Ezrya said:

While I disagree with prison time going down while offline I do think there should be some sort of cap at around 4 hours. As someone who has done a 7 hour prison sentence it can be really demotivating at this point it becomes more of an OOC punishment rather than an IC one.  Not everyone has the time to do a 7 hour sentence all in one go too so usually you end up logging on to doing a long sentence, missing any kind of RP with friends or your gang, getting very little interaction with guards and new players punching for no reason.

In the end the cap from 2 hours should have been extended rather than removed, as for anyone who comes in saying "don't do the crime if you cant do the time" go do a 7-8 hour prison sentence and see if you come back with the same perspective.

+1 pure facts 

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Hello, thank you for your suggestion.

We have no interest in allowing jail/prison time to be done offline, as that ruins the purpose of jail/prison. Arguing that it's a game is a bit old age at this point, we're fully aware that this is a game. Point being, this is a RP game mode within GTA 5, and RP game modes can be different in terms of what immersion it seeks in different areas. 

Our jail/prison times overall for individual crimes are not that high, and we've kept it this way to let players decide themselves how they want the outcome of their actions to look like - to enforce somewhat realistic consequences to your actions (although chances are that, if you murder someone IRL, depending on where you live, you won't see daylight for a very long time). 

Instead of suggesting to be able to do jail/(prison times offline, try to focus suggesting things that would make your stay in prison more enjoyable (things that don't involve much action RP, please), e.g. prison jobs whatnot. If it gets enough attention, it will most likely be reviewed quicker to see if it fits our vision of how we want our environment to be like. 

- Osborn.

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