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More Drug Lab Locations

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I'd previously made a drug labs suggestion, but unfortunately that has gotten buried under a bunch of suggestions over the past couple months, so I'm going to suggest something different and more simple this time.

I might be wrong but we have like five current locations for drug labs, right?

So simply put, add some more locations for drug labs in both Blaine County and Los Santos. We have some poor neighbourhoods like Strawberry and Davis in LS, could easily squeeze a lab into one of those areas and Vespucci. Can't tell me there aren't drug labs in the cities in America right? Could also add some to other spots in Blaine, like Stab City.

The reason why I'm suggesting it is for two reasons

  1. So LSPD can get in on some of that filthy drug action. Selfish I know but it makes sense.
  2. So we don't have incidents where people are arguably camping the main drug spots for people making drugs. There are a few civilians even that love to grass on people making drugs, the same guys over and over. More variation would lead to an easing of this.

PD/SD don't really lose anything by this and the criminals just get a little more choice in how they operate. You've got some small urban gangs like Novo and WCA that would perhaps be able to benefit off an urban drug lab, particularly as they like to clearly claim their territory IC. 

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Well I'd like to see the setting up of personal drug labs in house's and buildings. Should obviously come with a massive pro/con balancing. For example, yeah you are less likely to be robbed but the expense of running one is quite extreme and if you get caught your equipment gets confiscated. You'd also need to source your own ingredients for RP purposes. 



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You guys really get uptight about the wrong stuff lmao, we've had those drug labs in the same spot for months and you're moaning that I put the locations there? 

There might as well be a big neon sign on the highway by every one of them with directions.

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1 minute ago, GOAT said:

You guys really get uptight about the wrong stuff lmao, we've had those drug labs in the same spot for months and you're moaning that I put the locations there? 

There might as well be a big neon sign on the highway by every one of them with directions.

Just because you know where the locations are, does not mean that other people do. 

9. Metagaming (MG)

  • Metagaming is the act of relaying IC information through any method not considered IC that has the potential to change current or future roleplay scenarios or using that information.

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10 hours ago, Brawnkoh said:

Just because you know where the locations are, does not mean that other people do. 

9. Metagaming (MG)

  • Metagaming is the act of relaying IC information through any method not considered IC that has the potential to change current or future roleplay scenarios or using that information.

I mean if you want to split hairs, it's usually the application of OOC information used in-character that people get upset about, not the other way. Just seems like you're nitpicking.

End of the day, if you want to help prevent the actual meta-game that makes a difference, then either implement something like this suggestion or this suggestion


Then perhaps maybe you won't have to pretend to forget that there is drug labs in the same locations and there won't be reports on it?


@CallumMontie I'll make it easier for you

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Massive -1 from me. 

At times the "hot spots" on the server are already dead, I've driven around all drug labs at peak times and see only a handful of people. Increasing the amount of spots will just dilute player interaction even more. 

Drug labs should be a place of worry, you need to be careful as people will rob you there. 


Increasing the slots just means there is less chance of interaction. If 1000 players were actively on the server daily then yes I would agree. But there are not and diluting the interaction between players is really really bad. 


You literally seem to miss the point of drug labs, they are meant for interaction, people camping then and waiting to rob is actually some of the only roleplay provided by drugs labs, it certainly is the only interesting gameplay element of the entire drugs system. 

You literally are suggesting to dilute gameplay, decrease chances of player interaction, decrease likelihood of being robbed or robbing a player and overall wish to spread RP around even further. 


Bad bad suggestion. Mega - 1 from me. 


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On 10/3/2019 at 3:34 AM, Brawnkoh said:

I've edited your post to remove drug lab locations. Please do not post those here.

Secondly, Drug labs are already being reworked.

Do you have any info or a road map, maybe hints at a Dev blog, any indication to what is being worked on? As people may be putting effort into suggestions and you guys are already working on something. 


The available info on development is 0.

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