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                                           Another days   in Grove Street 






Edited by Killah
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"I will make you an offer you can not refuse"

A meeting was called over the radio by the high-command and we were asked to make our way to the hood, Grove.
We have the discussed the recent situations and we have been told what the targets are for the next few days.


An hour later on, while we all were chilling at Grove,
Special Weapons and Tactics of LSPD decided to raid us at our own hood for classified reasons and managed to arrest few of us.



When we all emancipation from prison, we were told to come to general store at the beginning of the street,
We were been told about a meeting that was going on between the leadership of WCA to the owner of the store regarding buying it off his hands.
He refused to sell it to us and as a result, we will prevent people from using the store and ruin the income of it.


After the meeting was done, we were divided into three groups,
We have made our way to a few stores around the city and hit them all together.
We gathered all of the money and sent it to the treasury and by that we did another step towards our goal, Headquarters.



Then we all made our way back to Grove and played some music and chilled. 


Edited by Lamar Hawkins
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West Coast Fo' Life

Day started well for the homies, took the rides out and cruised around the city , party n' shit



The "boujee" store owner in Grove St. tought it was a good ideea to deny the offers Pops made so far......

Put that bitch on LOCKDOWN.



After a while boolin with da' homies there, the helpless , vulnerable and afraid store owner decided that is time to snitch to the five 'o and get some boys in blue there. Things went south for some of us , but we made sure we leave our fingerprint where ever we go.



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" Life is, at times, tough. And all we need to do is to prove that we are tougher than it. "

It was a regular day for WCA. They were at their HQ, keeping an eye out on the store. But then out of nowhere their HQ got raided by SWAT once again, they had enough of it and decided to defend the HQ by pulling up and suprising them.


SWAT have already left the HQ and there was only some officers left. Everything went smoothly at first but not for long as SWAT came back and they had to leave their HQ once again. Not everyone made it but atleast WCA showed them, that they are not cowards and are willing to fight anytime.


Cops have started to open fire on everyone that they see on sight. As Lamar was running to save his own life he got caught by police and bruttally shot. Luckly cops were quick enough to save Lamar's life and in the end he was safely transported to Pillbox.



Edited by Vubey
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We all kept with our own at the store and were preventing people from going in there and using the store.

While some of us while blocking the people, the other group were stopping truckers from supplying it.

We have noticed a massive reduce of the income of the store and we all proud of our-self.



After a period we were by the store

A unit of cops decided to pull in for the third time that day and stop what we were doing,

We all were prepared already in our cars and escaped from there.



An hour later after the incident we went back to the store and kept doing what we were doing in order to get closer to our goal.

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"Grove Street"

As always all members doing a good job holding the store and keeping it LOCKED Almost 24/7



When the night fall all members was chilling in the hood, except Darius, who took his vehicle and left the place going towards Bayview.






Going back towards The Hood



Founds the perfect spot for his art, At the entrance of the HQ.




This Graffiti Shall live a THREAT for everyone who's tried going through our hood without our permission.




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Last line of defense


Presence is a must, passing by Grove St. should give you that feeling in your stomach you don't like, the feeling when you know you're in trouble. Threats or harassment won't be taken lightly, nor any provocation by badges shall pass unpunished. The streets will be flared with green and the curbs will be stained red from the blood of the opposition, as a lesson. Dominance is assured, risks have been taken yet growth is still exponential. Lines have been drawn, borders are set, who dares, wins?

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Bigor "Biggie" Slash


New In Town

Bigor came into this city looking forward to a new horizon but soon he would notice that Los Santos

isn´t much different then the other city he came from. Criminals rule the city and the only way

don´t get robbed or killed is to join a bigger family and work your way up to the top.

He knew that his brother Lance Slash was in this town also but he wasnt sure

where he would find him or even if he´s still even alive.




Meeting Up

After talking a to a lot of people in Los Santos, Bigor would finally find a trace of his brother Lance.

Lance was seen a lot around the bank by plenty of people. So Bigor decided to wait around the bank for

a whole day of hoping to catch him maybe depositing or withdrawing money.Then finally 

Bigor saw his brother after maybe one or two years not seeing each other.

Lance looked at Bigor surprised with a smile on his face "Didnt expect to see you here"

Bigor laughed and insisted on a longer talk but Lance said "We will meet in front of

the gun shop around the Chumash area", Bigor agreed without asking any questions.




Learning The Basics

In the meeting Lance told Bigor about our brother being in this town also as that´s the reason

why he came here in the first place, to finally earn some real cash and reunite all of our brothers.

Lance also told Bigor that their brother Kronos is with a gang called WCA for couple of months now

and that he wants them to join it aswell. Bigor was surprised and didnt know what to say as

they always made something out of nothing and then suddenly the whole family

was supposed to join a gang and not be on top of it. Bigor just rolled with the idea

as he trusted Lance and his decision. Bigor knew Lance thought a lot about this

and came to that decision for the better of out brotherhood. Kronos picked both

of them up and they went on to rob a store.




Joining WCA

After spending weeks with Kronos he decided that its time for Bigor and Lance to meet some of the WCA leaders.

Kronos introduced them to Pops. Pops is one of the leaders of WCA and one of the oldest members

of the gang. They had a long a conversation with Pops where he offered them to join WCA as prospects.

Lance and Bigor looked at each other with unsure looks as after that brief moment Lance turned to Pops

and grabbed the white bandana. Bigor was still unsure about it but he trusted Lance and

proceded to take the white bandana as well.




Earning Respect

After being invited into WCA Bigor and Lance met the core group of the gang. They were starting

to visit the cities drug labs and started selling firearms. They were really getting comfortable 

with the criminal life and earning a lot of money. One of the leaders Trey Banks, called them to

the motel to rob some stores with the gang. They robbed a couple of stores and were on

a roll. Then suddenly at the grapeseed store they heard sirens coming closer to them.

Before they knew what was going on four sheriff cars were parked outside

the store waiting for them to exit with their hands raised. Bigor and the other

members in the store went to prison and that´s when Bigor got hit back

into reality. He was getting lucky on the drug and gun deals that he totally forgot

that he was running an illegal business. He spent months in prison thinking of

how he could´ve done things better and been more careful.




Earning Green

After getting released out of prison Bigor went back to the motel and continued his business but

this time watching his back and being much more careful with whom he is dealing with.

After couple of weeks Pops called Bigor and Lance to the motel where they both

got given a green bandana and were told they are allowed to wear green.




Grove War

After gathering money for months, DeAndre King the leader of WCA decided that

its time to move out of the motel and claim a real hood. DeAndre said we would move into

grove even if it means war with the current gang stationed there which was Ballas.

WCA and Ballas leaders had a meeting in which WCA leaders said that they only

have a couple of hours to move all of their stuff out of grove street or there

will be war for grove street. Ballas moved most of their stuff out of grove

but were still really hostile and the leadership of WCA decided that we

will start a war against Ballas for grove street.




Grove Party

After an exhausting day around grove we decided when nightfall comes

we will host a gang party for all of us to calm down and have some fun.







Next Morning

Bigor woke up with a big headache and back pain. When he looked around he noticed that he was

next to his car and it was somewhere near a road as he heard passing cars. Bigor looked around as he found

himself near a highway close to the refinery. He made sure he wasnt injured before calling the mechanics

and retrieving his car.





Bigor and his Slash brothers finally found

a place which they can call home.

Grove Street and WCA.

Who knows what the future holds but it cant get much better then this.


Edited by IgorSlash
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"Our struggle can end only in victory"

After being raided couple of times by cops while doing our own at the store,

We decided to take an action against them and set up an ambush.

They thought it will be another regular raid for them and they will evict us all.

But unfortunately for them, we were set up and shot at them from different directions,

It was a successful counter attack from West Coast Assassins and we shown our dominance at the street.



When we have done our counter attack on the cops,

We separated around and do our own for a while to get off the radar,

Then we all gathered up at the store back and kept doing our own.


Edited by Lamar Hawkins
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Locked into a disagreement over fair pricing with a local store owner, the gang decided to blockade the Grove Street store and not allow anyone to shop there.


Following an influx of snitching from random people, the LSPD became aware of this, and started making arrests at the store. Detectives also took interest in the peculiar situation.


The Assassins would not relent from the task, and continued to remain at the store, in spite of efforts from law enforcement to get them moved.


During one of the raids, a detective and two uniformed officers decided to stay behind to lockpick vehicles, with seemingly no fear of being in that location. We held them up and issued them an ultimatum: If you come to Grove, come heavy, or don't come at all.


They took the advice to heart, and SWAT routinely deployed to the location of the store. High ranking members were arrested, and tensions further escalated.


Morale would not falter, and the police would not be allowed to have a victory on an away game. The gang gathered, and braced for the next raid.


Ignoring the advice of the Assassins, three lone cruisers attempted to raid the gas station.


The result was devastating. Police bodies peppered the streets all the way from MD to the cul-de-sac. Grove Street is not safe for you. Come heavy or don't come at all.

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After chilling at Grove Street for a while with the family, Lance spotted a ballas Jester flying through the hood. WCA clearly told them that this is a NO-BALLA-ZONE but apparently they dont understand the power of our threats.




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At the hood, Grove Street, collectin cash after robbin stores.


Sunny weather, fresh clothes, time for a pic at Grove Street.


Chilling outside the Warehouse at Grove Street.


Keeping the store at Grove Street closed.



We stand our ground. Grove Street is ours.


Stretching the legs, taking some small time away from Grove Street.


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                                                                      Don't go inside                                              without WCA permission.                    pIZvCJY.jpg







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