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Everything posted by MPheonix

  1. You can't delete characters. You can either purchase a new character slot with credits, or you can get surgery at the hospital (first time is free) on the character you created by mistake, and start fresh, though you'd need to pay credits to change the characters' name.
  2. there clearly has been a misunderstanding. how am i banned for being recruit of a gang, with claims that I was a leader and promoted poor RP?

    1. Kris


      Ignore the leadership portion, and the rest still applies.

    2. MPheonix


      If this is true, then how is it fair to be banned because I was part of a group in-game? I'm literally being punished for the wrongdoings of others because of the relations of my character (a character I was barely playing on at the time of my ban). I've been as honest and sincere as I can in my appeals, yet everything I say doesn't matter and I have no chance of being listened to for at least 3 months? 

      A permanent ban for being OOCly categorised due to IC relations. Madness.

      I wasn't even banned with the other members in the same wave, I was playing most of that day on my DOC character with no issues, it wasn't until the joke I said on discord that I was later on singled out and banned.


  3. this suggestion was posted last month, which received quite a bit of attention and positive feedback, so whilst I don’t know if anything has been confirmed, I’d say it’s likely that we’ll get an update for Cayo perico at some point
  4. I think a better idea would be to add a new animation available for everyone. As everyone has 2 pistol slots in their inventory, one is stored in a side holster and the other on your back. Maybe when pulling the gun from your back it would do the normal “pulling the gun from behind” animation, but when pulling the one from your side it would do a new “pulling the gun from the side” animation.
  5. I've used my BMX recently, and although I noticed the "This vehicle is out of fuel" message when I got on it, I was still able to pedal. Is this not the case with all bicycles?
  6. BMX doesn’t require fuel. Though it says “this vehicle is out of fuel”, I’ve found you are still be able to pedal. EDIT: Tried again and yeah was unable to pedal whatsoever, though was able to jump enough to get to a gas station, and after trying /refuel, I was then able to pedal.
  7. An admin may have deleted the tables and sent the RV to mors, not sure if they still do that but have heard of them doing it before.
  8. MPheonix

    Gta 5 not loading

    Make sure steam is running before you launch rage and try to connect to the server, if this still doesn’t work, launch GTA V single player first, then close it and try to connect via rage.
  9. Big +1 Maybe something like having CTRL + X to select walls, roofs, floors etc, with the option to move/remove. Then for objects that use the World UI, such as any storage, doors and so on, have a dismantle option on the UI, same as how it is for tables and such.
  10. Adding in limitations via the script, which restricts and takes away the option for creative roleplay for the entire server, shouldn’t be the solution to combat a certain few rule breakers. To me only the first bullet point sounds realistic.
  11. Exactly what I was thinking. -1 for this suggestion, most bad crashes cause a person to enter the injured state anyways. I’ve seen a post somewhere by an admin stating that unless you’re in the injured state, you aren’t required to RP being heavily injured, unless you want to, which sounds fair.
  12. +1 I fell off my bike and injured myself yesterday, I was able to take my phone out and dial 911, but I wasn't able to whisper into the radio on my ear to call for help? It doesn't make much sense. Like you say, if someone breaks a rule by talking on the radio when they shouldn't, then they should be punished. Restricting the use of radios entirely whilst injured, is a bit unnecessary.
  13. did they make it even worse?
  14. dunno about others but i've always had terrible fps drops on eclipse, before this update, so i can imagine it must be pretty bad now always thought it was just a rage issue but having played other servers, eclipse is the only one where i get such bad fps drops.
  15. this is silly. IC should remain IC, if someone has a problem with bad language ICly, they should handle it, ICly. if someone is offended by what someone is saying or has said as their character, maybe roleplay on an 18+ game isn't for them
  16. -1. if I can carry 20 burgers, 3 jackets, 5 bottles, 2 pick axes, a lion and a dog in my pockets, then why can’t pd carry all the guns they like. realistically a video game should not be entirely realistic
  17. this is just a problem of having OOC rules that have such a big impact on IC scenarios. it’s literally not possible to remain in-character n always base IC actions entirely on IC knowledge, without taking OOC knowledge of rules etc into account as well. you say it’s been a problem for years but it’ll just continue to be a problem with more rules being added. people will always break rules, and people will always try to play the rules to their benefit. the more rules there are, and the less-straightforward they get, the more it’ll happen reworking the current rules would be the better solution
  18. more like the vast majority of the server. in my time in eclipse i don’t think ive ever been in an rp situation that hasn’t resorted to /b the moment someone is at a disadvantage. mostly the older more experienced eclipse players I’ve found have a habit of doing this, wouldn’t be surprised if it’s encouraged to be honest the problem is caused by the rules, which are put in place to make for a better RP experience on eclipse, but they make it worse. by having such rules it means the rules are always at the front of most people’s minds, rather than RP or the thoughts of their character. only place I’ve even heard the words ruleplay is eclipse.
  19. i don’t see how adding ruleplay as a rule to combat a problem caused by rules would make things better
  20. Should be “K” to lock/unlock car doors and house doors
  21. some mans got memory issues fr
  22. dont see the need for a thread because of ic consequences. if rules are broken post a report
  23. +1 to this static drug labs were a major aspect of criminal RP (likely for law enforcement also). i wouldn't have lasted long on the server had i not met people at labs when i first started, i'm sure others feel the same. the mobile labs are good n everything, but for someone new wanting to go the criminal route, that's pretty much impossible. the best solution would be to have both the static labs to cook drugs at and the mobile labs, as both have their good/bad points, different risks etc, different opportunities for roleplay
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