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LSPD /takeguns suggestion

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One small suggestion about LSPD Frisk and /takeguns.


Can we be able when we use the command /takeguns  the guns will go straight to our  inventory and not dissapear. 

This will prevent us for cuff and uncuff all the time just for them to drop the guns. Also no officer will uncuff a suspect just to take his gun he would take it himself.

This will help us for further Investigations as well, lets say if a detective need the gun for fingerprints.



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18 hours ago, Yputi said:


They don't disappear though, they go straight in your weaponwheel. The only flaw is that you can't drop it from there as it will notify you that you can't drop it because "it is not your weapon"

Thats something i didnt notice, Thanks for that.


16 hours ago, MusketDeezNuts said:

-1 this would spawn in more weapons into the world. We are trying to limit the amount already.

We "destroying" evidence by de-spawning them into cruisers after/and if there is an investigation. 


On 5/28/2019 at 4:42 PM, xeater said:

Just make guns become an item when you're cuffed

Just like when you are down


This is also a good suggestion

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I would say this would help a lot. For instance i have been to prison and had my knife and gun on me while locked up. Yeah officer failed his job but at the same time if the command was short and simple i feel it would be done used better.

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