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Legal job tier

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Looking at SAMP, I think it's a good idea if you provide tier for trucker or courier or other legal jobs. The longer you have been in one job, the more experience you have, which leads to special mission or rewards for people who grinds hard.

Each job when reached max level can provide certain perk/benefit related to that job.

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Big +1 to this.

I know a lot of people who don't play for the hardcore government/criminal grind and just enjoy working away at being a postal driver etc.

This could help flush out the civilian RP more if there was incentive to stay at the non-government jobs. 

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On 4/17/2019 at 8:26 AM, Sauer Stein said:

+1 Currently only jobs worth it are criminal or government jobs. All other jobs are pointless.

You have obviously never been a criminal, or you are a zeta haha.... I work a drug lab risking death and money loss, as well as being robbed and my vehicle being chopped, for roughly 8k an hour you have to split with the people working with you... chopping is not sustainable and actually just gets you killed cause zetas try to tax the only profit and they are shoot first ask questions later... and robbing stores used to be good until officers figured out they could abuse game mechanics and just shove up against a door to arrest 4 people as 1 officer for easy money.... 

All that aside +1 for promotions in jobs, I want trucking to be worth it....
Also +1 to criminal jobs that don't require a single location like robbing cars or theft in houses so every job isnt limited to the color blue...

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This is a good idea, it would almost work like you are getting a promotion in game for the amount of time you work at a legal job. Or even in the future add in different positions to the legal jobs that have a time requirement of working at the lower tier first before you can move on. That way the higher tier jobs can do slightly different things with a slightly higher pay grade. 

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