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Everything posted by DiCarlo

  1. The only way this would work is if they added the turf system back in and then gangs could fight over those areas to gain control. But it should not be a constant thing each area should only be allowed to be attack by an opposing gang after a certain number of house have passed. For example if gang A take control of ther turf it is theirs for x amount of hours (2 -6 hours say) and during that time no gangs can take it off them. After the time is up the controling gang has to defend the turf from attacking gangs for lets say an hour, once the hour is up which ever gang is at the control point and use a command to take control and then they have control of the point for the next 2 - 6 hours. The turf could be on a rotating timer so that every hour or so a new area is up for grabs. Along with this system the turfs could also give the controlling gang benefits. Maybe the gang gets money for controling the turf or they get accesss to import weapons or even thier own drug lab that they can make larger quantity of drugs at. What ever it may be the gang gets a benefit for controling the point. With a system like this in play it will give the gangs something to do while also promoting gangs to less likly want to align themselevs with another official gang and will also stop gangs from constanly robbing and harassing civilians for thier fish.
  2. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the reason you keep getting warnings is because you keep doing the wrong thing, or at the very least are skating the line of right and wrong to the point that most people would not be able to tell the difference. In game admins are there for in game situations that require immediate attention, if new players come to the server and /report for a simple question that they could ask on the forums or on discord then of course its gonna take a while for an admin to respond in game cause they have better things to be dealing with. Finally most people dont leave the server because of the admins the leave because once they lose their new player tag they just get robbed constantly in non rp situations, filling up with gas - get robbed, fishing off the pier - get robbed. And dont even think about doing any drug running or chopping cars cause you will definitely get rolled up on by 6 people to rob one guy.
  3. Ok so this thread is going to have a few suggestions so bare with me. First of all I have seen many posts about how people are constantly being robbed and I myself have also experienced this while in game as well, with many people trying to rob me while i'm fishing (which is non rp as hell but I will get to that). So not only do you get robbed for your fish but if you are trying to RP as a criminal and either don't want to be in a gang or just are not in a gang, you are pretty much screwed. Just last night on my alt I went to go make some drugs and all three drug labs were being camped buy gangs with 4 or 5 people trying to rob anyone that showed up or telling everyone to leave. Or you have the other way which is they will just wait for you to make some drugs, block the entrance run in hold you at gunpoint, take everything you have then leave continuing to repeat this process over and over. I feel the biggest issue here is that there is not a lot of things for gangs to really be doing, there is no reason for gangs to have beef with each other so when they get bored they just rob everyone they can in big groups for easy money. The way I believe this can be solved for starters I think that there should be a cap on how many members a gang can have in it, but at the same time I think the amount of oficial gangs should be increase. For example lower the member cap to around 30 but increase official gangs to 10. So will this help? For starters it will make gang leaders be more cautious of people they invite to the gang as now they have limited spots and aren't just going to invite everyone they can and will have to start vetting people and making sure they can actually RP before inviting them. Secondly Increasing the amount of gangs ties in with my next suggestion, and that is to have locations or areas that gangs can fight over to gain control. Having control over the area could provide certain benefits to the gain, maybe it they gain ammo faster, if they control the docks maybe they are able to import weapons more easily, maybe there can be drug labs that are for gangs only and you have to control the area to be able to make drugs there. These are just some examples but there is a wide variety of benefits gangs could get for control an area. Once a gang takes control of an area they have that area for a specified amount of time, whether it be a few hours or a day and during that time no other gang can take it from them, but once the time is up it's there for any gang to take and the controlling gang must defend it. By also having gang drug labs it would mean that players that are just starting out or are playing solo who want to make some money can go to a drug lab without fear of 5 gang members rocking up to rob them. This does not mean that you can't rob people at these drug labs but I do believe there should be a rule of no more than 2 people working together, if you want to rob people with more than that you have to do it at one of the gang labs. To compensate for the this the gang drug labs can produce more drugs faster than the smaller ones can. This would encourage more gang on gang fighting which would mean people who want to just chill and fish won't be constantly robbed by other players. Which leads me on to my next point which has been mention in a thread before of how Non-RP so many of these robberies are, why would someone IRL every walk down a busy pier in the middle of the day and rob someone for their fish, it would just never happen. Not to mention there is a police substation on that pier. I believe it would be a server rule that robberies can not take place during daylight hours in public places and at night where there would normally be people, like around bars or the pier for example. You can however rob people that are in the middle of nowhere with no buildings or anything around or if you can lure someone into an alleyway in the hood that's all fine. But otherwise if someone if just going about their day fishing or walking down the road in the middle of the day then you can't touch them. Finally guns, now this one is going to be really controversial because there are a lot of people here who like to think of this as a cops and robbers server or a dm server but I think guns such as AK's and the likes should be really hard to come by. From what i've seen so far most gangs have AK's readily available and this just should not be the case, handguns should always be the go to and maybe have some smg's that gangs can get. This does not mean to remove AK's but they should be really hard to get. Now a lot of you will be having a cry right about now because "wot bout da pigs" but I'm getting to that. Cops of a low rank or who are not in SWAT should also only be carrying handguns and maybe a pump action shotgun while on duty. Only high ranking members and those who are highly trained should have access to high powered weapons. Guns should be a second resort to roleplay. I witnessed a store robbery yesterday where as soon as the cops rocked up it was instant shooting by both sides. It should be trying to deescalate the situation, the criminals should be trying to talk their way out of it while the cops are trying to talk them into dropping their guns and if that doesn't work after a while of trying then guns can come in as a last resort, but this might be too much to ask of some people here. Im open to discussion's and other suggestions so lets have a civil talk.
  4. Well if you truely are a governement faction there is so much wrong with that including the fact that the news should not be controlled or owned by the governement, especially in a place modeled after the USA. Secondly if you do have a criminal record and are working for a government organisation there is something really wrong with that organisation and whoever is running it should be fired. Mentioned above is a list of all the things you will be denied for, if you have done any of those things then you are infact a criminal and should not be carrying a weapon. If you got denied for something that is not on that lise, then this is an IC issue and you need to go to the police station and deal with it
  5. One would assume that if you are working in goverment it would be really easy to get a gun license for the reason mentioned by flow. If you are working in government and can't get a gun license then there is a very high chance that you should not be there.
  6. I like the idea of adding effects to drugs so that there is a reason for more player to player interactions. The only thing would be that the effects arnt too op. Maybe cocaine can give you a small speed boost for a bit, meth makes you take slightly less damage. But as mentioned above there should be an addiction aspect to taking to many drugs and if you take them too often the positive effects have less of an impact or some other negative effect to couter balance the positives.
  7. Joe DiCarlo here, dont know if anyone will remember me. But played on NGRP and spent most of my time in the LSPD
  8. I miss the variations that arnt here. Like the Ray Carter one.
  9. Houses should just be placed at locations where there is a house in game, the price should be determined by the area the house is in for example houses near grove street, paleto bay or around the alamo sea will be cheaper the houses that are in the vinewood hills. Have the prices range from around 100k all the way up ti the millions so that people with heaps of money can use that money on really nice houses. All we really need is for more locations to be added in.
  10. DiCarlo

    Judicial Sytem

    24 hours is a little excessive especially when there isnt much to do in jail atm but i do agree that if you want a trial the tradeoff is that you will get more time in jail if found guilty. Maybe have it have a min of 4 hours and a max of 8
  11. +1 no more to add really, its a good idea
  12. I believe that there should be more added in the ways of criminals to obtain weapons in a roleplay way, like buying them off other players. This needs to either be another faction management approved thing or add incentives for gangs to sell guns to criminals who arnt in gangs. Weapons by no moeans should be easy to get if you are a criminal but i still do believe you should have a semi decent way of getting one.
  13. I like the idea but instead of it being something that you have to get faction approval from it should be something that is worked into the current illigal factions. For example giving gangs incentives to sell the weapons they import to criminals who arnt in gangs. This would create more avenues for gangs to roleplayt with people while also giving undercover police another way to try and catch criminals buying illigal guns or selling them. As it stands right now gangs just import guns for themselves and just horde them, but if they were to have an easy way to sell them to other players then it would be a lot easier for them to create more roleplay situations. Or another way it could be done is have an illigal side added to the trucking job that after a certain amount of xp earned (have it pretty high so not just anyone can start it) you can start to import/ deliver drugs and guns to a location and after the job was completed you get a gun or two. This makes it so LSPD can pull over truckers to do checks to see if they are importaning anything illigal, and so that there is still signicant risks of being caught. Either way this will creat more situations for roleplay. Overall I like the idea and something like this should be added, it just should still be hard for criminals to get weapons just like in real life
  14. DiCarlo

    Legal job tier

    +1 This is a good idea, it would almost work like you are getting a promotion in game for the amount of time you work at a legal job. Or even in the future add in different positions to the legal jobs that have a time requirement of working at the lower tier first before you can move on. That way the higher tier jobs can do slightly different things with a slightly higher pay grade.
  15. +1 If this is a thing they could script that would be pretty cool. Can add it to the actualyt casino and have it as another spot people can roleplay. Can ever add in other games aswell like roulette and slots and things. Good way to make moeny.... or just lose it all
  16. DiCarlo

    Duo jobs

    +1 This would be pretty cool, this aswell as adding in more intereaction with jobs and the general community like someone mentioned that there should be actual bus routes that people with the the bus driver job can pick up people and it can be a cheaper way to get around the city.
  17. Although this is a good idea, the level of devlopment it needs might be a bit beyond what the dev team is capable of doing atm. Especially when there are other things that they are working on that are a lot better. In saying that though I do think it would be pretty cool to have like an instagram type app where you can share photos and shit. All except maybe have a twitter app cause then it kinda defeats the purpose of the weazel news messages. But with this they could also have a weazel news website in game where they can write articles about things that are happening. +1
  18. Im fine with this cause it will be funny watching all those people donate moeny to get priority then having a cry when they get denied cause their application was shit.
  19. DiCarlo

    Judicial Sytem

    There is a government faction already somewhat sctipted in game, and the other day i saw that they were looking for people who know law or are studying law to help them build the faction up. So i believe this is something they are already working on.
  20. +1 to this or maybe have apartments that people can rent out for a small price thats just a 1 bedroom place you can store shit. I have seen in game there are admin markers at an apartment complex near the beach so this might be a thing they are working on.
  21. Although I do agree that the "I_have_a_question" channel is just flooded with people who arnt asking questions I don't believe that you should have to be approved just to be able to ask a question. I reckon mods need to start cracking down on conversations that have no questions involved at all. Start by giving people warnings and if they dont listen then they get banned from the channel.
  22. Clearly didnt read my post in full, i have been a cop on other roleplay serevrs back in the day og GTA:SA or SAMP. I do know what it is like to deal with these people. And if the system works as it should those types of people will get banned and never come back. Well just like you roleplay being a cop because you either want to be one in real life and cant or maybe you just enjoy being one, some players like to roleplay being a criminal because they think it would be fun and its not like they can do it in real life. Those who play this game like GTA onling will eventually lose interest or be banned. If you are trying to rp with people in jail as a DOC member and they are just attacking you for no reason, then report them. Otherwise you rp with them, dealing with dangerous criminals is a hazard of working for DOC.
  23. Im not complaining about the max time of 2 hours, im just saying raising to 8 hours that just any cop can sentence a criminal to would just be stupid. 2 hours is adiquite, granted things are added to prison for people to do. You say to go roleplay with other inmates but a majority of people would just afk and if you are there by yourself all you can do is watch the grass grow. There is also only so much rp you can do when confined to a prison for 2 hours. And in no way am i saying being a cop is easy, i have plenty of experiance being a cop in the old samp days, i know what its like to deal with people who treat this like normal GTA. ITs just really unfortunate that we who like to actually roleplay have to deal with thier consquences. Also this is a roleplay Game. Emphasis on the game, even though somepeople like to treat this like real life others are here to have fun not stare at a wall by themselevs in jail for 2 hours. Yes people should deal with the consquences of their actions in game but they should also be able to have fun while they are in jail with things to do.
  24. -1 I Strongly disagree with a lot of these points. Although I agree that there are some crimes that should carry a long time like mass murder or terrorism anything over 8 hours should only be able to be given to someone by a court appointed system. If the max time is raised to 8 hours you will have cops (not all) but some who will just stack charges on people to see how long they can put them away for. The reason most crims run away is because of how high the times are for smaller crimes such as a robbery (105 minutes) If you are already going away fro 105 minutes why not just run and murder whoever cause 120 is the max. If however you lowered armed robbery to say 20 minutes and then felony evasion was another 40 on top of that, someone is more lily to be like "well if i run im gonna get triple the time so i might as well compley" These are not the time im suggesting these crimes be it is just an example. My point is when all crimes carry an almost max jail time of close to 2 hours you might as well go all out and do whatever you can to get away. Not to mention the fact that there is nothing to do at all once you are in jail and just have to AFK for 2 hours. If there were things to do like jobs to lower your time or if like on other servers you could log out and the time still continues then high times wouldn't be so bad cause at least you have something to do while you wait.
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