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QOL - The Next Update / Near- Future of ECRP

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The Clothing Update is at this point, being released imminently and as with all release of projects, the question becomes about what is next for the server in terms of development. Every one is going to naturally have their own wish lists and desires of what they want to see addressed but for me, I feel like at this point in the server, there is something that I want to see happen the most and I think if everyone really thinks hard about what is not just good for them or their faction, but everyone they play with, they'll agree with this as well.

That being, a Quality of Life update. You see games having these all the time, usually between big features, but it's because especially with a server like ours, things are constant and people are using the same systems, day after day.

So, what is Quality of Life to me? Quality of Life to me is how enjoyable the game is to play on a non-specific level. You look at all areas of the server that are currently implemented and think, how can we fix or improve this in some way? Not as part of some big sweeping update that takes months, even years to deliver but how can we deliver short and sharp improvements across all areas to improve the experience for the entire player-base.

I'll give you an example. Laptops. Right now, in order to check CCTV, a person has to drop a laptop by their feet and then enter the camera. They cannot see what is going on around them as they would if they were studying the footage on the laptop, so anyone can just yoink the laptop and that's that. Also, the Destroy function for the Laptop is right at the top and there is no timer on it, so if you hit that button without thinking, that is like $7000 down the drain. So, quality of life updates for Laptops would be adding a use function to it, which puts the player in an animation watching the laptop and allow them to watch without dropping PLUS adding a cancel-able timer to destroying a laptop would prevent any accidental destruction.

I'll give you another example. Impound. This has been a topic of contention for quite a while, as civvies feel that cops take too long to release and there are certain aspects of the impound scripts that make things harder for cops to use. Some quality of life updates for the Impound might be things like being able to get your own vehicle released if there are not x amount of cops on duty, the impound buzzer stating whether a person is at the City or County Impound, the release fee in the list of impounded vehicles so cops can tell civvies ahead of time how much it will be, being able to set an amount of days optionally for how long it should be impounded.

Quality of Life is something that I've tried to incorporate into the maps that I've put into the server but maps are just the background environment to the stories we make and the characters we play. The script is the structure, upon which everything is based around.

I know that these are likely going to be centered around what your function is in the server, but if we can get enough variety in the answers and find some real common things to improve then we can 

So, I want your help. I would like for as many of you to reply to this thread as you can, from all corners of the community with bullet points, of small tweaks and changes that you personally feel are quality of life. Small changes that you feel would improve the playing experience for yourself, your faction and the players you share the server with. I will do my best to screen them and compile the most popular ones in the list and we can then present them to the developers and express that this is what we would like, in a structured and sensible way.


Law Enforcement

  • Automated 911 calls about house, bank and ATM robberies to include an area location or road name in their 911 call, like regular 911 calls.
  • Allow law enforcement to search the owner of any particular property, using the same method as /setgps - except instead of the GPS coordinates, it would print back the name of the owner.
  • Make a buzzer for police/sheriff stations at the front desk stating which station the buzzer is at when rung, examples (roberto sanchez always needs assistance everywhere):


  • Add a drop shadow onto the circle mini-game, to allow for it to not blend with the environment so much.
  • Automatically convert pocket cash into an inventory item, in excess quantities. For example, anything over $25,000 turns into packed cash in your inventory.
  • Add a source function to trace the packed money back to it's source. Anything not from a bank or store or an ATM would come back as an unknown source. Bank/Store/ATM packed cash would correspond to the place it was taken from.
  • Allow being able to talk whilst inside the CCTV.
  • Ability to use VOIP at all times unless a text box is active.
  • Fix the draw animation bug that results in you sometimes having a longer looping animation of drawing your weapon after exiting a vehicle.
  • Ability to purchase garage space ICly to prevent house hoarding.
  • Add management to all scripted businesses.
  • Prevent AP loss on ragdoll.
  • Re-organize the furniture store into many more categories.
  • Give /panim news3 (which ever one is the movie camera) the same right-click camera functionality as /panim camera.
  • Split /license and /license [ID] into /licenses (shows all) and then individual options of /gunlicense /drivinglicense /truckerslicense etc which show full name and then the license if it exists.
  • New command /mybio [Text]. Simple one-liner you can describe your character "Looks mid-40's, has a prosthetic leg, smells of strawberries" and if you're within whatever range you can /examine [ID] and that text prints to chat.
  • Clone the bag item into a "backpack" that uses the same model as /panim backpack and functionally works exactly the same way as existing bag.
  • The ability to consecutively refill water bottles without having to re-click each time.


  • Add Life Invader functionality to the laptop item.
  • Add a cancel able timer to the destroy function on a laptop.
  • Alter CCTV to ask for a Laptop in the player's inventory, not for it to be on the floor.


  • Alter the UI at the impound to a world interaction. Instead of "/release" to ask for help, have the text prompt indicate you're asking for help.
  • Using the same logic as bank robberies with minimum cops, if there are less, then you can release your own vehicles from the Impound if you are not wanted for misdemeanors or felonies.
  • The impound buzzer message to include either the County or City Impound location.
  • The release fee included in the list of impounded vehicles (/viewimpound)
  • Add a day addition to /impound to specify how long a vehicle should be held in the impound for, if there is IC reason for it.
    This would show on /viewimpound but you'd still be able to release it.


  • Customisable UI that you can move for personal preference.
  • Customisable chat filters to modify your own chat tabs.
  • Instead of f7 be remove everything, have it cycle between: all UI visible, no UI except chat (/hidehud true functionality), and everything hidden.
  • /togglealias command that allows you to only ever see player numbers by choice (and retain upon relog)
    • /alias ID with no name should just reset the alias you had for that person.


  • Twitter style phone app.
  • Add a feature, whether through the chat or through a visual aspect on the phone, that indicates missed/unread texts and calls.
  • Add some form of a time indicator to the phone text conversations.
  • Make /low work when typing on phone (e.g. 911) "/low police" "/low Roberto Sanchez just killed a guy".


  • Disable /panim in prison.


  • Allow for entering a custom amount at humane labs/general stores for items that you want to buy. Or better yet, make a cart so you can buy everything at once with custom amounts.
  • Make all shops where you buy items have a basket and quantity- so you can buy 50 Bobby pins, a bag and 5 waters (for example) without spam clicking and not knowing how much you are spending.


  • Allow for criminals to mass sell non-stackable items to an NPC (e.g. car parts, packed cash, etc..). Packed cash should be categorized differently depending on the amount of cash in it.
  • The ability to accurately split items in your inventory using a slider/number.
  • Shift-clicking for item transfers.

Food & Drink

  • Allow eating and drinking inside a vehicle, without an animation.
  • Speed up the action timer for drinking.
  • Cancelling eating food doesn't just completely destroy it and instead has % left like drinks.
  • Press E to sit on chairs at burger shot.

Injury & Health

  • Add a 'Finish' option to injured players, with a small cancel-able timer, if you have a weapon equipped which will kill the downed player.
  • Remove the option for players to automatically bleed out and die.
    They can either wait to be rescued or if they are not involved in an active RP scenario with another player, they can give up and re-spawn at a hospital.
  • Replace the death animation with a synced ragdoll.
  • Being able to scriptly crawl when injured.  https://rage.mp/files/file/414-sync-crawl-system/

Legal Jobs

  • Add the opportunity to tip at Burger Shot, when paying for your food.
  • Move the fishing sellpoint closer to the pier/beach.
  • Make the trucker job’s general store stock collectible from the city, not Paleto. (It’s a pain getting an order for $1500 for a city store ordering some radios to have to truck all the way to Paleto and back spending almost all of your profits on fuel).
  • Increased rewards for truckers using personal vehicles.

Illegal Jobs

  • Add more usable items to house robberies rather than just having most stuff to be sold.


  • A short spawn / de-spawn timer when spawning or de-spawning a vehicle, whether a faction vehicle or something from a parking to allow cancellation.
  • Put players purchasing a vehicle, credit or dealership, into the world in a different dimension to allow them to test drive the vehicle fully modded.
  • Review all newly added vehicles (since 2022 I believe) to see if their trunk size should increase and ability to carry bodies added.
  • Ability to lock/unlock a vehicle while carrying a body.
  • Add more high end dealership slots, or make it a virtual showroom with unlimited space to both prevent lag and allow more people to sell.
Edited by Bala
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Something I would like to see integrated into the server is the removal of "Destroy" options on all items. Instead of "Destroy" have a purpose for trash bins in places around the server. Allow players to dispose of their shit in there, and then every say "hour" they would get automatically deleted. In addition to this, they could be deleted earlier by the Garbage Freelance job when they collect it. It would also allow crims a way to ditch weapons or anything like that, and if someone else comes to pick it up, then their grubby prints are now all over the weapon.

This would also allow people to go around and "recycle" water bottles. One of my characters always runs around picking up Empty Water bottles because A) I don't mind the mini game to refill them, B) I can stash them in my apartment or in my cars C) RPly helps keep the city cleaner and D) It's more money efficient this way.

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911 Calls state the general location of a call when it is put in; for example "Mission Row, Metro Los Santos".  I'd suggest if this could change to the (Nearest) road name instead, this allows for officers to know exactly what street the call is on when it appears in the chatbox so that the reaction and response time can be more accurate instead of responding to the call and either looking on the GPS to find the call marker or guessing from how far away the call is via the GPS route mixed with the general location that it gives.

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Allow for criminals to mass sell non-stackable items to an NPC (e.g. car parts, packed cash, etc..). Packed cash should be categorized differently depending on the amount of cash in it.

Allow for entering a custom amount at humane labs/general stores for items that you want to buy. Or better yet, make a cart so you can buy everything at once with custom amounts.

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1 minute ago, Spizor said:

Packed cash should be categorized differently depending on the amount of cash in it.

On the subject of "Packed Cash", automatically make it so that pocket cash in excess quantities, like 25k+ turns into Packed Cash. This would allow for items like this to be dropped upon death, in addition to, no longer being scriptly gained through store robberies, bank robberies, etc, requiring a bit more RP from LEO to determine its source. Or, for Packed Cash, allow for an analysis option that requires an MDC so that those who are able to can trace back the source. 

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Make a buzzer for police/sheriff stations at the front desk stating which station the buzzer is at when rung, examples (roberto sanchez always needs assistance everywhere):

[POLICE] Person named Roberto_Sanchez is currently waiting at the front desk of Mission Row Station and wants assistance!
[POLICE] Person named Roberto_Sanchez is currently waiting at the front desk of Paleto Station and wants assistance!
[POLICE] Person named Roberto_Sanchez is currently waiting at the front desk of Vinewood Station and wants assistance!
[POLICE] Person named Roberto_Sanchez is currently waiting at the front desk of Sandy Station and wants assistance!

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Customisable UI that you can move for personal preference.

Ability to use VOIP at all times unless a text box is active.

Add more usable items to house robberies rather than just having most stuff to be sold.

Speed up the action timer for drinking.

Review all newly added vehicles (since 2022 I believe) to see if their trunk size should increase and ability to carry bodies added.

Ability to lock/unlock a vehicle while carrying a body.

Fix the draw animation bug that results in you sometimes having a longer looping animation of drawing your weapon after exiting a vehicle.

Customisable chat filters to modify your own chat tabs.

Twitter style phone app.

Add lifeinvader functionality to the laptop item.

Disable /panim in prison.

Ability to purchase garage space ICly to prevent house hoarding.

Add management to all scripted businesses.

Prevent AP loss on ragdoll.

Add more high end dealership slots, or make it a virtual showroom with unlimited space to both prevent lag and allow more people to sell.

Move the fishing sellpoint closer to the pier/beach.

Make the trucker job’s general store stock collectible from the city, not Paleto. (It’s a pain getting an order for $1500 for a city store ordering some radios to have to truck all the way to Paleto and back spending almost all of your profits on fuel).

Increased rewards for truckers using personal vehicles.


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  • Cancelling eating food doesn't just completely destroy it and instead has % left like drinks.
  • Give /panim news3 (which ever one is the movie camera) the same right-click camera functionality as /panim camera.
  • Press E to sit on chairs at burger shot.
  • split /license and /license [ID] into /licenses (shows all) and then individual options of /gunlicense /drivinglicense /truckerslicense etc which show full name and then the license if it exists.
  • Make /low work when typing on phone (e.g. 911) "/low police" "/low Roberto Sanchez just killed a guy", hell, make it default behaviour.
  • New command /mybio [Text]. Simple one-liner you can describe your character "Looks mid-40's, has a prosthetic leg, smells of strawberries" and if you're within whatever range you can /examine [ID] and that text prints to chat.
  • Clone the bag item into a "backpack" that uses the same model as /panim backpack and functionally works exactly the same way as existing bag.
  • Instead of f7 be remove everything, have it cycle between: all UI visible, no UI except chat (/hidehud true functionality), and everything hidden
  • /togglealias command that allows you to only ever see player numbers by choice (and retain upon relog)
    • /alias ID with no name should just reset the alias you had for that person
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Alter the UI at the impound to a world interaction. Instead of "/release" to ask for help, have the text prompt indicate you're asking for help. This would also help out people with no knowledge of the server to point them towards what they need to do, as the current text prompt really doesn't explain what to do.

[E] Call for assistance

Edited by Victor Einhart
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Weazel QOL:

New command, rather than /wro that automatically sends out a weazel ad in text, we need a new command like /WI or weazelinvoice to charge a customer for something that gets paid directly into the treasury, without automatically posting a message in chat.

5 hours ago, Ash said:
  • Give /panim news3 (which ever one is the movie camera) the same right-click camera functionality as /panim camera.

Minor change on what Ash said, give it the same right click functionality, but make sure it doesnt have the camera UI that makes it impossible to use for video content. Weazel shouldnt have to rely on sniper rifles to have a "camera" for video content. that way we have a photo camera and a video camera option

Other QOL

- change the interior of the furniture store, making it bigger, and the camera zoomed farther out or controllable, so players can see what item they're buying.

Edited by Demonmit1
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To have this here since I just saw it get bumped in another suggestion.

Allow players to give specific permissions to other players for their vehicle with new commands. Get rid of /givekey completely and add the following: "/addvehiclepermission [player] [permission]" & "/listvehiclepermissions"
List of permissions: AccessVehicle, RepairVehicle, ModifyVehicle, ManageVehicle

AccessVehicle will give the player keys to the vehicle.
RepairVehicle will give the player permission to repair the vehicle at a mechanic shop.
ModifyVehicle will give the player permission to modify the vehicle at a mechanic shop.
ManageVehicle will give the player permission to add the previous permissions to other players.

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