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How to fix PD and make the *game* balanced, a pd suggestion

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I agree it would be nice for PD to have to repair their own vehicles, as I mentioned before, perhaps making it so that we cannot /delcruiser unless our vehicle is more than 900 health and 50 fuel.


I dont agree with paying for weapons and armour. We realistically are paid to do a very dangerous job, the motive being salary and pension. We'd essentially being paying for ourselves to get into harms way where as crime, this is a way of life/choice.

I think removing /fl from faction vehicles could be a good step. It promotes realism, stops people getting fresh armour/weapons or items that were not RPed in the first place.

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Agreed that the police cruiser situation should be changed. It is abused right now that most officers just go out on solo patrol, drive like a maniac and then just respawn a new cruiser once every 30 minutes. Something should change that so people drive more carefully and I think BOTH sides should do a better job of RPing injuries after a shootout or vehicle crash. 

LEOs should not have to pay for their own equipment. That's nonsense and unrealistic. There SHOULD however be some limitations where resources such as vehicle and weapons need to be paid for from the faction budget. That way if there are officers that are blowing through the budget by doing reckless things like destroying cruisers or losing weaponry, then they can be dealt with IC with consequence for that.

I agree with the faction loadout at cruisers issue, but some divisions, such as SWAT, need capability to do that. There is a lot of gear RPly stored inside some of the SWAT vehicles (ammo, armor, weapons etc.) that wouldn't make sense to not be able to access unless there were large scale script changes to store the actual things in there, and not just RP them being stored there.

As mentioned by others, the pager is not an issue. As part of the SWAT command team, I can assure you that the pager is used maybe once a day, and even when it is, its because there already very few people online (low pop time of the day) and with how spread out everyone is in time zones, only 1, maybe two people every actually log on from the pager. Most often, even if they do log on from it, the situation is already (nearly) done by the time they clock on and gear up. Also, the pager only goes out to SWAT on PD's side, so its only about 15 people total.

I agree with reducing armor capability a bit. I think regular patrol officers would not be wearing as much armor as they do. Only SWAT members would likely have lots of armor. 50 AP seems more reasonable for regular patrol officers.

For the carbine, I don't think it needed the 20% damage boost the other weapons got. That could be reverted. Also, although the carbine is restricted by rank to supervisors and above, I think it should be further limited so not every officer that can carry one should be all the time. There are IC protocols that are supposed to limit carbine usage in some situations for those certified to use it, but that's not enforced as well as it could/should be. 

Lastly, I will reiterate what has been said by others and what I have said in the past...I see some valid points being made, but this is not a cops vs robbers server. Its an RP server. LEOs should have and need to have the upper hand. This isn't a battle royal game where you gear up and should be on equal footing as everyone else and try to just get into every shootout you can every 2 minutes. If you spent less time focusing on how to get as many W's as possible and focus more on quality RP situations (not all of which need to involve shootouts or violence), you would probably enjoy yourself more and the server would be better for it. 

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I can agree on the terms of having PD require them to repair their own vehicles or maybe even a better way I've seen places where the PD cruisers there are only a certain amount available and balanced to have for the department. Clean out the use of spawning Police Vehicles completely and leave all PD vehicles maybe in the parking garage down the road close to the station there are MLOs for that. So, since the vehicles are always there it will increase the jobs needed most likely for LSC increasing the income going to treasury, won't allow PD to just go back to the station and respawn a new car to continue a chase, PD should have to go to LSC if their tires are shot out. But, this will also, need to be taken on a crim standpoint this won't work unless crims don't instantly shoot out tires as soon as they see a cop if they know cops have to drop from the chase. So, there should be some type of rule to add onto the playing field for cops maybe only allowed to take tires if the cops rammed the vehicle being chased or gave demands to pull over or tired will be taken something along those lines. This will also, even out the economy for gas stations police have to be ontop of refueling and this will even be beneficial server side more people would probably purchase VIP so, they don't need to refuel so, often. If a vehicle does in a case go into the water or explode, then HC or Command + can have access to F4 where they can buy the vehicles and it will spawn at Mors or even at the airport basically, increasing the RP of having a new shipment of police vehicles come in I feel increasing the RP oppurtunities in nerfing PD should be the most important.

Another important thing that should be balanced is Medical RP from PD/SD. Coming from MD standpoint of almost 1.5 years seeing that there is PD/SD that take teh time out to roleplay all the injuries they are the most appreciated. Crims that get shot like 20 times should not be living nor am I saying there should be death RP but, PD/SD should take more time out at least not "/me places pressure on all of the wounds wrapping each wound with pressure bandages." There should be way more roleplay involved in my opinion this will even out the natural criminal deaths and arrests occurring. Because there should be at least RPing each part of the body that was shot with RP at a time. But, yeah LEO can definitely be balanced again without causing the crims to abuse it just by altering the rules slightly if these changes were made.

1. Get rid of spawning vehicles have already spawned vehicles ready for use.

2. Increasing the Medical RP Done by Factions

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On 8/7/2022 at 5:41 PM, XeV said:

1. Police should have to pay for their stuff to make it more immersive, and in return have a punishment/consequence for doing actions such as attempting to take a fight or head into a scenario that they get injured and die in, aka now have to go back and purchase more equipment cause they made a bad IC decision. BUT I am 100% on board with what @Ash mentioned about it being a budget and taken from treasury thing as that could lead to people looking into how the budget is spent and being used and if its being used correctly aka as he said, if X officer is regarding 5 times a day and pulling out a new cruiser 4 times a day. Something to look into and possible punish for as in he rides passenger for a couple days or adapts to make sure he is not doing this stuff daily.

2. Pagers are not used 'Rarely" then again I'm not LEO nor do i plan to be but in my experience it used for just sheer numbers game or outgunned,

3. 50 AP seems way more realistic then 100ap if we go into realistic manners. as realistically Kevlar is not protecting your arms and legs but ONLY your chest and back, I think gta mechanics make it so only your head doesn't take armor damage

4. You have just not been shot by one or used one and its obvious, as it was buffed by 20% for some reason and is a machine of a gun that downs in 4-5 shots it is an avoid at all costs weapon

5. DOC time has been changed and capped at 5 hours if you can afford the fines, A illegal gun charge is an hour of its self and quite insane for the average player as I am sure most of us are adults with full time jobs or even a family 1 hour is ALOT during the work week

6. Its a video game bro, there needs to be a balance or what is the point? if police cannot be fought against on any front it 100% becomes a "Cop State" and becoming a criminal makes 0 sense as Cops have every avenue of anything you can think of covered to the T and will "Win" every scenario you throw at them.

Micah you play the server WAY different then most and thus have a way different experience then most of us, I take your post with a grain of salt cause one you've recently joined a LEO faction and two the way you go about Crim RP on your character is vastly "unique" to the majority.

 Agreed, heavily for suggestion 1, criminals pay for everything which is why we know not to bring certain things to certain places or events, we value our lives and try not to get caught knowing it will result in jail time and asset loss. Cops on the other hand, have all this gear for free, giving them this mentality of "I must be a hero, or they can't die", this should not be the case. If cops paid for their equipment, they would value their equipment and lives much more and wouldn't run to every situation like rambo. I'm not saying all cops do this, there are cops that play right, and I appreciate you guys, but for those that just act like you can't die, please get a grip, it ruins rp scenarios completely. For example, the cop who took a 1v8 against OTF the other night, near Vespucci and died. Realistically, would you do that, knowing the outcome, which would be you dying? There should be some type of boosted budget like how the person above said, where cops need to use that money to pay for their gear, cause when they die, they will actually value their life and what they lose.


Also, I think some type of cooldown should be implemented when a cop dies where they can't go on shift for a certain amount of time after being killed, this will make cops want to play more realistically and tactical, making it more realistic. They will actually be scared to die now and lose their stuff, it will actually make them fear dying and make things risky for them, just like criminals have the risk of going to DOC. By doing this we will see less hero cops and it will make the game more immersive for both criminals and PD/SD. It's a fair risk imo and I think implementing it will greatly affect the server positively, making it more immersive.

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15 hours ago, arcangel said:

I dont agree with paying for weapons and armour. We realistically are paid to do a very dangerous job, the motive being salary and pension. We'd essentially being paying for ourselves to get into harms way where as crime, this is a way of life/choice.


11 hours ago, Bill Breacher said:

LEOs should not have to pay for their own equipment. That's nonsense and unrealistic.


On 8/7/2022 at 4:28 PM, Jett_J said:

As a LEO I think there are a few things that could be fixed but I also think that a big issue with the crim/LEO balance is that crim is simply too grindy.


I like the idea of having to refuel and repair my own cruiser. I think that would be a more immersive experience and it's also a balancing improvement. win-win with that. Cruisers should not be despawned unless they are bugged or somewhere that cannot be retrieved by a flatbed.


I don't think LEOs should have to pay for any equipment unless we get a salary boost (bad idea). However, I think some of the guns need to have higher rank requirements like the shotgun. Carbine is fine with the rank authority required but detectives/investigators should not be using it. 

I also think standard patrol kevlar should be 50 AP with the exception of SED and Metro. 100 AP should still be accessible to LEOs but make it mandatory that there is RP with it. And by that I mean actually getting out of your cruiser, opening the door/trunk and using /me to put it on. Not just going /me puts on his kevlar and then hop out the car with it on. 100 should only be used when going into highly dangerous situations.


The number of shinobis allowed to be deployed at once by each department should be limited to 1.

The number of Jugulars allowed to be deployed at once by each department should be limited to 1.

Personally I don't like the idea of people patrolling in Jugulars even though that's an executive staff thing only.

There are already IC restrictions on deployment of these types of cars but I notice often times the rules aren't enforced very well which needs to be addressed ICly.


Either make it a lot easier to get money for crims or reduce fines associated with charges. Also slash jail times. I don't think a cap is necessarily needed but things like evading shouldn't be 60 minutes, make it 30. Same with carrying illegal firearms etc.


Helicopter pre-flight RP needs to be enforced. People are expected to do it but I can tell it's not enforced. This will delay the rate at which a helicopter can be deployed.

The fuel also needs to be decreased on helicopters.


Unrelated but combat rolling is a pretty cringe and unrealistic game feature. If possible, which I don't think it is, the feature should be removed. Doesn't make sense for anyone to be combat rolling because who actually does that? I would say most people, including myself, use the mechanic during gun fights but it is pretty unrealistic.

+1 this guys smarter than me, the only thing I don't agree with and I feel like a lot of people were interpreting was what I meant as officers buying their weapons. I didn't mean that the officers would be buying the weapons at like 50k for a carbine, I mean a .50 should be like 1k, a tazer 500, carbine like 10k, and buy their ammo, just some sort of cost that would match the current pay rate, as if there's a cop that's dying once an hour i feel there is probably a bigger issue at hand, and at the end of the day when theyre clocking off they can return the gun to the armory or in a locker, and either A. get their money back, or B. Put it in the locker for them to reequip tomorrow. and as for @Ash's question about the new cadet's and them being broke, I do believe there is an XP requirement for PD/SD and by that time they should be able to make enough money, to buy their weapons, and if they have to they can be someones passenger, until theyre able to afford their own vehicle. cus right now as is, What do cops really spend their money on? Food, radio, gloves, houses, cars, more houses to hold more 1 of 1's etc. 

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6 hours ago, Marlon said:

2. Increasing the Medical RP Done by Factions

fucking huge +1 man a gauze pad isn't stopping the 17 holes you just put into me from 5 feet away with a shotgun from bleeding, I'm not even saying this to be like "just let the criminals die" I'm saying this so that it makes the RP more realistic, if your not fast enough at putting on a tourniquet, cauterizing the wounds or whatever like that realistically I'm probably gonna bleed out, I'm not saying you cant put the gauze pad there, but the gauze pad isn't gonna stop me from bleeding out, there needs to be more RP on top of that.

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23 minutes ago, AnakinB said:

fucking huge +1 man a gauze pad isn't stopping the 17 holes you just put into me from 5 feet away with a shotgun from bleeding, I'm not even saying this to be like "just let the criminals die" I'm saying this so that it makes the RP more realistic, if your not fast enough at putting on a tourniquet, cauterizing the wounds or whatever like that realistically I'm probably gonna bleed out, I'm not saying you cant put the gauze pad there, but the gauze pad isn't gonna stop me from bleeding out, there needs to be more RP on top of that.

This again? 

Since you know so vividly what other people doing to you, maybe you can finally tell me what roleplay and description of your injuries you are giving to the medics?
Also, you can use gauze when treating a gun shot wound, to put pressure on the bleed and slow it down so that is a correct part of your treatment.

As for your golf course of injuries analogy, you can't force your own death so there's always going to need to be a reasonably quick resolution to treating your injuries. There's literally a timer.

I'm sure the medical faction would have no problem dealing with your injuries in greater length at the hospital. This is of course before your prison sentence would start.
I assume you would be satisfied to lay there in Pillbox for 30 minutes to an hour while you get the realistic medical roleplay you seek, right?

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Dezzy man that was not the point there are many cops that know and you yourself know that can improve the RP I can show you almost every medical instance of RP that I've done with cops that has been thorough I've never rushed Medical RP, PD RP, Criminal RP even when I'm robbing someone and I'm in risk of getting robbed. Maybe not every crim that does it but, LEO Factions are held at a higher standard then, just people that play as a criminal in that definitely is in faction rules. Everyone can improve on RP but, if one make the change then, others will. And no one said to force death, if you roleplay each injury most likely person would die or they would be very close and they wouldn't be as made as they get a /cpr after one /me and /do

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I dunno about that dawg.

The moral high ground is nice and everything, but it does get a little old after a while. This whole be the change you want to see schtick doesn't really work does it? 

When the sum of their explanation of the injuries is /do broken back then what do I as a cop do there, I ain't got no ambulance and I can't let you force your own death. There's nothing in the BLS bag for that, best thing I could do is get the tire iron out of the car and end your suffering but that's an OOC violation.

I hate to break it to criminal role-players but it ain't meant to be balanced. It's supposed to be weighted in our favour some what. You have the advantage before you do something, while you doing it it's equal and when you've done it it's in our favour.

If you put in next to no effort in your medical roleplay, you are getting minimum requirement from me in terms of medical roleplay back. If you want to get into some Grey's Anatomy with me though then I'll meet that level.

Give what you get back.

Also, no cop paying for their cars and guns and shit like it's Warzone, you need to stop with that shit lol. 

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25 minutes ago, Marlon said:

Dezzy man that was not the point there are many cops that know and you yourself know that can improve the RP I can show you almost every medical instance of RP that I've done with cops that has been thorough I've never rushed Medical RP, PD RP, Criminal RP even when I'm robbing someone and I'm in risk of getting robbed. Maybe not every crim that does it but, LEO Factions are held at a higher standard then, just people that play as a criminal in that definitely is in faction rules. Everyone can improve on RP but, if one make the change then, others will. And no one said to force death, if you roleplay each injury most likely person would die or they would be very close and they wouldn't be as made as they get a /cpr after one /me and /do

+1 if anything rushing medical rp forces rp more than completing to like it should be done, your getting forced to go to jail because someone rushed rp, rather than dying naturally, while getting rp'd on correctly.

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14 minutes ago, Bala said:

I dunno about that dawg.

The moral high ground is nice and everything, but it does get a little old after a while. This whole be the change you want to see schtick doesn't really work does it? 

When the sum of their explanation of the injuries is /do broken back then what do I as a cop do there, I ain't got no ambulance and I can't let you force your own death. There's nothing in the BLS bag for that, best thing I could do is get the tire iron out of the car and end your suffering but that's an OOC violation.

I hate to break it to criminal role-players but it ain't meant to be balanced. It's supposed to be weighted in our favour some what. You have the advantage before you do something, while you doing it it's equal and when you've done it it's in our favour.

If you put in next to no effort in your medical roleplay, you are getting minimum requirement from me in terms of medical roleplay back. If you want to get into some Grey's Anatomy with me though then I'll meet that level.

Give what you get back.

Also, no cop paying for their cars and guns and shit like it's Warzone, you need to stop with that shit lol. 

100% all for what you said about that give what you get back, but tbh if people paid for their own shit, they'd value their assets and chracters more and just wouldn't be absolute units. Like no way you should be fighting a 1v8 cause you have ap and think your invincible, they should at least be able to lose that shit and they'd be more responsible with the guns and gear given to them. The heroic acts are getting out of hand now. 

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42 minutes ago, Bala said:

This again? 

Since you know so vividly what other people doing to you, maybe you can finally tell me what roleplay and description of your injuries you are giving to the medics?
Also, you can use gauze when treating a gun shot wound, to put pressure on the bleed and slow it down so that is a correct part of your treatment.

As for your golf course of injuries analogy, you can't force your own death so there's always going to need to be a reasonably quick resolution to treating your injuries. There's literally a timer.

I'm sure the medical faction would have no problem dealing with your injuries in greater length at the hospital. This is of course before your prison sentence would start.
I assume you would be satisfied to lay there in Pillbox for 30 minutes to an hour while you get the realistic medical roleplay you seek, right?

Sure man! I responded to the "/me what would I see" With, "/do You would see 1x GSW to blah blah blah etc" and the rp I was given was "/me would wrap a gauze pad around his injury" "/do would it stop the bleeding" Now I don't know about you, but after getting shot from 5 feet away with a shotgun point blank, I might want a little more RP than that, it doesn't take a genius to conjure up some rp more advanced than a gauze pad, I'm not asking for much, and im not forcing my own death, the officer has 5 minutes to do some RP that makes sense, if your going to be doing medical RP on someone, and I'm not trying to be a smartass here, but you should probably know some basic medic shit, no?

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2 hours ago, AnakinB said:

but you should probably know some basic medic shit, no?

I hate responding to forum topics that focus on "trying" to balance LE Factions. People come to his server to roleplay and experience new things, not everyone Out of Character is trained to know how to treat a GSW or even medically trained plus most of the time people will copy from others due to lack of OOC medical experience. People who do know a lot or a bit of medical experience know "BLS kits" don't exist, what fits would be a First aid kit for an ordinary civilian, why would someone be carrying a massive duffle-sized bag of medical supplies in a car trunk (except from LEO's due to the many situations they get in on the field). A Basic Life Support bag contains: 



1 CPR Mask

1 Burn Sheet

1 Berman Airway Kit

1 Burn Pad (4" x 4")


Dressings & Bandages:

Equipment & Supplies:

16 Bandages (1" x 3")

1 First Aid Booklet

2 Abdominal Pads (5" x 9")

2 Small Cold Packs

1 Trauma Dressing (12" x 30")

1 Disposable Foam Blanket

10 Gauze Pads (3" x 3")

1 Space Blanket

20 Gauze Pads (4" x 4")

10 Sting and Bite Swab Kit

2 Blood Stoppers

10 Pair Nitrile Gloves

2 Gauze Rolls (4" NS)

1 Eye Wash (4 oz)

2 Gauze Rolls (3" NS)

1 SAM Splint (4" x 9")

10 PVP Iodine Wipes

1 Mini Mag Flashlight

10 Alcohol Wipes

1 BP/Stethoscope

10 Antimicrobial Wipes

1 Instrument Pack

1 Waterproof Tape (1")

1 Shear

1 Waterproof Tape (½")

1 Bandage Scissors

1 Elastic Bandage (3")

1 Penlight

1 Elastic Bandage (4")

1 Kelly Forceps

2 Triangular Bandages

1 Splinter Forceps

4 Eye Pads


2 Kerlix (4½")


1 Petroleum Gauze (3" x 9")


10 Antibiotic Ointment (½g)


Notice how there is a lot of dressing? What would you use in a situation where someone has been shot? The first steps are to stop the bleeding by covering it and applying pressure to it (that's where all Officers start unless you're in METRO and have access to quikclot to further help stop bleeding). After the bleeding has stopped you'll have to cover the wound with some sort of bandage, if the bleeding doesn't stop you apply more dressing over the bleeding. Please make sure to know how to perform medical treatment before getting ahead of yourself and criticizing ways actual EMTs treat GSWs by saying " but the gauze pad isn't gonna stop me from bleeding out, there needs to be more RP on top of that.". After an initial RP line has been completed we /cpr and continue with the RP.

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There are some good suggestions on this topic such as caring for your own cruiser, but:

Why does it make any sense to limit AP for LEOs to 50 when criminals still have access up to 100 AP?

Why does it make any sense to add carbines to the import menu for criminals, what is it adding? Are you gonna fight LEO with it and expect to win? No, you're gonna lose it at some point and make another comment about how LEO needs to be nerfed.

I have had 3 almost 4 years of experience as a criminal and 1 year as LEO on the server and I can tell you that I do not face any of the issues stated here or any that were previously stated repeatedly throughout the years.

You are a criminal, you aren't meant to engage with LEO factions as realistically, they'll be 100x more stronger than you and that's just how it's meant to be. You can't bring out an AK and body armor, looking to fight another gang and when caught by LEO expect to win, no, you're gonna lose the situation 90% of the time and again, that is how it's meant to be.

This also doesn't mean that you can't escape or win against LEO as I have done it plenty of times myself, you just have to be smart about your actions.


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Honestly, PD/SD arent that bad. The only balancing suggestion I have is maybe reduce the amount of shinobis that can be deployed at a time to one and have the rank that qualifies for it to be higher than it currently is. Other than that I think its alright.

Cops shouldnt pay for what they have, thats not reasonable. But removing the ability to do /fl from a cruiser  needs to happen . Implement a system where cops can only spawn these items at the station. If they need more ammo, they go back, if they need to switch out body armour they go back and spawn a new one at the station. Simple.

I think whats making crim painful is just the ooc punishment that is DOC. Thats it really.

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I personally wouldn't mind paying for cruiser repairs and refueling. I have always liked the idea that if a cruiser is under a certain percentage in engine health, lets say 800 then it has to be repaired by the officer and is unable to be despawned. Same thing with fuel, under a certain level the vehicle has to be refueled and not allowed to despawn. 

However removing /fl isnt going to work, That  command is used for more than just getting armor, I do believe it would be nice to see the script limit how many times your could remove armor in X amount of time. 

If there are suggestions with the changing of rank for weapons within PD that is something that isnt script dependent than I highly suggest speaking to the faction leaders of the specific LEO faction. That honestly goes for any non-scripted suggestion. 

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I think to get rid of fl we should have the script limited as it is for burger shot. This making it so it can only go between hands,cruiser, inventory and the locker room.

I am again making people pay for their own equipment and repairs as the state has a budget for that. Also if we where ever low on budget we would just fine and charge the hell out of hall just to make it back (which happens irl in states like West Virginia). 

also I don’t understand how people can complain that sd is op when I am literally one of the biggest nerfs to the entire department. 

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On 8/11/2022 at 9:38 PM, IAmTurtle said:

also I don’t understand how people can complain that sd is op when I am literally one of the biggest nerfs to the entire department. 

Can confirm, He also was the number 1 for wage garnishments in PD.

Maybe the FL menu should be restricted inside vehicles in that you can only access it from the trunk and perhaps the items that can be accessed maybe?
To be clear, as it stands at the moment, weapons are limited based on rank internally and if they are outside of the standard loadout RP is required to collect it from the armoury. If you don't RPly have it, you should be going back to get it.

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Imo the balance for "PD vs Crim" always gets looked at from the wrong angle. I think the issue is that items for criminals are a lot harder to obtain, such as body amours and heavy weapons due to the price of these items. Rather then focusing on limitations for PD, why not focus on making things more accessible and less of a grind for the official gangs.

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All changing /fl like that is going to do is piss off another group of people. There might be a few petty criminals that feel that some how that is a win but it ain't going to fix criminal issues. To quote Dave, you're not stopping the pain, you are just moving it.

The reason people are so anal about getting caught by the PD is because the experience of being in prison is awful. To the point where it's an OOC punishment to be there.
You can give people less time but you're still going to have a shitty 30 minutes as opposed to a shitty two hours AND then you have the problem that people don't have consequences from crimes. If there's more to do and more ways to roleplay, some people will still hate the prison but you will get some people that are okay with it and some that actually like it.

The staff team and also, faction management is far too overbearing as well. Roleplay servers are simple. You build the framework for people and then let them figure out the details. But it's like shooting is a mortal sin or something, it's Grand Theft Auto, not The Sims.

Yet over the past two years, we've seemed intent on pushing the community in a direction that it is resistant to going in and for what?
The roleplay didn't get any better. People did not enjoy themselves anymore.
You cannot consider it a success when we have more legal government factions now than illegal ones. 
You cannot consider it a success when criminals have to play to the rules rather than to their characters.

I'm lucky, I've been a cop for three years so it's been really easy for me to not getting any gameplay punishments during that time. But I guarantee if I was running a criminal character, I'd have at least a couple by now because it's that easy.

I kept trying to tell you guys that it ain't PD's balance that is the problem, it never was. It's how we've set ourselves up. But, people are more concerned with maintaining the status quo than actually doing something about that.

Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.



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Some people say it's PD that is OP and needs to be nerfed, when in reality, there is nothing majorly wrong about it. Yes, a few things could be improved, but why not fixing the major L's that the criminals take on a daily basis? Like import prices, 50k for an AK that you'll lose after shooting 5 bullets is what causes the frustration, the jailtime that people have to spend out of their own gameplay time, which to me, sounds like IC consequences, however, I still don't understand why evading which happens 50 times a day has to be 60 minutes of jailtime, and if you get unlucky, you get felony public endangerment which is another hour. 2 hours just because you evaded for 5 minutes and hit a lamp post. Why evading can't be 15 minutes? The player would still face the IC consequences and go through the arresting RP, but I guess that's a different subject. 

Also, some of you may say "This would limit DOC's RP" but do you think it's fair to tie hundreds of players to one faction? I mean, clearly there is an issue with DOC, but holding people inside DOC for hours because of that excuse doesn't sound plausible to me. 

This is just a personal opinion, not trying to argue or flame a PDvsCrim convo, if you disagree, please ignore this comment and move on.

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I think Bala is spot on with his reply.


The way the management team are pushing the server is away from PvP and towards a realistic city. Part of that is the ridiculous prices of weapons, hefty jail times and fines. Unfortunately whether thats what the player base actually wants seems to be irrelevant here. Unless I am mistaken and the majority of people want a city life roleplay experience.

I have been a cop on this server for nearly 3 years. I have tried to dip my toes into criminal RP but I don't see why people bother with it too be honest.

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