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Constructive suggestions are welcomed.

I wouldn't be apposed to requiring us to refuel, perhaps limiting how many cruisers 1 unit can pull out per hour. I do think the best thing for the server as a whole at the moment is to develop/overhaul the DOC. 

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I really don't see the point of these threads, they are clearly not meant to be constructive suggestions but rather merely seeking affirmation in complaints from the playerbase with an unknown purpose whilst sparking heated circlejerk arguments between two parts of the server that heavily rely on each other to function.

I think these complaints are better formulated into singular suggestions that are not entirely focused on "buff crim" or "nerf pd" or vice versa.

The status quo of the crim/cop dynamic isn't perfect, it probably isn't even good, but this is a two edged sword. The blame for this can't be shifted onto either party in any way.
There's issues with the realism of criminal roleplay just as there is issues with the realism of law enforcement roleplay, these aspects unfortunately don't play out very well against one another.

And by the way, if you have issues with particular roleplay, tactics, situations or particular players on a LEO side, there are more avenues that you can take these complaints which are rarely used, and I don't really understand why.
There is the possibility to make OOC IA reports for roleplaying issues that aren't necessarily server rule breaks.
SD also has a roleplay feedback form on the government website that, to this day, unfortunately, no one has ever used. We'd be more than happy to look at particular things anyone might have an issue with in terms of realism/roleplay standards etc. 


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1 minute ago, arcangel said:

Constructive suggestions are welcomed.

I wouldn't be apposed to requiring us to refuel, perhaps limiting how many cruisers 1 unit can pull out per hour. I do think the best thing for the server as a whole at the moment is to develop/overhaul the DOC. 




I do not mind going to prison IF THERE ARE THINGS TO DO 

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2 minutes ago, DoTo said:

I really don't see the point of these threads, they are clearly not meant to be constructive suggestions but rather merely seeking affirmation in complaints from the playerbase with an unknown purpose whilst sparking heated circlejerk arguments between two parts of the server that heavily rely on each other to function.

I think these complaints are better formulated into singular suggestions that are not entirely focused on "buff crim" or "nerf pd" or vice versa.

The status quo of the crim/cop dynamic isn't perfect, it probably isn't even good, but this is a two edged sword. The blame for this can't be shifted onto either party in any way.
There's issues with the realism of criminal roleplay just as there is issues with the realism of law enforcement roleplay, these aspects unfortunately don't play out very well against one another.

And by the way, if you have issues with particular roleplay, tactics, situations or particular players on a LEO side, there are more avenues that you can take these complaints which are rarely used, and I don't really understand why.
There is the possibility to make OOC IA reports for roleplaying issues that aren't necessarily server rule breaks.
SD also has a roleplay feedback form on the government website that, to this day, unfortunately, no one has ever used. We'd be more than happy to look at particular things anyone might have an issue with in terms of realism/roleplay standards etc. 


No there just is not, I have made IC and OOC IA reports that fall on deaf ears and never receive a response or they receive a response a month later and I have already lost footage or cant even remember the situation.

SD had a roleplay feedback from that has not been used cause Ima be real I have 0 complaints from SD if anything i would rather interact with SD every single time then PD

If i can post POSITIVE roleplay feedback with that form let me know and Ill start using it as SD are doing it right lowkey

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I agree to all of this

I once was pulled over for being in a stolen car. A second unit pulled up, and instantly got his gun out and aimed it at me. A third unit pulled up and started talking to the first. Then a fourth pulled up and didn’t set foot outside their vehicle. Was that really necessary? Could 2 of them not just stayed in their cars in case I ran, instead of having 3 step out and 1 be ready for a chase?

Another thing about the prisons. It seems like the minimum you get is 1 hour, which is dumb imo. I should not have to stay in prison for a full hour with 1 small charge. To me, I think it should start at 20-30 minutes, then ramp up as the charges come in/get more severe. 

I’ve never tried to run because I know that they become stupid with the amount of units that they get into chases. They should start with a couple units, and if they can’t stop you, request a roadblock or spikes, and if that doesn’t stop you then they should ramp up the units, I shouldn’t have a helicopter on me 1 minute into a chase.

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23 minutes ago, XeV said:

You might be good but keep ping variation and packet loss in mind. The construction site wall thanks you for all that lead.


I once was pulled over for being in a stolen car. A second unit pulled up, and instantly got his gun out and aimed it at me. A third unit pulled up and started talking to the first. Then a fourth pulled up and didn’t set foot outside their vehicle. Was that really necessary? Could 2 of them not just stayed in their cars in case I ran, instead of having 3 step out and 1 be ready for a chase?

You were suspected of committing a felony and they performed a felony stop. Shame on them for following protocol, right?


SD also has a roleplay feedback form on the government website that, to this day, unfortunately, no one has ever used. We'd be more than happy to look at particular things anyone might have an issue with in terms of realism/roleplay standards etc. 

Why help a faction improve when you can slander it here, right? @DoTo That is incredibly disappointing.

I'll give a serious answer since I am here. @AnakinB brought up a lot of points that have been discussed in the past. Thing is when you exagerate them all so much to the point it becomes bullshit, those who know the truth will disagree with all you have said. Sadly that's how the human mind works when reading a poorly written argumentative text.
May I add: consider reading past suggestions/discussions on the forums to find your answers. You're an old member. You should know how things work.

I don't want to be toxic or anything but I don't want to waste my time either on explaining you why all your points are partially or totally wrong, since more than one qualified staff member has done it in the past. I am NOT saying all your points are 100% wrong but you wrote them in a way that all I can do is disagree.

Edited by TheCactus
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1 hour ago, SkyeFuryy said:

Lastly, 5 hours in the DOC is not too long. An arrest report at the very least takes 30 minutes to write. And we do anywhere between one to ten of those in a day. If I didn't want to do that, I'd resign. If you don't want to serve time for doing crimes, then don't do crimes. Or, just get good. 


If no one did crimes there would be no server lol, so u cant say don't do the crime. Make the server more enjoyable for criminals as they are essentially the only reason the server operates 

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1 hour ago, SkyeFuryy said:

SD here! o/


I have to agree that it is merely a skill issue. I am sure PD are the same, but we lose at least 50% of all pursuits on a given day. If you were caught, it is either unlucky circumstances or you are just bad at it. No offense intended. 

Secondly, y'all are acting as if we disregard the rules and powergame our way through it. This is not true, we are held to very high and strict standards. If we screw up (and we're human behind our screens, it happens to everybody) we pay the price for it, whether it be through a player report, an IC suspension or other. 


This is a serious RP server. And half of you are under the age of 30 and I very much doubt that any of you are in some high functionning cartel IRL. In fact I'd put money on the fact that most of you have not even seen inside a prison cell. We don't RP GTA online, we RP as realistically as possible. So whilst we are bashing PD and SD for being too OP, can someone explain why the heck you evade for getting pulled over for a speeding ticket? Or why when given the opportunity for RP there is absolutely none? I was held at gunpoint just yesterday on my SD character, and ultimately the guy was screwed regardless. This could have turned into a great story arch, possibly taking me hostage to try and escape, instead, he jumped back into his vehicle leaving his friend to die, and left the scene. He didn't even take my radio. IRL, gangsters don't bait cops, gangsters don't carry illegal .50's on their hips for everyone to see, gangsters don't speed when they have illegal stuff in their vehicles! This isn't about cops being too OP. We don't want the W, we don't want to chase you, in fact, it is annoying. We want to RP, but this mentality right here in this thread goes to show that you only care about the W. 


Go buy body armor if you are too worried about getting shot at (which by the way, only happens if we are shot at first). 

Lastly, 5 hours in the DOC is not too long. An arrest report at the very least takes 30 minutes to write. And we do anywhere between one to ten of those in a day. If I didn't want to do that, I'd resign. If you don't want to serve time for doing crimes, then don't do crimes. Or, just get good. 


Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

Hello! Ex SD here. No. There is multiple ways that we practically used as excuses to shoot at criminals. Please don't say "oh noo it's always in self defense." It wasn't. It's not. Lethal force can be used on anyone pointing a weapon, pulling out a weapon, carrying a weapon (depending on circumstance), running over or even driving towards individuals, and hell. SD and PD both use the "shoot out tires" method, even on traffic only offenses 🙂. I witnessed an entire squad of METRO light up a civilian car when I was in PD and get told off with a verbal warning for it. 

I have seen people (including myself) act like their cruiser has unlimited armor, or they'll go to pillbox, do a couple lines of roleplay and come back to it. "Just get good". I nearly won a 1v3 in SD because of my body armor only. I'm a decent shot. I don't care. Both sides should actually roleplay injuries, even when they're not down. You take a magazine to the vest? Yeah. You're probably not moving after the fight is done, instead people either run for the kill, arrest, or whatever.

There has to be give and take from both sides for this conversation to go anywhere, but both sides are always firmly planted in their little echo chambers. Criminals always whine and moan about how their actions result in them getting sent to the swiss cheese factory, and LEOs are not willing to give any ground.

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+1 Update DOC - It's stale for everyone involved. I understand you need criminals in jail for this faction to serve a purpose. If this faction is indeed that important it needs the attention it deserves.


-1 to nerfing PD/SD. They're supposed to be OP. There are a lot of cops that RP very well. Shout out to the real ones like Bala that will completely ignore your character ducking behind a chip rack and move past you to the backroom. Or Angel and Qubed that will pull you over for doing 89 knowing you just hit stores to make you sweat out a lengthy questioning and then let you drive away. I want these types of players to utilize the tools they have to have fun and provide us with fun too. That being said I understand a lot of the arguments made but I think most of the frustration sets in for crims when they try to air their grievances and are met with closed forum posts or responses like "If YoU CaNt Do ThE TiMe DoNt Do ThE cRiMe". Or when the proficiency of Crim RP is looked down on because most/some in PD/SD are completely ignorant to what the criminal system is like and how that affects the players ability to even want to  take part in more thoughtful RP. 

Crims do not clock on. When you're making money you are typically not role-playing and when you are role-playing you are most certainly losing money the majority of the time. So whatever money you generate in an hour  in fact halves when you consider the amount of time they've spent playing and what they've gained in that time played.


Money should not be a driving force in RP but it is a sense of progression.  Getting fines, time spent at DOC, the price of guns and Kevlar to even out situations where fighting the police is the inevitable option... all these things stack up to an enormous amount of money which is actually time to a player. It is not the money they value so much as it is their time. 


If you want players to choose vehicles that suit their RP instead of the vehicle that the player oocly actually wants make it more affordable. The player still wants to progress. The super car is better than the garbage vehicle that suits their lore that is only going to inevitably get them caught by policing for trying to evade in it.


If you want crims to take L's on the chin in an effort to provide better RP scenarios for PD/SD then stop making it so punishing to do so.





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Massive +1


All the cop players that just say "its a skill issue" "don't do crime if you don't want to go to jail" "it's an IC issue" are just completely delusional. https://streamable.com/bepprx does this look like a skill issue to anyone in the universe? is it a skill issue that you can have the best guns, armor, and cars in the entire game and have 40 people all chasing one dude? it is not a skill issue. 


Huge thanks to @XeV for speaking up for us and being active in this thread.

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59 minutes ago, XeV said:

No there just is not, I have made IC and OOC IA reports that fall on deaf ears and never receive a response or they receive a response a month later and I have already lost footage or cant even remember the situation.

Hi there,

I run the LSPD Internal Affairs and I have just searched all of your posts on the gov website and cannot find a single IA submission. I assume you have multiple gov accounts?

Look forward to your response.

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Just now, MrSilky said:

Hi there,

I run the LSPD Internal Affairs and I have just searched all of your posts on the gov website and cannot find a single IA submission. I assume you have multiple gov accounts?

Look forward to your response.

 I have made multiple IA's against officers in the past and was met with no response or very little in terms of moving forward with the IA, so I stopped making IA's as its useless and in hindsight criminals that rob banks and shoot people making IA's is NONRP in itself so I resorted to taking it IC and kidnapping or murdering said officer I feel as though did me wrong, to then only be met with poor escalation conversations and baby rage so I know I just sit and complain on a forum thread and "take everything on the chin"

And a lot of other peoples IA's are ones I help them make as I was there but I do not make IA's cause it does not suit my current character in any way with the shit I do on a daily basis.

Weird to come off so hostile about your precious LSPD and come at me with a passive aggressive comment such as "I assume you have multiple gov accounts, look forward to your response" like I'm in a player report or something if you run the IA division please in the future take your IA reports more seriously and actually listen to people.

Thank you for your input silky

Look forward to your response.


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1 minute ago, XeV said:

 I have made multiple IA's against officers in the past and was met with no response or very little in terms of moving forward with the IA, so I stopped making IA's as its useless and in hindsight criminals that rob banks and shoot people making IA's is NONRP in itself so I resorted to taking it IC and kidnapping or murdering said officer I feel as though did me wrong, to then only be met with poor escalation conversations and baby rage so I know I just sit and complain on a forum thread and "take everything on the chin"

And a lot of other peoples IA's are ones I help them make as I was there but I do not make IA's cause it does not suit my current character in any way with the shit I do on a daily basis.

Weird to come off so hostile about your precious LSPD and come at me with a passive aggressive comment such as "I assume you have multiple gov accounts, look forward to your response" like I'm in a player report or something if you run the IA division please in the future take your IA reports more seriously and actually listen to people.

Thank you for your input silky

Look forward to your response.


I am not being hostile in the slightest, I am just hoping to steer this discussion into a factual one - and when you state you have had multiple IA reports ignored when there are none on record, I want to clarify that.

Do you have multiple accounts? I would like to review these reports you claim to have made to ensure they were dealt with in a fair manner - if they exist of course!

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2 minutes ago, MrSilky said:

I am not being hostile in the slightest, I am just hoping to steer this discussion into a factual one - and when you state you have had multiple IA reports ignored when there are none on record, I want to clarify that.

Do you have multiple accounts? I would like to review these reports you claim to have made to ensure they were dealt with in a fair manner - if they exist of course!

No Mr Silky San I do not have multiple accounts as I have not used the GOV site in many months since I quit playing my "legal" character, but I wish I could provide you with all the IA's i helped my friends file that were met with No moving forward and all "hearsay" responses unless we as crims run a dashcam or bodycam 24/7 as we do our criminal activities to then maybe file IA's against police officers to a branch of said PD we are reporting.

And come on if you wanna be hostile just admit it, we do not need to hide behind the staff persona of being a robot with no emotions to avoid getting a talking to about behavior on forums, if you feel personal about these rants being brought up about a department you personally have a connection with no one here is gonna hold that against you (if people do they cringe and need to grow up) we are all human with emotions that can be strong hence why reading some of my responses I can tell I wrote them with intent and anger in my heart. and I apologize if I too come off as rude or hostile, but I enjoy this server and playing it, just there is a lot of changes to be made to many different avenues. I am just I guess very passionate about a server in the recent months I have just not enjoyed playing like i used too.

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1 minute ago, XeV said:

No Mr Silky San I do not have multiple accounts as I have not used the GOV site in many months since I quit playing my "legal" character, but I wish I could provide you with all the IA's i helped my friends file that were met with No moving forward and all "hearsay" responses unless we as crims run a dashcam or bodycam 24/7 as we do our criminal activities to then maybe file IA's against police officers to a branch of said PD we are reporting.

And come on if you wanna be hostile just admit it, we do not need to hide behind the staff persona of being a robot with no emotions to avoid getting a talking to about behavior on forums, if you feel personal about these rants being brought up about a department you personally have a connection with no one here is gonna hold that against you (if people do they cringe and need to grow up) we are all human with emotions that can be strong hence why reading some of my responses I can tell I wrote them with intent and anger in my heart. and I apologize if I too come off as rude or hostile, but I enjoy this server and playing it, just there is a lot of changes to be made to many different avenues. I am just I guess very passionate about a server in the recent months I have just not enjoyed playing like i used too.

Thank you. Please do not fuel slanderous topics with false information in future. 

I take my role in IA very seriously as I know that is the point-of-contact for players to question the legitimacy of PD's actions. This counts both OOC and IC and if I fuck up in my role in IA it can lead to many negative interactions and precedents. 

I have played on both the crim and the legal side (admittedly it has been a couple of years since I played criminal properly) but I have experienced both sides to a good extent and I believe you need to see both sides to understand. This topic is full of many assumptions made entirely to justify personal narrative or further slander the factions being discussed. 

If you have concerns IC or OOC with how PD carry themselves, my DMs are always open. I want everyone to be happy.

I absolutely agree to DOC is needing some love and it absolutely will be getting some.

I also agree to having the PD/SD factions have to fund more of their equipment to balance usage.

I do see both sides, but fuelling slander against the factions with false information to justify your argument isn't the way to go. We see the issues, and we are working on it.

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4 minutes ago, MrSilky said:

Thank you. Please do not fuel slanderous topics with false information in future. 

I take my role in IA very seriously as I know that is the point-of-contact for players to question the legitimacy of PD's actions. This counts both OOC and IC and if I fuck up in my role in IA it can lead to many negative interactions and precedents. 

I have played on both the crim and the legal side (admittedly it has been a couple of years since I played criminal properly) but I have experienced both sides to a good extent and I believe you need to see both sides to understand. This topic is full of many assumptions made entirely to justify personal narrative or further slander the factions being discussed. 

If you have concerns IC or OOC with how PD carry themselves, my DMs are always open. I want everyone to be happy.

I absolutely agree to DOC is needing some love and it absolutely will be getting some.

I also agree to having the PD/SD factions have to fund more of their equipment to balance usage.

I do see both sides, but fuelling slander against the factions with false information to justify your argument isn't the way to go. We see the issues, and we are working on it.

100 CORRECT and My claims are NEVER made without me personally having been apart of said or experienced situations.

I have NEVER worked for SD or PD, but I worked for DOC for a good amount of time. I applied to SD and got accepted to an Interview but I realized my IRL obligations will never let me play both a legal and a crim and enjoy doing it. So sadly I will never experience first hand what a LEO does or has to do, but I am friends with MANY Leo's and even watch them stream sometimes on twitch when I am at work doing paperwork. I was always told to bring my concerns to Kris with PD related things so that is where I have guided everyone too, but I will inform them if possible to reach out to both YOU and Kris with concerns of a situation or anything related to a complaint towards the way PD acted or an officer acted to receive a proper response towards it.

To me paying or funding for equipment is not about balance usage its about, being scared to lose said equipment that actually punishes you ICly a little bit instead of people filing fear rp reports against officers takeing a 2v30.

 be scared to die and lose things like we as crims are, cause in its current state the only things LEO's are losing when they die is inventory and time running back to HQ. I want it to be an actual "should I fight this or leave and save my life" cause they spent X amount of money buying the shotgun,.50,tazer they have plus the cruiser they lost cause dead. Cause in my eyes why would I be scared to die if i get everything back at the drop of a /fl

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35 minutes ago, XeV said:

 I have made multiple IA's against officers in the past and was met with no response or very little in terms of moving forward with the IA, so I stopped making IA's as its useless and in hindsight criminals that rob banks and shoot people making IA's is NONRP in itself so I resorted to taking it IC and kidnapping or murdering said officer I feel as though did me wrong, to then only be met with poor escalation conversations and baby rage so I know I just sit and complain on a forum thread and "take everything on the chin"

I didnt want to get involved in this discussion but I just wanted to say that PD's IA division is effective and I personally have done a couple of IA reports (OOC ones) and the responses from MrSilky were positive and I didnt feel like they got "thrown out". Although one of the reports was denied (with a good reason), the other went through and I believe some action was taken to improve the department, and I would like to note that the one that went through was against a very high ranking officer in PD. So the argument that they are bias or dont do anything is simply incorrect, they act on IA reports that are not petty and that can actually improve the department.


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I'm opposed to making my time on the server less convenient so players like Anakin Bridge can feel they have more of a chance of evading cops after they've done something blatant to get themselves caught.

It's not a serious role-play server, it's a server where everyone leans on the meta rather than playing a character because it's easier. Let's call a spade a spade. I don't mind that it being that but let's just be honest about it.

We could make jail times half an hour and you know what would happen? People would tab out or be miserable for 30 minutes instead of four hours before going back out and doing the same kind of foolishness that got them caught in the first place. There would be no consequence, especially for the players that have already made their fortunes.

I get paid $8k an hour, after spending three years in the same faction. I get hit with the 35% tax so really, I get $5.2k an hour. I have to pay for my own food, drink and radio. I also have to pay any injury fees if you kill me and I cannot refuse to help you or put myself in harms way because then I would be corrupt. You then want me to pay for my fuel, my weapon to defend myself and other people as well as a vehicle to drive around in.

Yes, criminals don't get paid by the server. 
Yes, criminals have to pay fines and such when they go to prison.
But Criminals also have the freedom to do whatever they like to make money. The only way a cop can make money is showing up for work.

If you privatise the Police Department, what you think will happen? No one is giving anyone any leniency off tickets. 
The charges that you THINK are being stacked on you when really you just don't know enough about the penal code are all going on.
You will end up paying more in the long run if we went this way, 100%.

Where would be the incentive to be a police officer with such a minor pay. Game wise, makes no sense, I'd be better off at DCC again where I can pay less and make more. Realism wise, LAPD Officers don't buy their own weapons and vehicles. It's not Call of Duty Warzone.

You might say I could do it for the RP? Yes, I'm going to do it for your RP where you jump all over my now purchased car for no fucking reason, call me a bald cunt fifty times like it's an xbox lobby, run and jump away after being tazered a few times and ultimately when the RP is done, decide to report me on the forums because you don't like the way the situation went.

Edited by Bala
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1 minute ago, equ1nox_ said:

I didnt want to get involved in this discussion but I just wanted to say that PD's IA division is effective and I personally have done a couple of IA reports (OOC ones) and the responses from MrSilky were positive and I didnt feel like they got "thrown out". Although one of the reports was denied (with a good reason), the other went through and I believe some action was taken to improve the department, and I would like to note that the one that went through was against a very high ranking officer in PD. So the argument that they are bias or dont do anything is simply incorrect, they act on IA reports that are not petty and that can actually improve the department.


I am not saying they are Bias, but obviously people love to scream it when the way you have to report said officer goes to a different branch of the same people your reporting. It is meh.

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Some of you might know my legal character Jason Steel. I currently roleplay criminal, having left Steel a few months ago, however, I can say without question that the Internal Affairs Division takes its role very seriously both IC and OOC.

Other than people who were kicked from the LSPD, I do not believe there will be many that considers IA a joke or biased towards officers. I had probably the most interaction with IA between all officers in the department and at no point did I feel that they were on my side or let things slide.

I have also made an IA complaint from my criminal some time ago, and it was dealt with properly. Of course, properly is subjective and if you wish to see cops removed or kicked over what you perceive is an issue, but is actually fine IC, then that will not happen.

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10 minutes ago, Bala said:

I'm opposed to making my time on the server less convenient so players like Anakin Bridge can feel they have more of a chance of evading cops after they've done something blatant to get themselves caught.

It's not a serious role-play server, it's a server where everyone leans on the meta rather than playing a character because it's easier. Let's call a spade a spade. I don't mind that it being that but let's just be honest about it.

We could make jail times half an hour and you know what would happen? People would tab out or be miserable for 30 minutes instead of four hours before going back out and doing the same kind of foolishness that got them caught in the first place. There would be no consequence, especially for the players that have already made their fortunes.

I get paid $8k an hour, after spending three years in the same faction. I get hit with the 35% tax so really, I get $5.2k an hour. I have to pay for my own food, drink and radio. I also have to pay any injury fees if you kill me. You then want me to pay for my fuel, my weapon to defend myself and other people as well as a vehicle to drive around in.

Yes, criminals don't get paid by the server. 
Yes, criminals have to pay fines and such when they go to prison.
But Criminals also have the freedom to do whatever they like to make money. The only way a cop can make money is showing up for work.

If you privatise the Police Department, what you think will happen? No one is giving anyone any leniency off tickets. 
The charges that you THINK are being stacked on you when really you just don't know enough about the penal code are all going on.
You will end up paying more in the long run if we went this way, 100%.

Where would be the incentive to be a police officer with such a minor pay. Game wise, makes no sense, I'd be better off at DCC again where I can pay less and make more. Realism wise, LAPD Officers don't buy their own weapons and vehicles. It's not Call of Duty Warzone.

You might say I could do it for the RP? Yes, I'm going to do it for your RP where you jump all over my now purchased car for no fucking reason, call me a bald cunt fifty times like it's an xbox lobby, run and jump away after being tazered a few times and ultimately when the RP is done, decide to report me on the forums because you don't like the way the situation went.

I get paid $8k an hour, after spending three years in the same faction. I get hit with the 35% tax so really, I get $5.2k an hour. I have to pay for my own food, drink and radio. I also have to pay any injury fees if you kill me. You then want me to pay for my fuel, my weapon to defend myself and other people as well as a vehicle to drive around in. -

Sounds like something that should be brought up in its self, most if not ALL gov jobs get paid about the same amount per rank despite the difference in things they do for the community. so yah why not just work for DCC and get paid to go afk at the bank and wait for a taxi request, if you dislike your tax bracket that is a you issue you control how that goes up with vehicles, properties etc..... I easily avoid a higher tax bracket by investing in properties that the game values at 21k but I have to buy for 300k. Vending machines hold money up to about 60k I think. (Sadly Ill never leave the high tax bracket cause I credit too much shit)

Its a never ending cycle, you enforce the penial code to the T crims come in force cause of it and get fed up with it, but its met with DM reports and punishments cause its not properly escalated in terms of "bro its just a ticket no need to kill a cop over it"

So once again we want realism when it suits us and not when it doesn't, yah of course they do not buy their own weapons and vehicle, they also do not use a thin blue 3 piece of wood barricade to stop a car going 240 down a highway cause the barricade is a wall

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15 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

Some of you might know my legal character Jason Steel. I currently roleplay criminal, having left Steel a few months ago, however, I can say without question that the Internal Affairs Division takes its role very seriously both IC and OOC.

Other than people who were kicked from the LSPD, I do not believe there will be many that considers IA a joke or biased towards officers. I had probably the most interaction with IA between all officers in the department and at no point did I feel that they were on my side or let things slide.

I have also made an IA complaint from my criminal some time ago, and it was dealt with properly. Of course, properly is subjective and if you wish to see cops removed or kicked over what you perceive is an issue, but is actually fine IC, then that will not happen.

I just CANNOT get behind Crims filing IA's, when we shoot people,cops, hit banks, evade, daily. I am much for the doing the rp of kidnapping said officer you have a problem with, but every time as I said earlier its met with a report and led to poor escalation or just not "good" enough to do said kidnapping.

IA ing is just handing off RP to someone else, when I want to take the time to find said officer again, get a good position to take him hostage, do the RP, and hopefully make said officer scared to do something similar again

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20 minutes ago, Bala said:

I'm opposed to making my time on the server less convenient so players like Anakin Bridge can feel they have more of a chance of evading cops after they've done something blatant to get themselves caught.

It's not a serious role-play server, it's a server where everyone leans on the meta rather than playing a character because it's easier. Let's call a spade a spade. I don't mind that it being that but let's just be honest about it.

We could make jail times half an hour and you know what would happen? People would tab out or be miserable for 30 minutes instead of four hours before going back out and doing the same kind of foolishness that got them caught in the first place. There would be no consequence, especially for the players that have already made their fortunes.

I get paid $8k an hour, after spending three years in the same faction. I get hit with the 35% tax so really, I get $5.2k an hour. I have to pay for my own food, drink and radio. I also have to pay any injury fees if you kill me and I cannot refuse to help you or put myself in harms way because then I would be corrupt. You then want me to pay for my fuel, my weapon to defend myself and other people as well as a vehicle to drive around in.

Yes, criminals don't get paid by the server. 
Yes, criminals have to pay fines and such when they go to prison.
But Criminals also have the freedom to do whatever they like to make money. The only way a cop can make money is showing up for work.

If you privatise the Police Department, what you think will happen? No one is giving anyone any leniency off tickets. 
The charges that you THINK are being stacked on you when really you just don't know enough about the penal code are all going on.
You will end up paying more in the long run if we went this way, 100%.

Where would be the incentive to be a police officer with such a minor pay. Game wise, makes no sense, I'd be better off at DCC again where I can pay less and make more. Realism wise, LAPD Officers don't buy their own weapons and vehicles. It's not Call of Duty Warzone.

You might say I could do it for the RP? Yes, I'm going to do it for your RP where you jump all over my now purchased car for no fucking reason, call me a bald cunt fifty times like it's an xbox lobby, run and jump away after being tazered a few times and ultimately when the RP is done, decide to report me on the forums because you don't like the way the situation went.

Sounds kinda like a skill issue if you ask me. You dont really have to pay for a radio since you use teamspeak so. Ah yes "But Criminals also have the freedom to do whatever they like to make money." There are 3 things you can do on the server to make money as a crim, Cook drugs up north, Cook drugs in a lab that you have to pay 1 mil for then about 300k for all the stuff to make said property a lab, or Chop cars but that money isnt the best. You guys spend money on two things cars that you really never use and houses to store cars crims can easily loose money every day you guys dont loose money everyday. 

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This is turning into a personal @vs@ which is not a healthy discussion. Your opinion of course matters, and it's very evident how you and a lot of players whom play predominantly criminal feel. Those who know me, know i am an advocate for criminal RP, as i feel that LEO's need criminals, criminals don't need LEO's.

As MrSilky suggested, you are free to submit OOC IA reports, he did not mention IC IA reports (As of course, it does not make sense for a criminal to submit). We are always, as a faction and as staff looking to ensure all players within our faction are fair and adhering to player rules and the community standards. It's something we always state to new academy students.

If you have CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions, such as, someone mentioned arranging for us to have to pay for fuel/damages to vehicles, please submit them. 

If this continues down the path of accusatory grand standing, it will be locked, which i personally wouldn't like to see, as I feel it's important for everyone to voice their opinions.

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