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About AbsoluteBadonkers

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  1. As of right now, the “radios” we have are technically just headsets connected to one very long call, the only time there’s an animation is when you use text chat to use the radio, and there’s no noise when using it. My suggestion would require essentially an overhaul to the radio system so I don’t expect this to get far. My idea is to bring in an actual radio that you wear on your shoulder. You can buy multiple models from a store (of varying voice quality) and when equipped it will appear on your shoulder. When using it your character’s hand goes up to the radio and some kind of noise, or “click” happens to indicate that your have the button pressed. While speaking or receiving on a radio, the voice is put through a high pass filter type of effect (I believe that’s it?) and when you release it there is another click to signify that you are not holding the button any more. Open to criticism as always, but like previously mentioned, I don’t expect this one to get far as it would essentially overhaul the radio system.
  2. While planning an event or asking if multiple people want to help with something, you have to go between each person and send them a message individually. If you could add them to a group and send them all a message and count those who would be in, it would make it much faster and would be more convenient.
  3. I feel as if criminals that are just starting out don’t have really anything to do. They can rob ATMs and people but that’s about it. If people could solo rob stores then it might change a lot. For instance, solo people or smaller groups would be able to hit them when alone. I used to be in a gang of few people, and when they were off there wasn’t much I could do, and I loved hitting stores. I’ve got a few ideas as to how this could work You would need a Crowbar or lockpicks, and obviously a gun. It would happen like banks where you aim your gun at the person running the registers and then go to knock them out. Once they’re out, you have about 20 seconds to start trying to break into one of the registers before the script resets the clerk. To break into an ATM, you could interact with it with a crowbar using the WI menu, or you could CTRL X and click Lockpick to try for it. Once you get it open, the system detects that no sale was made and that no key was inserted, so the alarm goes off and alerts the police. Once this happens you can start grabbing. You can go until either the store is cleaned or you feel you have enough and want to get out before the police arrive. Obviously to balance this out the animation would either be different or you could get more money per grab. The way to rob them with multiple people still stays, with one pointing the gun and the others grabbing.
  4. +1, could make for some interesting getaways too, especially up in Poleto.
  5. I agree. ATMs are currently the only solo thing you can Rob aside from people, stores have a failsafe that doesn’t alert the police or allow you to grab if a gun isn’t on the guy at all times. When you stop aiming they put their hands down and nothing happens. Also with the risk of having the bar glitch out and start lagging, it can be a bit risky to try them, though I will say they don’t show up every time. I’ve done 3 consecutive ATM hits without police, I believe I heard they got off 1/4th of the time but I could be wrong. TL;DR, I agree as you cannot Rob stores solo and ATMs are a solo only thing anyway
  6. +1. Ive gone to dealerships to check out a car, go to view it and the camera is stuck in the ceiling giving me the top and back halves of the car to see. If you select to view a different car I believe the camera moves either up or down as well
  7. Currently, the only way to play music is either through a car speaker or a normal speaker, but regardless of which way you do it other people can hear what you’re playing if they haven’t turned their speaker volume off. Sometimes when driving or taking a walk you may want to listen to music but not have it blasting out of the car. If earbuds were introduced as a purchasable item, you could play music without it interrupting anyone else’s day, or you could listen to your own over the radio while riding with some roadworkers. Just an idea. I’m always trying to throw in ideas for new things that could increase immersion and help the server but they always get thrown out so tbh I don’t expect this one to get far
  8. Even if they’re using a high speed vehicle, if they can’t pull away from the first responding officers they shouldn’t need to be brought into the pursuit, it’s a waste of resources tbh. Once they have the ability to, police will use any and everything they can to win. “We can use a heli now? SEND IT IN. Oh, boys I’ve just been informed that we now have the ability to call in a high speed unit, GET’EM OUT HERE” Nothing is the result of escalation, resources are used when they’re put out. I get that the police are more funded than criminals, but here they’re too overpowered There’s Overpowered Then there’s TOO overpowered They’re currently on the line of Too overpowered If you need a helicopter unit and 4 additional ground units because of an ATM ROBBERY I think you should reconsider the situation, does that really seem fair to the person who is hitting it? True story btw. I was hitting an ATM. Cop pulls up, I stop, round the corner on foot to find 3 other ground units, and a heli waiting for me, that is the definition of excessive. But like I said, I don’t see the police changing any time soon, every time a suggestion is thrown onto the table the admins and other officers always throw it out the window onto a hot pile of garbage with the others, usually saying “We have it like that for a reason, seems like a skill issue” “You just need to evade better” “Criminals aren’t part of a government funded organization of course we’re going to have higher powered and better equipment. The police winning a lot wouldn’t be so bad if the economy wasn’t fucked. It would take hours, maybe days of grinding for money to get all the stuff back you lost to excessive use of units on the police side. That’s what throws a lot of people off, just to buy a damn sandwich is a few hundred dollars, the lowest gas price is $10/gal, a car like the karuma isn’t very fast considering it’s $130000, a lot of people don’t have homes because the lowest price is $100,000+, which takes a hell of a lot of freelance work to get. In the nearly half a year I’ve been in the server, I have yet to own a house because freelance work just doesn’t pay much. Jobs like trucking have automation for orders now yes but it isn’t great when there’s too many people working that. Roadwork is kinda dead now, I rarely see people working that. PostOp doesn’t really pay shit for your time. Coroner still isn’t worth it. Only thing I’d say is worth it is Lumberjacking but even then you need to have a lot of storage for it to be decent. Shit won’t change though, you just have to adapt to it and get over it.
  9. That’s the problem though, they send out high speed units for a car that isn’t even that fast, the police have access to whatever units they want and they seem to abuse it. There shouldn’t be multiple bike units after a guy who can’t even pull away from car units. The last time I evaded the police was months ago. I haven’t done anything illegal since, and I’m not affiliated with a gang, I’m actually part of a legal crew now. Also notice how I tried my best to be fair on the police side of things as well knowing what I do. Crims using cars they shouldn’t, having passengers shoot, pulling stupid or straight hilarious moves just to get away, etc. I don’t know much but I do know that both sides do things they shouldn’t.
  10. Tbh I kind of half agree and half don’t We should have SOME way to be on the offensive if we have a warrant and are pulled over, but if you shoot them it’s only going to make your warrant worse. And as a bunch of people are saying, the police do have advantages that we don’t but some of those are stupidly OP. I was in my fair share of police chases when I was a crim and not once had me nor my responding friends escaped. It kind of gets annoying and makes you not want to do Crim RP when you have half the online officers chasing after you just because you have too many tickets and are not willing to go in. Another thing about the numbers: I’ve also been on my fist share of traffic stops and not ONCE, NOT ONCE SINCE I JOINED IN JUNE has there been only 1 unit on a stop. Every single stop gets backup, even if it’s just for broken lights, I find that ridiculous, backup should not need to be brought to a stop unless something like threats coming from that vehicle or something more serious happened. All of this has kept me from doing anything more criminal related, gets exhausting to lose a $100,000+ load out because of overpowered police But on the police side of things, you have criminals who use the fastest cars they can so they have the best chance to escape, even if it makes no sense for them to use it, they have friends who shoot from the passengers seat a lot, and they pull ridiculous moves just to try and avoid the police. Honestly I don’t see anything changing to help balance the police nor DOC, everything is always shut down, even when there’s good ideas put on the table, but I’ve just gotten used to it by now.
  11. +1 to this Too many times have I been doing something such as Lumberjack, Miner, or Oil Miner, and I go to put my bag in my trunk only for it to not fit because of the space, so I have to drop enough so that I can wear it and not drop it while driving to a dropoff
  12. As of right now using a controller in the server is kinda useless. It tells you that using the d-pad will allow you to turn your car on and off, but doing that gives no result, nor does locking your car. Some people prefer to drive with a controller and being able to park, lock, turn off, and exit your car without switching to your keyboard would probably change a lot to some people.
  13. When doing things such as unlocking a car, your character can sometimes break and stiffen, making you press B to fix it otherwise it looks weird and things such as driving just don’t look right. I’ve been in other servers and feel like it shouldn’t be that hard of a fix. The other servers didn’t have this problem and it would change so much if it were to be fixed
  14. Bobby Possumcods is a not very smart man born into a not very smart family. He was born in small town Dingle, Ireland ((Actual place)) to Conn Possumcods and Alibhe Possumcods. His father, Conn, worked as a Miner, and his mother, Alibhe, worked as a nutritionist. Before he moved to Los Santos, Bobby swore that he would never end up like his uncle, Hon Possumcods, who got caught up in a gang and was arrested for attempted bank robbery. He attempted to escape the prison but was caught a week later at a Pub, and had his sentence extended. Bobby can often be found riding his Scorcher Bicycle doing wheelies and small stunts when he’s not working for PostOp.
  15. When putting a full bag of 100 into a car with a unit size of 50, it makes no sense that it can’t fit. Unless the container is made of elastic or is absolutely massive, it makes absolutely no sense that putting more stuff into a bag would make it bigger and be unable to fit inside the trunk when all I did was add a few damn twigs to it. I get that yes, trunk isn’t big, but if the bag isn’t full and all you do is add a few items it shouldn’t make it unable to fit inside the trunk because it has 55/50 units. And same thing with picking up bags. It may be heavy but it shouldn’t be too heavy to pick up, I think maybe if it’s above 50 you should be able to pick it up (not carry) but your movement speed is slower. Open to ideas and criticism!
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