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Adrian Johnson

Glitches / Dsync

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Hey Community,

I dont know if its just me, but recently or since a couple of weeks Dsync and glitches have become a huge problem, i see people randomly teleporting infront of me and 95% of the time i ride a bike with my wife @Zothian on she either dies through a glitch or we both die... Basically what she tells me is that i am driving into a wall while i am in the middle of the road (??). This has caused that i actually report it as a /report 2 (Glitch) because its taking overhand and the dsync's has become ALOT worse.

I have no clue if you guys from the development team can manage to fix this but it has become really really bad and i wish that you guys maybe could pay a bit more attention to that due to i see also alot of reports where glitches/dsync is clearly involved and i am not gonna lie about it i rammed a guy today that randomly spawned infront of me while he was atleast 40m behind me 1 second before i rammed him, i ofcourse explained him the situation and he said its all good it has happend alot recently. However i just wanna point out that my connection is pretty stable (38-50 ping) and i do not think that laag is the problem due to i also checked the other guys ping and it was barely 60.

Maybe you guys can prioritize this due to yeah its an actual issues since a couple of weeks.

Adrian Johnson


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+1 Im pretty much terrified to Ride as a passenger on a bike....when the desync sends me flying into a wall and then corrects them straight but im dead...

This is also a problem with racing. On my screen i would be ahead of someone but if i swerve in front, they would wipe out like i hit them, when i didnt (Because i did on their end). This could also just be a Latency thing considering Im west coast US, but its even bad for when its West and East coasters playing together.

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