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Everything posted by Puzzling

  1. Just to necro this post for a bit, couldn't the whole thing be like move them to the hospital and use the beds to do the questioning and GSW residue and all of that stuff, search and only take the most valuable things such as Money/Drugs/Guns. We have an entire pillbox hospital and a multitude of beds that can be used. GSW doesn't just come off from air, pretty sure you have to wash it so as long as that RP isn't done then there shouldn't be any reason why this wouldn't work. If you are truly injured, simply being dropped off at Pillbox wont make you be able to sprint away. You can continue the RP and be stretchered to the bed for treatment? I don't know if any of this makes sense but in my head it did.
  2. I dont think chatterbox would like the fun house to be a meth lab! ( Underground doctor in the basement would be neat to heal you a little bit for extra money )
  3. They should probably add a way to see if you are currently on your way or transporting an active job and give you a bypass then because that is pretty silly.
  4. MD has always been about the EMS RP and divisions to add more RP have been optional and people have to search for that sort of RP. The way the script works now is a basic EMS script and nothing more, stabilize to get them to the hospital then drop them off and go to the next call. The EMS script starts and ends at that. A vast majority of other servers you have EMS and you have your nurses and doctors that heal you at the hospital. The EMS take you and carry you to a bed then the Doctors and nurses come in and fully treat you and give you meds/surgery/etc. TBH the way we do our move to prison system by ALWAYS doing a prison transport is honestly more RP than a bunch of the other servers who just send you to prison for the cell of Mission Row. It gives RP ops to try to break your buddy out of prison before they get to it. I agree and don't think PD/SD should take on DOCs role and once your conversation is done with the jumpsuit and like "any more questions" then you are totally within the right to /prison them from the lobby/intake room.
  5. I think that cars shouldn't despawn if someone with keys is online. This *hopefully* will either stop cars for just despawning because you are in RP for an extended amount of time, as well as making the car owners more liable for who they give keys to because the car wont just vanish after you log off in hopes of protecting it. As for repairs, as easy as it should be to code it in to allow people repair, I'm sure the system is pretty broad in terms of allowing all mods and repairs with the /mechoffer. Though it would probably be as simple as a check to see if they are a vehicle owner for mods and a key holder for a repair, I doubt it is that easy who knows how it is coded.
  6. How about we make it were if you do the command, stay in the impound lot area, for lets say like 10-15 minutes and nothing happens then you can get your car back? This gives ample time for one officer to break off from a 4 stacked traffic stop or someone at the desk to finish up with the work they are doing and head over.
  7. This is legendary, maybe something cool could be having a spot to define the music list text file name so people can share music playlists and keep them separate instead of having to keep track of the one with the same name.
  8. I think the bigger issue is fixing the upper body and lower body animations being done at the same time, ex: sitting down and pulling your phone out however +1
  9. I think making it 45 would be nice, you can still have a GPS, Cloth, maybe a lock pick if you get in a tight situation were you would need to pick a vehicle without being completely boned, food and water.
  10. pretty much says what the suggestion is no one wants to wait ages for an impounded car then wait ages for a mechanic to maybe have a chance to come fix your vehicle you also can not push your own vehicle in an NCZ, so you can't even bring it to a mechanic shop
  11. massive +1 there is very little support for business RP
  12. This might be a bit much, but if there is development work going in to aliases to make this happen, maybe it would do the same with people in/out of vehicles and/or the voice chat on the side of the screen. People in the same car will be able to see Aliases, but people outside of vehicles can not see aliases unless windows are rolled down / really broken (no desync, that should be doable with server side scripts and checking vehicle status's) At this point, most people can recognize people based on what they look like, the whole argument about lack of customization options is a bit bleak at this point, people wear the same clothes and you can recognize voices, you shouldn't have to rely on seeing aliases to be like "oh hi x" Also I still think that the voice chat on the side shouldn't show aliases, peoples ID turn colors that should be enough to see who is talking, or if you don't recognize them you ask like a normal person is on a radio / phone call.
  13. Big +1 I have had people do RP deliveries for me, and if they took the goods through windy mountains and stuff, my product would be FUCKED. A little extra money to help or even an exempt payment, but still gives the toll workers money would be an option. The trucking business would probably factor that into the pay and/or reimburse you for those, or you as the truck driver would demand more pay to help offset those costs which just isn't an option cause you know... its a script not a dispatch Edit: To quickly add on, just because you were a badass trucker and saved up enough to not rent trashy company vehicles, doesn't mean you should make less money because of the added expenses!
  14. -1 DCC App has a count for how many taxi drivers are on shift same should be for mechanics so you don't waste time waiting. As stated in previous comments, not everyone plays for 5 hours a day so no need to waste that time hoping for a reply. Realistically LSC/Bayview should be on the phone instead of commands but that's another topic.
  15. This has been asked probably 10 times over the past 3 years I've looked at the forums, maybe one day who knows. +1
  16. This could be a whole other suggestion in terms of making a more advanced repair system, both giving more RP to mechanics and when repairing vehicles. Maybe ill go write up a post or something sometime soon.
  17. lil bump on this because I think it is crazy it costs the same to fully upgrade a Faggio and a 10F
  18. Could a custom build interior not be built like how properties work, right now they are just squares with walls, why not just general a slightly more decorated shape with some other objects to make it an interior?
  19. Big +1 for renting apartments/motels Having lower level housing options for new citizens should be accessible, not having to get 400k for a 1G There are plenty of motels that are on the south side and probably some in Sandy/Paleto that could be great for rented areas. Pay a few thousand a week (3-5k?) and get it till you either cancel or let it expire which you items would just stay in the place until someone else bought that apartment. Before someone says oh those are already properties, there are like 500 apartments each in the towers that are like 25 stories, I'm sure we could add like 20-30 small motels to a few locations and make room
  20. hopefully its closed to being finished this would be sick for the race scene and car people!
  21. The people in the position of the pay raise would be people who have played the server for years already, increasing the top 2 ranks really wouldn't help new people join for base pay still. "The stores are run by player owned businesses so they have to be priced high so they can make money!" Freelance jobs are not a guaranteed income for being clocked on in any job, busy or not factions get paid. MD can make crazy money with patient drop off bonuses and working with a friend doing a duo shift along with hourly. To the original post, does increasing pay by 2k or 3k really give any balance to the game? No. It just is going to inflate the economy more and make people who only make 5k unable to afford anything really
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