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Everything posted by skeletee

  1. Make sure to give love to Dark Army's posts pertaining to this RP line. Dark Army's POV preparing for the heist here Dark Army's write-up of the heist here
  2. Gangs should not be forced to disband at the hands of another gang unless because of an official war. To think otherwise is an unhealthy mindset for the server. How is this enjoyable for anyone? Maybe it was fine in the past, but it is just unacceptable now. I think every faction has something to offer to the server that helps bring it to life. For example, an illegal motorbike gang could host annual rallies, bike shows, rock concerts, charity rides, and collaborate with a drift gang to work on illegal modifications likewise an Asian syndicate can open a MMA business, sell opium, or host illegal gambling likewise a street gang that operate in more impoverished areas of Los Santos can traffic drugs, carry out extortion, contract killing, prostitution, kidnapping, and host events for illegal fights likewise a "hacker-for-hire" mercenary group that operate the underground market and sell information over the internet to other criminals. When a faction wants to do something that RPly wouldn't make sense for do, there would be another faction that can help. These are just to name a few ideas. How much more exciting would the server be if everyone worked with one another to bounce off one another for ideas and events like these? This is not to say shoot-outs isn't RP. It can be, and is a great way to end conflict when used as the very pinnacle of it or a way to escalate a conflict up to that point. Sometimes, however, fighting provides little essence to RP. This is why I say fighting accounts for just a fraction of what RP is and should be, because look at what else there is to do that doesn't involve shootouts. Going back to the main topic, this is one of the reasons why the rule should remain. It fundamentally diverts people away from focusing on providing and contributing to mass back-ups for fights, and instead, forces people to actually "RP" outside of shooting. In reference to the first thing I said in this post as well, no gang wants to fight against obscene numbers day in, day out with no chance of diplomacy. It ruins people's times on the server and deprives RP, especially ones that contribute to faction lore. Back-to-back shootouts with poor escalation is not RP, and the new rule undeniably reduced these. The server is not a place for competition. It's really not. It's too big of a server for any singular gang or ally to "run" it. It's a place for people to enjoy themselves and practice creativity. Let's work together to encourage this mindset.
  3. You named two suggestions, either: (1) better clarify the rule, or (2) adjust the rule so that it simply bans joint-frequencies with allies and nothing else. I'm going to explain why this current rule NEEDS to stay and potentially need evolved over time and why I agree with your first suggestion over your second. The following points I'm about to make is generalised based on the past several months and isn't intentioned to point any fingers at any specific faction. THE NEW RULE The rule is still fairly new and people are still navigating the different nuances and contexts of it. Like every new rule that gets introduced, we cannot expect it to be perfect at first. On top of that, it is also having to ensure that every member of your faction is clued up in understanding the rule. The back-up/joint frequency rule is one of those rules that can be broken easily if not understood. All it takes is one person to be rolling with another gang while still staying on the same frequency, and then out of nowhere requesting for back-up. Of course, their members are going to respond without knowing the context, because how could they not? Their member's life is at risk. However, at that simple request alone, this becomes outnumbered 2:1 and the outcome of the RP scenario has been changed to the point that it can't simply be OOC resolved. The forums should not solely be a place for punishment, but also to help staff clarify the new rule. If one faction's understanding of the new rule is different to another, then there are going to be situations in-game where one faction will think the other one is breaching it. This is unavoidable. It is also extremely difficult to understand the absolute source of where that back-up has come from without checking logs or reviewing evidence closely, sometimes. It is simply a learning process and a way for all gangs to eventually be on the same page. Should the new rule be written? Yes, I think so eventually. But at the moment, it is too contextual and just needs more time to evolve. The rule is simply as it stands; If you did not come across the situation organically, then you cannot assist. You either have two options; (1) assist on your own or (2) leave and spare your character's life. So I agree, this rule seems really good on paper - and it has been VERY good, honestly - but it just needs reworked and can only be reworked over time as more context is placed. RP DEPRIVATION As someone who was on the other end of the massive gang alliance (apologies that I don't know the exact number of factions involved, I just know that we were severely outnumbered), my motivation RP, as well as others', depleted completely. Any potential ideas, storylines, diplomacy meetings with other gangs, and RP scenarios had to be at a standstill/pause because we were expected to fight every day and for multiple times a day, often with very little escalation. At times, we had plans for RP, but it was constantly delayed because of a recent fight/upcoming fight/people were no longer motivated to carry out the RP. This deprived my faction of RP as well as our faction leaders' motivation to plan any for our members, which in turn deprived RP from factions that we wished to RP with. If anything, I think the health of the server has improved significantly since the introduction of the rule. My faction was finally able to focus on building relations outside of fighting as well as focus on our own backstory/lore/turfs. It's also helped our members bond with one another internally since we only have one faction to focus on and that is ourselves. LIMITATION What I've noticed during my time on the server is when you give someone an inch, they'll go a mile. When you give people drug tables to place at home, they'll stack it on top of each other. When an OP bike is available on the server, people will buy it for millions. When a job is buffed, then people will do it all day, every day. Not to say that I wouldn't do the same, because why wouldn't I? However, when you apply this to alliances - when you don't limit them - then people will group in obscene numbers with no other motivation than to fight and provide back-up. This is why the rule needs to stay because without it, then everything I mentioned under RP deprivation happens, and if that continues, then people will be so demotivated that they will be pushed out of the server completely. SMALLER GANGS To continue from my previous point, I feel like the server is at a place where small gangs actually have room to grow. Yes, smaller gangs can no longer ask for protection from bigger gangs, but why should they? Small gangs need to prove that they can fight on their own without the help of others. If say two smaller gangs are fighting one another, and one small gang has the advantage to request help from a bigger gang, then wouldn't that demotivate the small gang that they were fighting? Wouldn't it be better for the two gangs to sort things out between themselves and therefore eventually meet to discuss diplomacy? ALLIES THAT MAKE SENSE I think it's important for every faction leader to really sit down and consider what their true intentions are with their allies/back-up. If your ally-ship only extends as far as having a "shared enemy" and to fight, then they need to question whether or not you are truly here to RP. For example, Daichead Gadai would never ally with a British faction because of their backstory pertaining to the IRA. Being any more than friendly with a British faction would be in COMPLETE opposition to our lore and purpose of the faction. Instead, we have created close relations with Chinese factions (due to shared colonialism from the UK). At an OOC level, we also nowadays also only advance relations with factions that we believe are on the server to RP. At the end of the day, as I always say, it always comes down to the responsibility of the faction leaders. If you're a faction leader that wants to measure their faction's power by number of fights won, then of COURSE no longer having an active joint-frequency or back-up to call is a nerf to criminal RP. You will actually find that fighting together really only accounts for 10% of building relations. If you really, really, want to build relations and group up... then what's stopping you? A joint-frequency or inability to back-up a gang should not stop you from RPing with another faction. Is the rule stopping you because you want to hang-out to eventually fight? There are other ways to build relations, you just have to be creative. Some ideas (but not limited to) include needing help to kidnap someone specific to torture them, assisting another gang to help run their business, heists, bank-robberies, requesting help for illegal car modifications, food drives through Little Seoul, inviting HC to a planned private dinner, requesting for help in picking up a non-script shipment, requesting urgent (non-script) medical first aid from an ex-medic from another gang as a result of illegal activity, randomly showing up and turfs to gift blunts to a specific group of people, or just passively through community events/meet-ups. There are many things you can do. TL;DR - +1/-1 The new rule is great and needs to stay, just needs more written clarification. New rule has helped RP excel in ways beyond simply fighting. Out of everyone, faction leaders should be pinned most responsible. RP should not be limited to just PVP and building relations through helping other gangs PVP. There is more to the server than that.
  4. good rp potential w the space to develop a lot of lore, characters and backstory. hope to see this faction thrive and offer something fresh to the server. best of luck
  5. was briefly tp’d to grove during a bug report i put in today and saw a few of you guys just parked and chilling. was cool to see it occupied and i’m looking forward to the presence of more lore-friendly and rp-orientated gangs. i definitely think these types of factions that are closely monitored for its rp quality steer the server into the right direction. excited for the interactions in the future, gl!
  6. skeletee

    Dark Army

    what a fucking fantastic faction that i’ve had the pleasure to rp with so far. stories are top-tier and each member sticks really closely to faction lore. you guys have so much potential here to build on and so far you’re meeting them. keep up the great work.
  7. -1/+1. It’s a good change, but I agree that name tags should automatically show when someone is using VOIP. It’s easy to distinguish people’s voices usually, but it’s a lot harder to keep up when it’s within quite a big group of people and I need to press alt briefly every time someone chips into the conversation.
  8. was in the middle of writing a suggestion around /do, /me, /ame text-wise rp, but I've just read this and I think you've outlined it perfectly! this is a great way to vet the rp standards of new players coming in. +11111111
  9. Could I change my name from Lola Millers to Lola, please? Thank you!
  10. best of luck, looking forward to more interactions in-game to come.
  11. FSO, thank you for your time on the server and the RP that you provided to the rest of the community. I have said this many times before, but this faction was the main motivation that helped me change the direction of Daichead Gadai completely by pushing forward a massive emphasis on backstory and heavy RP scenarios. I constantly admired the hard work that the members evidently put into their faction and started working towards doing the same. FSO has led by example on what an RP-based faction looks like by showing that RP is what you make of it and not simply revolves around constant fighting. FSO showed that RP extends beyond script and gang-to-gang relationships. Everything created by FSO - events, details, stories - were all clearly researched to follow lore closely. Thank you for being a pivotal feature of what RP looks like on the server. I have had a great time RPing with everyone, and I will miss the presence of this faction on the server. All the best to everyone.
  12. Please delete this reply if I'm not meant to share this here, but I commend a lot of the members of this faction for being both so involved and patient in-game. More often than not, I'm finding myself disappointed that my time's up in DOC because the members of this faction make it that much enjoyable to RP there. It has also correspondingly made arrests a lot less frustrating knowing that these members will be there to make the time pass by quicker. Thank you to everyone that I've RPd with so far within this faction!
  13. you've done it again!! well done, and well thought out. looking forward to some of these ideas being implemented.
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