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Everything posted by Osvaldon

  1. @Kayta hello, thank you for your bug report, however, as stated by other players this isn't an actual bug. A temporary inventory is an inventory type, that loses it's items after a server restart, contents are not saved. If you haven't made a refund request, you could do so in the appropriate forum section. Furthermore, all crate inventories will be made "permanent" in the next server update to make it more new player friendly and because there is no reason to keep them as temporary.
  2. @Amir.mhp hello, thank you for your bug report. You have placed your furniture too high from the ground and you are too far away to remove it. This is not a bug and I can only advise you to request assistance in-game from a senior administrator.
  3. @JDBooker, @CycloneDavid, @JoshBn thank you for your bug report, this issue will be resolved in the next server update!
  4. Osvaldon

    Armour bug

    @Einaras hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue has been resolved in a duplicate report:
  5. @Dylan Ortiz hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue has been resolved in a duplicate report:
  6. @Jack McCabe hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue has been resolved in a similar report:
  7. @Chris Bluestone hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue has been resolved in a similar report:
  8. @JakeInnit_ hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue is related to the NCZ bug and it has been resolved in a similar report:
  9. @Fuz hello, thank you for your bug report, however, I am unable to replicate the issue, some additional information from other players could be useful.
  10. @Fuz hello, thank you for your bug report, this is related to a NCZ bug, that has been resolved in a duplicate report:
  11. @DrizzyDre, @thiggins19 hello, thank you for your bug report, the NCZ prevents players from locking vehicles that are within a NCZ, however, if a player manages to remove a vehicle from a NCZ, then it's possible for them to lockpick it. There is definitely an issue at the Central Hospital, which will be resolved in the next server update and it could be related to your report!
  12. @PlasmaFX thank you for your bug report, this issue will be resolved in the next server update!
  13. Osvaldon

    ATM deposit

    @Volfra hello, thank you for your bug report, however, there is no bug, ATMs do have a maximum capacity and you cannot deposit more money, than they are able to hold.
  14. Osvaldon


    @William LaFuente hello, thank you for your bug report, you should /report this issue in-game and ask an administrator to restore your dimension.
  15. @JulJameson hello, thank you for your bug report, but this isn't related to the server.
  16. Should make a new report and give me more details, including the street name and house number.
  17. @ItsPazz hello, thank you for your bug report, all missing vehicles have been added to the panel.
  18. @DevilsMuse hello, thank you for your bug report, have you actually seen someone enter past through the locked gates or is it an assumption?
  19. @BadZanta hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue has been resolved in a duplicate report:
  20. @Smuggl hello, thank you for your bug report, but this doesn't seem like a bug, Franklin's house is an interior used for many other player owned houses, just that different dimensions are used to separate everyone.
  21. @SYMMIJ hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue has been resolved in a duplicate report:
  22. Osvaldon


    @reeceobz hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue will be resolved in the next server update!
  23. @AdamSnoze hello, thank you for your bug report, there is no bug, please sort it out with administration.
  24. @TheLordReaper hello, thank you for your bug report, this issue has been resolved in a duplicate report:
  25. @Shniuras hello, thank you for your bug report. It seems like a small knife object was floating in the air which used to be attached to a player. Issue will be resolved in the next server update!
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