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Everything posted by Bala

  1. Absolutely not. It wouldn't be used in the right away and asking for admin intervention to approve the RP is good in practice, but in reality, most requests would likely not go through.
  2. Added a song to the suggestion thread, it's short but this is a short suggestion thread. @alexalex303
  3. Updated the original post with this. Regular Bus for Paleto Routes, Vinewood Tourbus for LS Routes. If you are using the highways of Paleto, you have a lot more room but in Los Santos, the roads are a little harder to navigate. To make this easier, I recommend adding the Tourbus for the LS Routes.
  4. Aww you guys, nice to know I’ve still got it The reason I didn’t add more routes is because you still want regular buses. One more route means you would go from a 33.3% chance of getting a route to 25%.
  5. Obligatory Accompanying Video Current Bugs When starting a new route, the route number on the bus menu will not update until the first checkpoint has been entered. On certain stops on both the Paleto and the Davis Bus Routes, the GPS will give you incorrect directions, which leads to potential non roleplay routes. This is especially the case for the Paleto route, where instead of continuing up the hill, buses are told to go down the hill due to the next checkpoint being closer than the route. Overall Issues Non-Roleplay Driving. This job due to the pay-out and also, it's straight-forward nature make it an ideal job for new players. New players are perhaps are not quite as inclined to following the laws of the road or sometimes, even the server than a more experienced player. There is no incentive for new players to drive their buses responsibly because it doesn't really matter either way. Traffic Congestion. Because there is only one route in Paleto and a lot of bus drivers as well as the presence of the tollbooths, this creates a traffic jam for the bus drivers and other players including our Sheriffs Department which leads to other issues. Instant Freezing Buses. Because the bus freezes for a second on entering a check-point, it takes the opportunity to move out of the hands of the driver. Far too much, players are not expecting the insta-brake of a player in front and end up colliding with one another. Potential Solutions / Additions Damage Fine Modifier. The suggestion here is a simple one, you would be given a set standard amount per route, but if you finished the route with a bus that has not sustained damage, you'll get a slight bonus. If the standard pay-out is $1900 for example and you finish a route with above say, 950 HP then you get an extra $200 per route. It's not punishing you for taking damage, it's encouraging you to not take damage. Speed Fine Modifier. Due to in role-play the buses being a public service vehicle, they should have a speed limit of 80 km/h for city routes and 110 km/h set. If you stay under the route limit, you will receive an extra $150 upon completion of the route. Bus Stop Checkpoints. If you are enter a bus stop checkpoint at over 30 km/h, your route will end and you will have to return the bus to the depot to get a new route. In-character if you were all of a sudden stopping at a bus stop going 70.. 80.. 90.. you are going to paint the front windows of your bus with your passengers. I'm not sure the bus stop freeze is avoidable, so giving a consequence for at least not reasonably regulating your speed is a good idea IMO. Regular Bus for Paleto Routes, Vinewood Tourbus for LS Routes. If you are using the highways of Paleto, you have a lot more room but in Los Santos, the roads are a little harder to navigate. To make this easier, I recommend adding the Tourbus for the LS Routes. Mapped Bus Stops. Like it or not, with the bus job being so well used, we have an opportunity to make it work for the server. If players are going to devote time to doing the job, even in the short term, we might as well make it as fleshed out as possible. I have added bus stops where needed to every single bus route stop we currently have, so if you need a ride, you can also wait for a bus at the bus stop. Bus Driver Uniforms. I can't be the only one that finds it a little hard to take people doing the jobs seriously when they are dressed in all manner of clothing. Most bus drivers have some sort of uniform. I've been experimenting with mods recently. You will have to excuse the bucket hat (thats something else), but having some kind of top like this would help identify them as actual bus drivers. New and Alternative Routes, serving the major areas of the server. Currently there is only one Paleto route and 4-5 City routes. I have taken the liberty of splitting the routes between 3 county and 3 city routes as well as designing new routes that span both Los Santos and Blaine County in such a way that almost all the necessary locations on the server can be reached by bus. For example, you could travel from the Pier to the Prison, by taking two buses. Instead of numbers, each route would have an assigned colour and when a bus is taking a particular route, it will have that colour on it so you know where it's going. Those taking the job in Paleto would get one of the three random Paleto Routes and those taking the job in Los Santos would get one of the three random Los Santos routes. It is also worth noting, I have the co-ordinates for every single stop of these routes also. Routes Cyan Route: Paleto > Sandy > Chilliad > Paleto Paleto Bus Station Dignity Village Auto Repairs Dealership Sandy Shores Hospital Sandy Airfield Route 68 Fleeca Route 68 Ammunation Hookies Seafood Diner Great Ocean Highway Park Ranger Office Chilliad Logging Camp Paleto Bus Station Dark Blue Route: Paleto > Bolingbroke > Vinewood > Pauls > Paleto Paleto Bus Station Dignity Village Pauls Farm YouTool Bolingbroke Prison Vinewood Diamond Casino Pauls Farm Globe Oil Paleto Bus Station Red Route: Paleto > Chumash > Del Perro > Chumash > Chilliad > Paleto Paleto Bus Station Chilliad Logging Camp Raton Canyon Chumash Plaza Chumash Fleeca Pipeline Inn Bay City Avenue Del Perro Pier Chumash Fleeca Hookies Seafood Diner Park Ranger Office Chilliad Logging Camp Paleto Bus Station Green Route: LSPD > Impound > Mors > Weazel > LSC > Hawick Ave > Pillbox > LS Bus Station Los Santos Bus Station LSPD LS Impound Lot Mors Insurance LS Weazel News Los Santos Customs Hawick Avenue Stores Pillbox Hospital Parking Lot Los Santos Bus Station Brown Route: Legion Square > Maze Bank Arena > El Burro > Mirror Park > LS Bus Station Los Santos Bus Station Legion Square Furniture Store Maze Bank Stadium/Low End El Burro Heights Mirror Park Pillbox Hospital Parking Lot Los Santos Bus Station Orange Route: Los Santos Bus Station Diamond Casino Clinton Avenue 24/7 Tequil'la Golf Course Del Perro Pier Los Santos City Hall Parking Lot Los Santos Bus Station The coverage of the routes would look a little something like this.
  6. I don't agree with this and I'll explain why, but I should explain that I'm not in any way a minority. I'm a straight, white, adult atheist. I can't think of any kind of slur that I'd feel personally offended by. Any offense I'm going to take is very likely going to be on behalf of others. I think more than anything, we have to acknowledge that is a role-play server and the video game GTA V is ESRB rated MATURE (17+) and PEGI rated 18. The N word is said by characters within the game, frequently and almost always in the context of what would commonly be referred to as the soft a, as opposed to the hard r. While I can agree with some of the valid points raised in this discussion and I can imagine the effect that hearing derogatory words might have on some people. It's hard for me to say I understand because I've never been in that position and likely never will be. That being said, I don't want us to go down the twitch route of having a list of bad words that we cannot say under any circumstances because frankly, it is a roleplay server. VOIP roleplay by it's very nature will lead to people saying things they perhaps wouldn't type out. Takes less effort to say something than type at the end of the day. But also, it's worth noting that people do use the term n***a like other people use the term dude or bro, sometimes every other sentence. We can't simply say this community should be for everyone and then vilify people who don't have ill intentions. If a derogatory comment serves the role-play, then you should be able to say it without asking for permission, as it currently is. But at the same time, if people express that they aren't comfortable with it, similar to ERP then that should be the end of it. Anyone that is using derogatory slurs out of character with the intention of causing deliberate offence or distress to another community member, whether it's racist, homophobic, xenophobic or any other kind of discriminatory insult should be permanently banned from the community. Anyone using offensive terminology in-character that doesn't stop if asked to in OOC should also be permanently banned. An internet gaming community isn't ever going to be a utopian paradise. We come from all walks of life with different backgrounds and different levels of tolerance and understanding for different cultures and practices. We don't have to like each other, but I think we do have to respect each other and our boundaries. Bottom line is, don't be a cunt.
  7. Bala


    I have to be honest here, I would struggle to take you seriously as a gang that is running around in pink pyjamas and calling themselves MS-13. It's not for me to guess how seriously you are taking your role-play as a faction but I respect the fact that you have some really good looking content posts on here, the layout is fantastic. That being said, personally I'd urge you to reconsider either the aesthetic of your faction's clothing or perhaps choosing a different name. The name MS-13 and the pink pyjamas is quite jarring and I'd struggle to maintain immersed in role-play with you if our paths crossed in game. It was bad enough when we had a faction running around with skull printed pyjamas but I feel the look might hold your faction back in unnecessary ways.
  8. Paragraphs my man, paragraphs. That's like a tsunami of text right there!
  9. First of all, I have to say I'm not a fan of the title of the post. It kind of implies that Eclipse isn't fun and while that might be the case for some people, you'd maybe look at the player count and suggest that if this wasn't an enjoyable server, it wouldn't be getting 400-500 players. In regards to the Pier, it's been a hot spot for a while but ultimately, it suffers the same issue as the bank did without it being a no-crime zone. People drive down there at ridiculous speeds, they behave ridiculously down there and inevitably you will get people getting tired of going down there and being around it. In terms of the jobs, I think you have to be very careful because the economy is already quite over-inflated as it is. There has been quite a lot of work to bring that a little more uncontrol but ultimately, if you start adding more money in, things will go up in value. I've made a couple threads on the criminal side of the server and suggested that money making schemes are a little hard to come by as a criminal and I think that's an area we need to look at. Personally, I think whatever you are doing, you need to be compensated to make doing it worthwhile. Not necessarily to the point where everyone does that job specifically but where doing it is in a certain point worth it, based on time and level of involvement. In terms of PD, I agree we're over-powered but honestly, in my view, given the mentality of the server, we have to be aided in our role in the server to be effective. I respect the criminal factions that play things smarter but the reality is, while we're overpowered, some of you make it too easy for yourselves to be caught. In terms of Criminals, I think the ones that demonstrate the values of what we want the server to be and have the standard to go with it should be backed as much as they possibly can be. They should be incentivized to stay on the top of their game and continue to maintain a high standard. With Triads and especially Zetas gone, the criminal backbone of the community isn't as strong as it used to be. We need to build that back up again but with factions that have the mindset of where we want to go. In terms of "recent events", what happened happened. Every one makes mistakes or bad errors of judgement every now and then but I'm not sure dwelling on the past does anything for the present or the future. If you do the wrong thing for the right reasons, you can still take some value from that. I think we also have to be realistic in our expectations of the staff and development teams, as well as, realistic of our expectations of how the server suits our own wants and needs. Eclipse isn't going to be for everybody and that's ok. If you enjoy playing the server and have a great time, awesome. If you don't enjoy it, don't force yourself to play here. I have respect for people that have left Eclipse but didn't throw their toys out of the pram on the way out. Just made a mature decision to leave and not burn any bridges on the way out. Ultimately though, for people like myself and evidently a lot of others, we enjoy the community and the server to the point where we make the decision to continue to play here and support the growth of the community.
  10. I wasn't going to post on what honestly at one stage became a bit of a dumpster fire of a thread and I don't know who you are Jonny D, but this guy actually gets it. Have those at the very top decide on a role-play standard and spend the next two months BEFORE the annual April player boom tweaking the community to that standard. Make it a public notice, so people can either get on board or get gone. Be ruthless with it's implementation, if people can't adapt then they will need to go elsewhere. Doesn't matter if it's removing a faction leader or getting rid of a troublesome new player or whatever, if it doesn't fit the vision, then scrap it. Quiz needs to be more difficult and we need to be asking a lot more from people when applying too. Getting 500+ players is fantastic, but I'd honestly half of them in a heartbeat for a better and more consistent role-play standard. Server has a lot of upsides, some fantastic people here and it's popular. It's a lot easier to improve when things are going good. You might see a drop off in players in the short term, but people roleplay better when they are surrounded by good roleplayers so in the long term, you get a better RP environment from it.
  11. Alright and with that, I won't be contributed to this thread any longer.
  12. It does make me laugh, "PD are too invasive on criminals". You go around in the same coloured cars, wearing the same clothing, with the same people doing the same things every day. You might as well hang a sign around your neck saying criminal. It's like you are driving and you see a tree, but rather than avoid the tree, you decide to drive into it then complain your car got wrecked. I'm sorry but the law does always win, eventually. I've said it on a thread like this before but take Pablo Escobar, arguably the world's most successful criminal, with all his influence and money was eventually caught and gunned down on a rooftop in Medellin by police. El Chapo got caught after breaking out of prison. So, if people like that can be caught, why wouldn't you? Yes we have like 160 people, but there are only certain times in the week where our numbers go over 25-30 in-game. We have the amount of people that we have in part, because we're in demand the ENTIRE day. Same goes for SD. We have to be able to provide a response 24/7. Remember, we are a reactionary faction. We respond to what you do. You know why you have cops following you now? It's because of the past few months of things getting out of control and you have making your criminal activities blatantly obvious. Shooting at law enforcement should be the very last option for criminals because of the ramifications, but alas people do it. I see suggestions like "cops should drive shitter cars, cops should buy their guns from a gun store, cops should lose this and this when they die" but why do I never fucking see no suggestions from you guys about how criminals should act different? I'll tell you right now the things I don't like about our justice system or police department; I don't like that some of our cops just blindly run into dangerous situations, trying to be the hero. It's not something we can always fix IC because they often get popped. I don't like that our penal code / jail times don't take into consideration a person's prior criminal history or the amount of time they have spent in the server. I also don't like when people just join the cop factions to get inside knowledge to metagame it on their criminal characters or to fucking plagiarise it in other places. Be honest and tell me that the way your average criminal does things on Eclipse is either realistic or "good for the role-play".
  13. It's not a "heavy roleplay" server though. Never has been. If you can do something really well, do that thing very well. Eclipse got popular and has retained it's success by doing the following; Offering a voice based role-play experience. Offering an experience of playing on a significantly populated server. Offering a script that is straightforward to use. Offering a place to RP for most levels of role-play. Overall, this server is what I would consider to on average a medium standard of role-play. That is because while we have some fantastic role-players, we also have some quite poor ones. The majority of us are somewhere in the middle. I consider myself in the middle personally. The differences between the standards in my book are; Low - Players will do whatever they want, role-playing is optional but character development is next to non-existent. Medium - A player's actions will be reasonably affected by role-playing, there will also be some character development but anything over the bare minimum is acceptable. Heavy - Role-play and character development is the driving force behind almost everything that happens. The expectation is that players always react with their character in mind. My interpretation of the changes we've been making is that we're trying to consolidate between medium and heavy. Where players think about their character and their motives. Where role-play does drive the stories a little more and where we're not having people just doing or saying what the fuck ever they like. It is easier to have a higher standard of role-play on a text only server because you have to think about how to word what you want to say or do. In voice, things are a lot more reactive and the temptation to respond as YOU rather than your character, because someone is using their voice to talk to you, is a lot greater. OOC Speed Cameras, Robbery Rules, Faction Caps, Joint Frequency rules should not be needed on a role-play server but they have been implemented because players have been unable to control themselves in the past. I hope that at some point some of those restrictions can be removed, but in order for that to happen, trust has to be gained.
  14. Alright let’s not get things twisted here, a section of the community are not happy but this server ain’t on its knees. 300-400 people at peak every day. I think if you want stuff to change and your opinion to be taken seriously, you have to establish your credibility. Taking pot shots and talking how terrible every thing is, ain’t it. Either step up and be a part of the change you want to see or step off and let someone else do it.
  15. On the subject of unlimited guns from the faction loadout, I think if people are using guns they don't RPly have then they should be punished by the administration team for power-gaming and if I caught a faction member doing it, I wouldn't hesitate to bring that up. You get your standard issue weapons and then there are the optional weapons - shotgun, carbine etc.. that you go down to the armory and sign that gun in and out. Unless I die and respawn, in roleplay, I'm using the same pistol every single time I'm out on patrol. I'm not wasting all my bullets then grabbing a new one from /fl in the car. That signing in and out process is more weapon-based RP than in most other places. We're funded every week by the government with spawned in money. The same kind of spawned in money that gives you money for cars you chop, welfare you collect, fish you sell. I don't lose anything but my personal inventory when I die, because my uniform and my gun and my vehicle are not mine in the first place. If LSPD had a system where we got your prison fines and tickets paid to our funds, how do you think that would be received? Very poorly. There would be accusations that PD are money hungry and just ticket to get money for stuff. As for criticism, I'm sure we all want to be heard and for the server to be exactly the way we personally want it but it doesn't work like that. Server and game discussion groups across the internet are full of disgruntled people with axes to grind about how a server/game is and their issues with it. Eclipse is going to be no different. The most vocal people are going to be people that are unhappy with issues. The server population would suggest that Eclipse, while imperfect, is popular. The reality is though, the vast majority of suggestions are going to get buried because there are so many. Only reason people still talk about my Criminal thread is because of the amount of support it got. There's hundreds of good suggestions on here but sadly, a lot of them will get buried within a day to the archives. Ultimately, as much as we may take some sort of ownership of the server with our love for it, it's NBDY and Osvaldon's server. As the developers as well, they have to make the decisions on what direction the server goes. I don't know if anyone has ever developed or owned an RP server but ultimately, everything rests on your shoulders. It's stressful, at times a thankless job and it's all on them. But there is no getting away from the fact that this community does unfortunately have a small toxic and disrespectful minority that just want what they want and fuck everyone else. Some abuse the free speech and think they can say anything and get away with it. If you are respectful and constructive with your arguments and criticisms, there's absolutely nothing to worry about. I think in some situations it's healthy and the devs can make a mistake like the rest of us. But if you're going to behave a certain type of way, your participation in this community is a privilege, not a right.
  16. I was most definitely not talking about LSPD leadership when I made the stop the rot comment about faction leadership. I'm talking about faction leaders who advocate the unnecessary and unrealistic IC provocation of factions, then complain when there is a reaction from said factions. I'm talking about faction leaders that twist our report and punishment systems to push their own agendas and get their own back on players for nefarious reasons. Those kind of faction leaders create those kinds of factions. I have a lot of time and respect for the work you did with Aztecas, Alicia. I told you as much privately and I'll say it publicly. I also said to you that if you decided to lead a faction on this server in future, I think it would have a good chance of being a success. I do not wish to tar ALL Aztecas with the same brush, as that would be unfair and honestly, wrong but I feel like you guys really didn't help yourselves at times. I look at the Zetas and Jay Gamble's influence over that faction. He had definitely his moments, but what is evident since they disbanded is that Jay did a fantastic job of keeping the lid on the Zeta powder-keg for such a long time. I think their influence and impact on our server is unmatched. The fact that Montie is no longer running a faction in this community is a travesty. I would say since February 2019 when I joined, for me he's the best criminal faction leader we've had on this server. Not only was he a good example of a individual player, he furthered his faction's lore and most importantly, he kept his faction within the lines of acceptability without compromising their identity. That being said, I look at factions like Four Seas Order (pre-fold), Daichead Gadai, Burnout Nation and the LSMC as the future and measuring stick for criminal and civilian factions in a better Eclipse going forward. Now, i've had my own personal issues with Kris/Donnelly in the past but quite frankly, there isn't a single person in PD that wants to take LSPD in more realistic direction than him. To the point that some of his changes have occasionally rubbed me the wrong way, but I do not think there is a better choice of leader for the LSPD in the server at this current time. It isn't an easy task keeping a 150 person faction running and also constantly try and improve it. He's also a real stickler for the rules of the server being followed. I guess that's why he's a senior admin. In the case of Pazz/Elena Blake, the Assistant Chief, you will not find a bigger advocate for a better standard of role-player in the server than her. She's something that always considers multiple perspectives including advocating for how it will affect criminals when making fair and balanced decisions. Interestingly enough, she was a help with the Criminal Overhaul thread that was so well received by criminals, as some of those ideas were her ideas. It is also important to note that neither Kris or Pazz were involved at ANY point in the National Guard situation the other night that got people riled up. That won't need me to defend them and if anything, I'll probably get told off for defending them but PD is not the problem. The problems are not an individual faction or person, it's the lack of a proceeding with clear and singular vision for the community that brings balance. Law Enforcement gets upset because too many criminals on the server can't taking losing the right way and it ruins their experience. AND Criminals get upset, because while the odds are always naturally and correctly in the favour of law enforcement, they don't have enough of a fighting chance to make things interesting. The most annoying thing about these threads turning into "PD v. Criminal" is that we actually fucking need each other. Just people can't see it, or won't.
  17. The current state of Eclipse Roleplay, that's quite the dramatic thread title but in the interest of contributing to the thread, I'll share some of my insight into this. Honestly, if you just use these kind of threads to bash a particular faction then you aren't going to be taken seriously and at the very least you'll likely be ignored to be honest. Every one wants to have their opinion and be heard and feel that they matter but you aren't going to get anywhere by making enemies of people. Part of the reason why I spent so long doing my criminal overhaul thread is that I can sympathise with the other side of the coin but lately when I see some of the attitudes and rude comments from some of you, I do question why I bothered. I could see why staff or developers might be reluctant to take some of you seriously or support your area of the server. Because if you are getting abuse from people, why would you support that or them? The whole PD v. Criminal thing needs to fucking stop. That's why people don't pay no attention to these threads, because it turns into a PD dart board. I'm not going to sit here and defend my faction because I've done it on other threads but honestly for us, it really isn't that deep. We could give a shit who we are arresting, it's about what you've done but for some of you, you would think you'd caught PD in bed with your mother or something by the way you hold a grudge. Let that shit go OOC, because if you do happen to have valid points but you start coming out with 'fuck pd rhetoric', you're going to waste your time. If you are focusing on other factions are losing or winning, you're missing the fucking point. It's not about winning and losing, it's about how you get there. Creating characters to populate, progress and fulfil stories. Eclipse has until recently in my opinion, been an every man kind of server. You'd have some great role-players, some decent role-players and some shit role-players but my interpretation of what's coming from the higher up staff is that we want to raise the standard of role-play within this community, which personally I'm on board with. This was never a heavy role-play server in any sense of the word, but that does not mean the server has not been successful or that it's not enjoyable. That being said, if we're going that way and I sincerely hope we are, we cannot fuck about with half measures and it needs to be a large effort on behalf of players AND staff to achieve this. It isn't an instant or easy process, but if you want a better role-play server, it's an necessary process. Factions that are not here to contribute towards the role-play, that have an over-reliance on shooting and create OOC tension within the community need to be disbanded or at the very least, their leaders replaced BEFORE the rot sets in. In my opinion, a faction is only as good as the person ultimately in charge. We need to demand more from every faction in terms of their role-play output. Whether you are legal, illegal, new or established, crim or PD. Every single faction should be held to the same standard. Just as we should ask more from factions, we should also be more supportive of factions that demonstrate good roleplay. There are a bunch of ways that we can be add support to factions, including stuff like faction of the month, creating script stuff that ties in with their lore, giving good factions a chance at official etc.. Punishments for OOC toxicity need to be stronger and consistent. End of the day, if you don't have anything nice or constructive to say, you shouldn't say anything. I say that as someone that has been on their final warning for OOC attitude, for the last year. Punishments for excessive local ooc (/b) and the passive aggressive #savepov mentality needs to get in the fucking bin. We all know only admins can stop a role-play situation. Constantly pulling a situation out of IC into OOC because you're AnGrY aNd UpSeT ruins what might potentially be a legitimate RP scenario. If you are going to report, conclude the RP with some dignity and then report. Be ruthless with the quizzes. We shouldn't sell the server short, but place a high price on being able to play in Eclipse. As older players leave or get removed, they need to be cycled out with newer, better role-players. If you do not a concept of how to create a character and portray that character, you can't play here. If you do not understand even the basic rules of this server before you enter it, you can't play here. Personally, I'd really like for the head administrators or developers to come out with a clear vision of what they want Eclipse Roleplay to become in say the next 10 months and then we tailor every single rule update, script implementation, community directive and change to realising that vision and with that direction in mind rather than essentially trying to fight whatever the latest fire is. I think the last one is especially important because it's something that affects all of us regardless of position, faction, status and history within the community. Rather than every corner of the server having it's own ideals and standards of how they think the server should be, if you have a central vision then inevitably it brings interested people together. That's how you go from having a role-play server to having a gaming community and ultimately, it's the latter that will always give you more enjoyment. I feel like this is the best and most heartfelt forum post i've written on Eclipse but I know there's people out there that fuck with this like I do as well.
  18. I understand what the dev team were trying to do when they were implementing it, but like I said in my suggestion thread, it doesn't really make enough sense to justify it being in the server with how it is used. For me, the best use of the cameras would be to provide more RP information about the incident, when RP is done after the robbery to find out what happened. Cop 1 is spectating the store get robbed. In that moment, he would be alternative role-playing as the camera itself, not as his player. Cop 2 has detained a criminal for robbing the store and checks the CCTV. Cop 1 could /ldo Cop 2 information of what the CCTV camera saw. If Cop 1 records the footage, then even better. You are not just relying on the crims /ldo then, you can get more of a picture so to speak of what happened.
  19. The reason the performance was altered is the same reason that people for the most part bought it, it was broken compared to the performances of other vehicles. Understand people might feel some type of way dropping a mil or two on these bikes and now it’s not the same bike they paid for but in terms of balance, what other option was there? We could have had PD Hakuchou Drags added, which you would have hated and thought was non rp. We could have dealt with it IC which was to permanently impound Hakuchou Drags used in felonies, which you would have hated. To be honest, this change doesn’t negatively effect me. I don’t own one, I have no need for one. But, people need to understand that the performance of the bike before was not a proper representation of a drag bike and it wasn’t a balanced vehicle. It was a meta vehicle.
  20. The main reason why Cayo Perico is more criminal orientated is because of it's remote location. There isn't really any intention for law enforcement or civilians NOT to go there, but I think the core theme of the idea in general is that it's somewhat of a criminal's paradise. There is a real expectation that if you are going there and you don't know the right people or you are not protected, then something negative may happen to you. It's taking the risk v. reward argument and turning it upside down to where it's actually the criminals on the island that are slightly more in control.
  21. I'm a cop and I'm not going to reply with that because I think a response like that is unnecessarily dismissive. Prison is not meant to be fun in-character, but out-of-character, prison should be an engaging experience. You might not be able to go where you want and do exactly what you want but by adding script support to various different areas, such as recreational activities, job opportunities and consequences for bad behaviour in prison, we can better create an environment that does encourages a unique kind of role-play you won't get anywhere else on the server. Department of Corrections do some excellent work in frankly testing circumstances and I think even a few basic improvements would go a long way to not just improving the opportunities for prisoners to RP, but the guards also. I made a criminal suggestion thread last week with a number of ideas for the prison and I think that would go a long way towards helping. There is actually plenty of justification for someone going to prison for an extended period of time, the problem is not the sentence, it's that going to prison feels just as much an OOC punishment as an IC punishment. On the one hand, it's a role-play server. The expectation is that when you are logged in, you are available for interaction. At the same time, you want to be entertained OOC when you are playing a video game so wanting to afk and watch Netflix or whatever, I can see why. I don't support your suggestion because I don't think that being able to opt out of role-play is in the best interests of the prison or the server. I think instead it would be better for every body to improve the prison experience instead.
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