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Everything posted by Zyzla

  1. Thread looking bomb guys! Keep it up
  2. Zyzla

    Los Zetas

    It's time for a hike! As life goes on, sometimes the time comes where you have to be on your tip toes day after day. It might get exhausting and stressful, but at the end it‘s usually worth it. You can‘t say standing for your family is ever going to be not worth it regardless of the way it goes. As the recent events with WCA calmed down and people got some rest after patrolling Grove street 24/7, it was time to look around and take some time for themselves. Everything around town seemed to be calm and chill. As life came back to regular old pace Kelly thought why not to get to know the people we were fighting side by side even better. Kelly brought up the idea of going on a hiking trip to Alicia back in the day during the war and one day Alicia walked to her and asked “When are we doing it?” Kelly shrugged and said “It needs a bit of a planning” but Alicia‘s question pushed her to stop just thinking about it and finally just make it happen. After a quick talk with a few people from each group they agreed it was a good idea to do that. Everyone from the Triads, Aztecas and Los Zetas were invited to come over to meet up at Mount Gordo and spend some time with each other. As we met up we chilled a bit on the bottom of mountain as we decided it time to go on a hike towards the lake North of it. As everyone gathered together we finally headed out for the hike. Walking isn’t easy as it seems when we‘re talking about climbing up the steep mountain, so we took a few stops to enjoy sunset and get some rest. As we reached the destination lots of us enjoyed the fresh source of water to cool down after quite a bit of a walk, others chilled by the lake dancing, swimming and discussing various topics or just snacking or sipping on drinks. Day was going by as we could see the sun start hiding behind the hills so we decided it‘s time to get back where we started. After that we took a road back and ended up enjoying ourselves next to campfire just chatting and chilling in the bright moonlight. Everyone needs to stop sometimes and look around to see what they’ve got right next to them. Giving others reward and enjoyment is not hard, even if it‘s for the small things people do daily for each other. When you put effort into things, it’s always delightful to get something back for it, even if it‘s a small amount of quality time to spend together.
  3. Zyzla

    Treasury Logs

    +1 would make things so much easier. Or would be cool to have small search bar where you could just put persons name in and see his/her deposits/withdrawals in treasury logs
  4. Just wanted to say it's working again and I can hide dreadlocks under the mask again! This can be archived, opa!
  5. Date and time (provide timezone): 2020-01-20 Character name: Kelly Gamble Issue/bug you are reporting: The mask goes under the hair when it supposed to go above it and hide it. Expected behavior: Some masks like clown or others should hide hair completely and it shouldn't stick out through it. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: The mask going below your hair first occurred when the new hairstyles were added, but later on it was fixed and now it's bugged again. https://imgur.com/a/H9RbKdU here's how it looks like. In first picture how it supposed to be like and in second how it is now. Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
  6. Date and time (provide timezone): 2019.12.11 ~23:43 GMT+2 Character name: Kelly Gamble Issue/bug you are reporting: When you sell meat at butcher in notification on top it says "You have sold 1x Hen and have received Hen!" Expected behavior: I think it's not supposed to be written that I received Hen when I sell it but the amount of money I get for it. Even though notification says I received hen I still got money for it not another piece of meat. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: How notification on top looks like https://prnt.sc/q9rubf Prove that you still get money after selling meat https://streamable.com/1j6i2 Vehicle license plate number*: -
  7. Can't wait to see how it goes! Good luck!
  8. Very nice story. Loved reading it all Hope to see more!
  9. Great pictures and all but would be cool to read some background stories next to them
  10. People keep buying new clothes rather than going home and changing as it‘s really hard to tell what clothing item is what and you gotta look through bags a lot to find what you need. Would be cool if there would be a place where you can drop the clothes you don't need or you find on the ground and receive a little money for it. As there is clothes all over the place in every clothing store usually so it would be a way to clean them up by just collecting them all and dropping at some certain point as "charity" or something and getting some money in reward
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