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Everything posted by aitorgn

  1. +1 I agree with this, 2 seater vans should be able to carry 300vol.
  2. +1 Yes please, this has been always an issue when buying from dealerships!
  3. Wish you the best! We need more street racers/tuners in the city.
  4. aitorgn


    If any citizen has any clue of who it is or has the number I would appreciate it. My contact number is: 280-9410 Mark Herrera
  5. -1 I don't see the point. People should play however and whenever they want, limiting someone's experience is not the way.
  6. Private labs were a bad thing for the server. If you are a criminal and want to make money there's many activities you can do. If you go to a lab alone and get clapped by a gang, join a gang. If you don't like going to labs cause it's like a CoD lobby nowadays, then do other stuff, or try to improve your interactions with other criminals so all the community improves. Of course you are going to lose money being a criminal, you also get to earn a lot in a short amount of time. If you don't like the risk then go the legal way. Not everything is money in the server and you can actually roleplay with other people and have cool interactions, have fun.. and develop your character. So tired of people farming money all day and complaining that they don't earn enough.
  7. House in a hidden area next to Pawn Shop. Added an exterior parking for another of your vehicles and also has a patio in front of the entrance, which is not visible at plain sight. Never had any trouble there. Price on door: 250.000$ Contact me 280-9410 Images of the property: https://imgur.com/ab8AR7l https://imgur.com/fMPJtOm https://imgur.com/v8QICXW https://imgur.com/x5WtONL
  8. +1 Love the idea, adds more rewards and opportunities for new arrivals. Car speakers, GPS, stuff like that would be very common to have.
  9. -1 You can push your car to a mechanic shop, It took me 1h and had so much fun meeting random people stopping by.
  10. +1 , would make for a cool addition, also love the idea that Weazel manages that
  11. +1 , The 3G interior needs some love, there's big houses with pools and high end architecture that have that old ugly interior.
  12. +1 It's a small reward for people who contribute to the community so I don't see why not
  13. +1 Fishing needs a rework, RNG aspect with new types of fish would be nice to keep you excited about fishing! Add very rare findings or objects you can sell at the pawn shop.
  14. Big +1, would bring a lot of interactions and a cool place to the server.
  15. +1, oil fields are always empty and it's a though grind, would like to see some people in that area.
  16. +1, small thing that would make a big difference.
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