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/Deltowtruck command for Mechanics

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Currently, anytime a mechanic takes out a vehicle such as a towtruck and flatbed they have to clock out in order to despawn the vehicle and then clock back in if they want to continue to work.  I think it would be a great quality of life change if mechanics had access to a command to delete their vehicles without having to go inside the garage and clock out and back in.

With the new uniforms (Which I'm beyond thankful for), it becomes tedious to clock in and out because you have to reselect your uniform every time which leads to a lot of mechanics parking their vehicles on the side of the shop, adding to the vehicle stress in the area. 

I picked /deltowtruck just as an example of what the command could be, as the emergency services have a /del command for thier vehicles. 

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I think it would be a good addition, in MD we have /delambulance in DOC we have /delprison and PD have /delcruiser.

It would be nice to make a similar system to DOCs for LSC vehicles where we dont need a unit but we can /deltow or something to delete the towtruck.

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1 hour ago, Xoza said:

Merge and make it universal.

To /deljv or /deljobveh, or /delfv, /delfactionveh.

/deljobveh Could be used to delete faction and job vehicles, maybe without having to bring them back to the garage.

+1 given the new faction uniform system we need something like this. 

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