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Bring Back Static Drug Labs

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This suggestion will probably bring a lot of controversy but I have heard many people say that they would like static drug labs back, and I would love to see them return as well.

The way drug making in the server is nowadays has its positives and has its negatives. I believe that indoor cooking with tables should be a thing, but I also believe that static drug labs should also be a thing in the server, why can we only have one?

It is no secret that crime rp has been going downhill. The turf update brought us crims some new things and some new rp to explore, but its becoming the same thing over and over the more days that pass. Crime RP started to decline when static drug labs were removed. This is because there was endless rp, and endless interactions that came with the static drug labs, especially for criminals. Not knowing if someone has an ambush set up, or if you will find their stash of drugs, or even solo cooking in these labs had risk and fun rp involved. Bigger gangs controlling labs, going from lab to lab robbing and taxing the lower criminals cooking there. It also provided recruitment rp as many people cooking wanted to join gangs. Static labs were places criminals could go to find other criminals, and fight other criminals without it being non rp, or cops showing up every time like it is now days.

Cooking in the server now is just getting materials, going to an apartment and sitting there alone for an hour until your drugs are done, and then driving to a turf to sell them. Where is the RP? where is the risk involved? Sure they have a chance at blowing up, but with a vent, and watering the tables, its nearly impossible for them to ever explode. Cooking how it is now has zero rp involved, and is just plain boring.

Static labs even brought PD and EMS more RP than how cooking is now. If police were called into a lab, they would radio for the fire department to come and take down the lab, and the lab would remain down for a few hours. This gave the fire department more RP and a real purpose, along with PD raids which is even more RP.

I dont think that the indoor drug tables should be removed, but I do think that there should be a system that indoor drug labs, and static drug labs can be in the server together. Right now the static labs in the server have zero point in being there. Yes, it is the only place to make marijuana, but no one cooks that. The only real purpose of labs now is to get weed, but people are even starting to stop planting weed, because its just plain boring, and not worth the time.

I think many people can agree that crime rp was at its peak when the static drug labs were in the server, and I think that they provided a lot of criminal RP that the server needs, but is lacking.

here are what the old labs used to look like in case you forgot.


Edited by RexRogers
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I think that we also forgot a lot of the negatives that came with the old drug labs.

There were people that used to go around calling 911 on every drug lab to spite criminals. There were people that would bring cops to the drug labs. These were people accused of metagaming their location, not following rules, etc. All in all, they brought a lot of complaints that all stemmed from the fact that most people knew OOCly, where they were, because they were permanent.

I think a better alternative would be a new drug table type and material generating barrels, they would function similar to the old drug lab. It would have to be placed somewhere outside (not in an interior), and it would require a decent amount of money + setup (maybe it wouldn't produce any materials unless you had X barrels, and X tables, and you can not pick them up.). But the idea would be that official factions could setup their own semi-permanent drug labs. 

That way you would control who has access to it, and therefore who could potentially leak it. You could even sell access to it to gangs that do not have access to them, or using them yourself. A lot more possibilities, without all the negatives of a permanent static location.

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I liked the old static drug lab system in the sense it was a meeting point for criminals making money, a little bit like the pier for legal people.

I think instead of going with what they did, they should of just added some more locations, especially in the city for it.

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I think that we also forgot a lot of the negatives that came with the old drug labs.

There were people that used to go around calling 911 on every drug lab to spite criminals. There were people that would bring cops to the drug labs. These were people accused of metagaming their location, not following rules, etc. All in all, they brought a lot of complaints that all stemmed from the fact that most people knew OOCly, where they were, because they were permanent.

I think a better alternative would be a new drug table type and material generating barrels, they would function similar to the old drug lab. It would have to be placed somewhere outside (not in an interior), and it would require a decent amount of money + setup (maybe it wouldn't produce any materials unless you had X barrels, and X tables, and you can not pick them up.). But the idea would be that official factions could setup their own semi-permanent drug labs. 

That way you would control who has access to it, and therefore who could potentially leak it. You could even sell access to it to gangs that do not have access to them, or using them yourself. A lot more possibilities, without all the negatives of a permanent static location.

This is a good idea, but does not really solve the issue of having places for criminals to rp/fight, etc. Maybe if the old drug lab spots were the only place you could place such barrels, and you would have to hold it down until x amount of materials generated or something along those lines, and when it is done you are able to pick everything up, and leave. This would give criminals a reason to check labs looking for such setups, but it would not be a constant thing someone can call cops too every 5 minutes, they would physically have to enter the lab, see the process, and go from there.

Edited by RexRogers
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I think making it easier to acquire drug tables would be better, without having to go through an official gang.

Maybe even crafting your own table with slightly higher heat / explosion chance.

  • Buy furniture weed table,
  • Buy 10 glass bottles (acquired from alcohol),
  • Buy drill,
  • Buy boltcutters,
  • Buy Jerrycan,
  • Buy Campfire,
  • Buy 20 bobby pins,
  • Craft Drug Table
Edited by Xoza
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I think making it easier to acquire drug tables would be better, without having to go through an official gang.

Maybe even crafting your own table with slightly higher heat / explosion chance.

  • Buy furniture weed table,
  • Buy 10 glass bottles (acquired from alcohol),
  • Buy drill,
  • Buy boltcutters,
  • Buy Jerrycan,
  • Buy Campfire,
  • Buy 20 bobby pins,
  • Craft Drug Table

its more about crims wanting other interactions with each other not really just the cooking portion i can guarantee most crirms most memorable moments had something to do with LSD lab which is literally inactive now as there is 0 reason to go there. Gangs don't get to interact with each other  other then in awkward hostile manners as we dont have many places to go anymore.

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its more about crims wanting other interactions with each other not really just the cooking portion i can guarantee most crirms most memorable moments had something to do with LSD lab which is literally inactive now as there is 0 reason to go there. Gangs don't get to interact with each other  other then in awkward hostile manners as we dont have many places to go anymore.

I also think it would be great to have items have multiple uses vs only one use else they should be either and strictly legal, or illegal. Items with dual purpose are just 'legal items', otherwise there's no reason for them to be considered illegal.

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Drug tables are at the old labs, aren't they? Just not the racks of 'free supplies' (which makes sense).

the tables are still there but it is only one and it still takes a couple minutes for even 1 drug to be made and no one in their right mind is going to spend money on materials then go to a one table setup out in the open

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I agree and disagree. 
I know there was a lot of good time to be had at the labs, but there were also a lot of negatives. Like what AlexAlex said, people would bait cops there all the time, or call cops to the labs. 
There were occasions where PD or SD would camp the lab even though they weren't supposed to know it. (I know sometimes they had RP knowledge, but a lot of times they didn't) 
A lot of good interactions occurred at drug labs, but a hell of a lot more shootouts occurred from my recollection. No matter who you were, you knew there was the potential for a shootout at this lab, whether it be the new players who just had other accounts, it be people in gangs, or just some random RPers. 
I feel like this, while yes reducing activity of criminals at these locations, it makes crim rp more crim like. It's harder to find people who aren't open about what they do, things like that. You still have the potential for RP at these locations, I know some friends of mine held down one lab for several hours with four of them, and they were just picking plants. 
The change causes crims to actually have to look for other ways to RP, which is what we should all be here to do is RP, personally I've had a lot more RP situations outside of labs than inside of them. Even interacting with people in labs before the update, it was usually just fucking around while we wait on someone to come by and get into a shootout with them.

So I say +1 to making them a bit more accessible and something to change, I just don't exactly know what. 
But my -1 is to not revert them back to how they were, because even then why would anyone buy the resources from humane or go through effort of mining them when you can get them for free at the labs. 
This has introduced more RP, such as interacting with civilians to mine things like sodium and you'll pay them, etc etc, and if you revert the labs it could potentially kill that. 
You just have to be creative.

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While I do agree that some adjustments could be made to current static labs I am also not blind to the complaints or the general lack of perception to what was actually going on in the server prior to these updates. On a fairly consistent basis there were complaints regarding people calling 911 on a drug lab when never even being on the premises and the lab subsequently going inactive for a considerable amount of time or the continuous "person X is metagaming X lab and driving around - doesn't X faction have rules against this?" Along with this, there is absolutely nothing, and I truly mean nothing, stopping any gang/criminal organization from interacting with each other without the use of static labs. To think that static labs was a main contributor to roleplay between criminals is simply false for the most part. In the past you would see the exact same criminal factions holding down a lab for hours/days and get the occasional passerby asking "who has this lab?" If it was an ally, cool, they may stop by and chit chat or listen to music. If it wasn't then there may be hostilities. Now, I am not negating that there was social interaction within these labs as I have personally had dance parties on the LSD roof myself, but to make it seem like static labs were akin to the epitome of roleplay interactions is just not true as this suggestion makes it seem. Ultimately we are in a roleplay server and all players should look to properly roleplay with one another and not solely rely on scripted means to partake in such things. These so called "declines" in criminal roleplay are not due to script adjustments but are reliant on the player base. As of right now, nothing is stopping people from going to labs as groups, holding them down, cooking and having good roleplay interactions among themselves or others who roll on past - my own faction already successfully does such. Again, as stated previously, I do believe adjustments overall can be made and these have been mentioned in prior posts while I implore all posters to search for an add their own contributions to for more exposure and potential implementation.

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+1 from me. Everyday I drive by LSD and I am a little sad missing the old days of holding them down. 

I think personal Labs were a great addition. I just miss the static labs. I personally do not solo cook with personal Labs and I never will. I used to cook often at the static labs for many of the reasons that Rex pointed out. It was social. And I never complained when cops arrested me or when I lost a shootout. I don't understand the fact that shootouts happening at labs were a negative. It was a natural consequence of the illegal criminal activity. Just like cops coming in and arresting us was. 

Some of my favorite memories was back when I was trying to run a crew and our scout saw old Rooks coming in 3 Contenders deep and we had the panic RP to try and get one guy out with all the drugs we'd cooked over the last hour. Or solo cooking at LSD and always having to be careful to know who is or isn't coming. 

There was just so much richness to the RP that static labs offered. 

Again I think the solo labs are awesome and I know that so many criminals (myself included) are grateful for them. 

But I truly deep down in my heart miss them and the rich RP that resulted from them. And that's coming from my experience as a solo Crim, someone trying to run a gang, and as someone who was in an official faction. Also even from my experience playing a sherrif alt. 

There was just something for everyone 

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I fail to see any negatives of bringing these back as the current labs serve little to no purpose as the cooking times / amount of tables inside the labs offer nothing but high risk - low reward.

Furthermore this brings me onto the recent update regarding drug tables, I’ve had no positive feedback regarding this and been constantly told that people’s labs are blowing up even whilst tables are cooled, since the update myself and the majority of others haven’t even bothered to cook due to it now being high risk - med / low reward depending on how many drugs you can actually make before your tables randomly decide to blow up, considering the investment involved into purchasing your own lab which at street price for 10 tables and 1 vent would be around 200k, then the house / apartment that you need to cook in, bringing the total to around 400-500k just to even make a decent amount from cooking. That’s not taking into account all the other miscellaneous items to cook with and time it takes to get them.

Along with that, just in general nowadays there just isn’t a way to make a good amount of money and everything in my opinion is high risk - low reward. 

Edited by Nexuus
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While the old labs are not 100% back, times for cooking have been lowered and more tables have been added to the labs in order to allow people to hold them down. I think this is a nice compromise.

If you have any new suggestions to build on top of the new changes that have been implemented, feel free to make a suggestion with the new system.

Nice suggestion, and it was sorta implemented!

Locked and Moved.

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