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[Jail System] Remove AFK Timers.

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The prison system is good and all, lots of activities I have no complaints, but it needs polishing. I'm not talking about the poker table or mining, because I don't do those things anyway. I'm talking about the AFK timer... I do agree that you should not be able to be AFK throughout the whole sentence, but when there are no other people in prison I think players should be able to go AFK without the AFK timer popping up, because there is noone to roleplay with anyway, it's boring enough to stay in prison, but when there are no people to talk to or roleplay with it just kills me, so what I suggest is to make it so people don't get an AFK timer while there are <5 prisoners in the prison. Or another nice feature would be that prisoners could be placed in solitary confinement where you're alone and away from everyone and can just stay AFK, of course you'd need to commit a crime with in the prison or be aggressive enough so that the DOC officers have a reason to put you in solitary.

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BIG +1 ... The lack of RP in Prison is grueling. At least provide players with the ability to earn a realistic amount of stamps to play poker, buy more from the commissary, and have more activities. I understand that Prison isn't meant to be a "fun time," but the lack of RP and things to do makes prison miserable. I have a character that I refuse to play on because I'm not going to mindlessly walk around the cell block for 3 hours. 

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+1 i had 120 minutes in jail, didnt speak to a single person everyone was just stood in a corner and doing afk math. i also believe that the punnishments are far too great for the crims. forcing people to do nothing for two hours does not promote people to rp in a criminal character.

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+1 with some sentences going on for hours and a lot of the time nobody is around or people just want to do their time and get out, we should be able to just lay down on our beds and sleep it out, all that being said prison RP can be some of the best RP to be had in the city.

Edited by apologisemeow
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+1. However, I think adding RP opportunities in prison would fix the issues stated in this suggestion. If there are no plans to add prison RP, which I assume there isn't because more RP was something that has been suggested for ages, then sure, disable the AFK timer in prison.

Edited by WobblierDog15
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12 hours ago, Devonte said:

How can you say this, when some cops will stack charges ect. Looking over your PFP you are just going around doing -1 to almost every topic you have commented on. I am guessing you have never been to jail for 5+ hours with literally no rp in there and all you are doing is sitting at your computer boring doing /afkmath 69?

I have had 5+ hours before. You just suck it up and deal with it.

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57 minutes ago, IAmTurtle said:

I have had 5+ hours before. You just suck it up and deal with it.

I only agree with you in part. While it makes sense that Prison is a punishment for Criminalism and in a certain sense, it works. The issue is that it is more of an OOC punishment than an IC one. Proof of this is that being jailed in PD is the same as getting AJailed. One, an IC punishment, the other, an OOC one. Both work the same way, only that AJail can be longer and doesn't cost you your money and items.

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If you remove the afk timers, everyone will be AFK'ing, this is a fact, which will allow players to perform illegal activities without any fear of having to wait in jail.. and from there, we'll have a Los Santos full of wanna-be OG gangsters fearless of going to jail because as soon as they go to jail, they get off their PC's whilst having the game opened and go n' do something else until they're back for more chaos. You know this is a fact.


It's a no from me.

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21 minutes ago, Devonte said:

you know everyone afk’s in jail anyway? and when afk timers were removed rp was still done. WAY better rp than the rp we have now..

I had my first jail time yesterday. I had nice RP even if there were only 5 to 6 people RP'ing. 

Most people in here should be aware that Roleplay is about the experience, even if you are alone you can write some dope /me's or /do's and that'll help towards building your character's personality. But it seems nowadays everyone's focused on being the toughest OG around town through drive-by shooting and from guns.. it's not about that, but the experience mate.  

I spent 3600 seconds in jail yesterday or so and I made some connections including officers after getting out, witnessed shit happening, committed my character's first brutal murder.. that adds essence to it.. but maybe I take this too serious, aswell as thousands of other players scattered through hardcore rp servers throughout different games.

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IMO, we should have longer AFK timers in prison. This way, people can still AFK in jail, but will be discouraged from completely(Keyword: Completely) eradicating rp. And DOC should probably try and increase the amount of RP they do, because IRL the prison halls aren't empty, guards are on patrol, fights are stopped, etc.

So summed up:-

  1. 20-30 minutes jail AFK timer
  2. Better DOC involvement
  3. Improved Prison Economy
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4 minutes ago, JakeInnit_ said:

The fact you get put in jail for breaking ic laws and you get put in the same jail for breaking ooc rules proves its an ooc punishment. 

Jail needs a full rework, until then add a time cap or disable afk timers.

I fully agree with you. The only difference is that AJAIL lets you go out with your things in hand

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