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Tax Based Prison Fines

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I've been playing on my alt recently and one of the things that I've noticed, is that when you have a brush with the law, which is unless you are lucky, inevitable, it ends up not just being costly in terms of the money you lost through the crime not working out, you also lose a portion of your savings through your imprisonment. Not to mention the actual time you'll spend off the streets in the prison. 

Prison times isn't the subject of this suggestion and i'd appreciate it if people didn't talk about them here, the suggestion is about the fine that comes with the sentence.
Currently, we have a tax based salary system to help regulate the economy and while it's not perfect, I can understand the thinking behind it -- More money you have, the more tax.

Prison however has no such system and I think when you read about the information below, you'll hopefully agree that there is a need for improvements in this area, particularly for low-life/newer criminals who are just starting out and trying to make some money, which in the server can be a big ask.



We will use Grand Theft Auto as an example. This is the act of stealing someone's vehicle without consent and it comes with a $7,500 fine. It also comes with 60 minutes in prison.

Now, imagine you have two criminals. Tony is new to the server, been playing for a week. Johnny has been in the server for six months. 

Tony has $37,500 in his bank and he's trying to find his feet in the server. Johnny on the other hand has $750,000 in his bank.

Both of them get caught stealing a car. Both of them go to prison for the same crime and time.

Johnny has to pay 1% of his money to the prison for getting caught. He still has $742,500.
Tony on the other hand has to pay 20% of his money to the prison for getting caught. He now has $30,000.


I'm not suggesting for more experienced to have to pay more than they currently do. I'm suggesting that we apply similar logic to the prison fines system, like we do with the salary tax.
If you have less assets, you'd pay less in fines on prison.



Doesn't have to be too complex either.

  • Upper Tax - 100% of fine.
  • Medium Tax - 90% of fine.
  • Low Tax - 70% of fine.


Using that as an example


Johnny would still have to pay $7,500 which is 1% of his money.
Tony however would pay $5,250 which instead of being 20% of his money, would be around 14%.

The reduction there isn't necessarily so significant that it lessens the value of getting caught and that only applies to one charge.
If you have multiple charges, then it's obviously going to save you from more but that reduction right there is the difference between being able to buy a radio or food and drink or to gas up your starter vehicle.

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