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West Coast Assassins

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New Beginning


It's been quite a while since Jessy left the city after what he's old family suffered during the war.
He thought that he's never coming back to town as he lost all his close friends during that event.

After so many months of abscence, Jessy recieved a text from his old friend Pedro, known as Darius David, telling him that he survived the war and he made contact with the West Coast Assassins, Eventually joining them.

He mentioned how good and how genuine they were, Jessy considered talking with them several times but he was intimidating a bit.



Until he made his final decision, went to their Motel just like Darius told him and he met with Dave Sinclair.

He briefly introduced himself, answered a few questions about his past jobs and groups that been part of.

The converstaion was quite interesting, Jessy showed his interest in becoming a WCA member and how valuable he can be to them.


After that, Jessy went to the closest clothes shop, put on some green on him and went back to the motel to meet the rest of the family.


Jessy already knew about the war between his new family and the mexicans, he made sure he had his gun equiped all time in case anything happens.


The day after that, Jessy was informed that his gang members spotted some mexicans cars just next to there hood, they didn't hesitate and started picklocking them right away. The cars got successfully chopped, it was a very orginazed operation as everyone knew he's task already.


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New Day - New $$


Kronos was chilling with his gang mate, Cevon, around town, looking for some new meat to beat. Easy to say, hard to do, everyone was hiding, but they could only delay the inevitable.




Since there was no one around with enough balls to show up, the gang moved on to check the labs. We had a surprise, a little NLA hood-rat was just trying leave the lab, sadly for him, he was beaten to death with a bat.




You know the vibes, mess with the best, get smoked like the rest.



    ********** To be continued **********


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High command got an invitation to present green at the Purminelli wedding, and changed into formal attire for the event.


The crew groups up at the motel and discusses recent issues and potential improvements in an open forum.


WCA leadership meets with their Triad counterpart to discuss recent events and developments with the NLA war.


Following a high command meeting, Pops apprises the troops of the news and their duties.

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Don't judge a book by it's cover.

It was a busy day for WCA, after grouping up with Vory we found out that the Mexican tenants had their rent due at the Motel for quite some time already, so it was time to evict them after several notices. Though some resistance occured from the tenants, so after using some force we succesfully evicted them all.


After evicting the Mexican tenants from the Motel we still had their cars scattered around the premises, and as everybody knows from our top class customer service we returned them safely to nearest carpool place.


We care and value our tenants property as much as they do themselves, so naturally we stayed in the cars making sure no one would steal them. While patiently waiting for the now ex tenants of the Motel, the Mexicans best friends showed up making sure everything is okay.


While my friend here in the grey Elegy tried to leave the carpool place I accidentally hindered the cruiser with my Novak, to which the Sheriff's Deputy responded:                                                                    

"Okay Novak let's go, you're the weakest link."

I chuckled a bit and let the Deputy pull me over.


Not much later the Deputy informed me that we were waiting for backup to get me arrested. I wasn't really in the mood for SD's shenanigans so I decided to move on with my own business. As we didn't do anything wrong, we were just waiting for the ex tenants to come pick their cars up after all. Too bad SD had a different opinion about this, they decided to chase me, which of course is their choice to do so and I will definitely not hold them back, but I won't call it a smart decision as SD is lacking some serious skills in pursuits.


Shortly after leaving the carpool place another cruiser joined the parade but sadly had to leave shortly after due to flying out the corner, which is very sad. Now with only two cruisers left we decided to continue the parade.


I never really tried off roading in my new SUV so I gave it a try, while looking in my rearview mirror I saw the first cruiser spinning out with the second cruiser nowhere to be seen. Sad.



After going through a small tunnel and some more off roading I bummed on a rock and got my engine stalled, shortly after, the second SD cruiser goes past me. For a second I thought it's over, but luckily I did not get seen by SD's amazing vision. It's okay small cars easily get overlooked.

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Lamar Scott was waiting at MD until his homie got released by the doctors. After he got released all of the sudden they get a message on a radio saying that The Mexicans are attacking the motel. Droping the radio Lamar steps on the gas pedal driving as fast as possible to the motel to help defend it. When he arrived, the fight have had already been started and there were gunshots everywhere. WCA was getting out numbered and they were losing the fight slowly. Without hesitating Lamar started shooting everyone that he sees.

Blood was everywhere, adrenaline was pumping.


Minutes later the fight calmed down and Lamar heard sirens from far away. Not knowing what to do he panicked. As he was trying to escape he saw Frank laying on the ground injured. They quickly went inside the motels apartament to hide while Frank was bleeding slowly.

Lamar tried as hard as he can to save his friend, but he didn't make it...


After hiding in the motel Lamar decided to leave the aprtament. He was shocked as there was blood everywhere and many dead NLA and WCA members.


After the big shootout Lamar was thinking all about the revenge and couldn't sleep because of it. After the sleepless night Lamar got on a radio and got a call saying that NLA are attacking the motel again. WCA asked their allies to come and share in the free mexican loot. Everyone gathered near motel and saw a bunch of Mexicans hiding all around motel on the roofs. The shootout had started and WCA and Vory Mafia successfully defended the motel without losing any people.


Lamar still wasn't satisfied and wanted to make NLA suffer even more. After hours of looking WCA finally found 2 Mexicans driving alone. They had the perfect opportunity to stop them and Lamar blocked the road stopping the gray car. The NLA passenger flew out of the windshield getting himself brutally injured.


Moments later NLA's backup (Police and SWAT) came and WCA with Vory Mafia had to escape. Sirens were everywhere, the blades of the helicopter were loud and Lamar with Luna were getting chased by a bunch of police and swat.


Lamar with Luna had 0 chances of escaping so Lamar quickly contacted The Vory Mafia asking for backup. They arranged the meeting place and Vory was waiting on hakuchou drag to save Lamar, but Lamar's main priority was to save Luna and he was ready to sacrifice himself, so he told her to quickly get on a bike and get away.


Lamar was now alone and was being chased by a bunch of police. Luckly the police helicopter went for the hakuchou drag that later lost it, so Lamar still had the chances of escaping. Lamar was asking for help on the radio and Dave responded by saying that he is waiting in a tunnel. Halfway trough the chase Lamar somehow lost the cops and went straight to Dave's vehicle abandoning his current car and executing the perfect getaway plan.


In the end everyone was safe but Lamar still couldn't forgive NLA for what they have done and wanted to continue massacring them.

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The British Shotcalla

Dave served eight years in the British Army and had decided he needed a change of scenery, his brother James Sinclair had moved out to the United States a few years previous, James offered to help Dave get on his feet and the deal was done. Fresh off the plane from London City. Dave Sinclair got to work! Starting out moving weight at the mines north of the city, His bank balance began to grow.


  What's a Rook?

It didn't take Dave long to establish himself within a criminal crew in the city. The trial test's were complete, the recruitment had been conducted and Dave was unanimously voted into the ranks of the Rooks.


Dave learnt all the skills he would need to survive in Los Santos from the Rooks and to this day still considers them brothers.


Dave saw that the Rooks were dropping their standards out of boredom, after having a couple of heated words with a fellow Rook, Dave had come to the conclusion that his time in the 'Rooks' was heading for a violent end. To save himself from leaving on bad terms, Dave decided to leave before more friction grew.


West Coast Assassins  

Dave had left the rooks on good terms, he approached a member of WCA's high command and asked if he could join the crew. Unbeknown to Dave the man he approached he knew! The man was Shotcalla Michael Laurie. Dave and Michael had some unpleasant running's in the past, but there was no hard feelings. Dave was given a chance to prove himself to the WCA.


Dave joined the WCA during the war with the NLA. That is a factor that can put a lot of people off joining a crew, to Dave he only saw that as the perfect time to join and prove himself.



Prove himself is exactly what he did, Dave shone in the ranks as a natural leader and thinker, Dave began climbing the ranks of the WCA and earning the respect of his brothers. Now a leader within the gang Dave is held to the rank of Shotcalla! 



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Helping an Old Friend

Jessy is working on getting known as a WCA gang member in the city because that will help on shipping heavy weaponery from certain trusted sources and with good prices.
He started hanging around the city checking if there's any good opportunities that he can take.



He got a call from an old friend of asking him for help to take down a commun enemy, he went to refuel his bike and immediately went to the meeting spot, they discussed what they need to do and it appears that the Mexicans were making troubles again with him.

Jessy reconsidered what he needed to do, they were outnumbering them, so they stood still at there meeting spot hanging low and after that he dropped him at bank.



The Pursuit

West Coast Assassins is a big thing now and all the new people around Los Santos are getting scared of.
Jessy and his crew used that in there favor and began patrolling around the city and its sides to maintain that control and show them who's in charge in town.
As Usual they choosed there favorite suvs and went out for some hunting.




The crew decided to check labs first and hoping to find their enemy there. After couple minutes of searching, one of the crew reported an on going activity in sea lab, all the group members were in position and we rolled in.

We got ourselfs a decent amount of drugs from couple of people that we robbed in the scene, But some of them was hiding in bushes and we didn't manage to get him only after he called the cops.

The crew got rid of that snitch but it was a little too late, The cops rolled in, some of us got caught but the rest managed to flee untouched.


The cops got one of our suv's plate and they were following our trail since then, at that time we went to Paleto Bay to lay low abit until cops found out about that and pulled the Kamacho that Jessy, Tyrese and Giovanni were in.

One of us got a heavy weapon on him and there was no chance for us to get out, they asked us to step out of the vehicle, we didn't have any chance to fight them as they had too units after us, so we decided to flee instead knowing that we're never getting out of this sinec there was a chopper above our heads but we just wanted to give it a try.


The pursuit wasn't that long as we crashed into trees and the vehicle's engine stopped working, we steped out and ran towards the mounains, eventaully the got a hold of us, detained and sent us to prison.




The First Payment

Like every thursday, all the gang members usually meet up at the motel to pay their taxes, Jessy wasn't used to, it was his first time doing that, he got informed with the right amount of cash to be paid, got some money out from his bank account and headed to the motel to pay his debt.




Afterwards, the family members gathered around the motel's pool to chill abit, had some fun listening to music then we had a brief meeting to discuss the future plans within the gang and a little explanation of what happened earlier that day, there was a massive shootout, took place in the vory HQ, plenty of cops were at the scene and many of our members got arrested because of that.






The crew got together once again and this time to focus on their enemy, it's starting to grow and there was a lot to go through to ensure they get rid of their enemy once and for all.



We started the day cooking some goodies at Ocean lab, suddenly we recieved a backup call from one of the higher ups mentioning that one of the mexicans were spotted in Barradocks. We got all the guys together and were set in place.

We managed to get a hold of one of them, striped him of all his belongings and got his radio frequency.



We weren't so greedy as we left Barradocks as soon as we finished robbing the guy, they seemed to be abit angry about what hapened so they started pursuing on their vehicles.
Jessy was the only one being chased by them, so he tried to inform the rest of the crew to set up an ambush to take them out easily.

All the crew sat in place, prepared to engage. Couple of the enemy members were taking down and the rest managed to flee, we didn't even care about the rest of them, the purpose of the fight was to send a clear message that they can't beat who's bigger and strongher then them.

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8 hours ago, Jones42 said:


The British Shotcalla

Dave served eight years in the British Army and had decided he needed a change of scenery, his brother James Sinclair had moved out to the United States a few years previous, James offered to help Dave get on his feet and the deal was done. Fresh off the plane from London City. Dave Sinclair got to work! Starting out moving weight at the mines north of the city, His bank balance began to grow.


  What's a Rook?

It didn't take Dave long to establish himself within a criminal crew in the city. The trial test's were complete, the recruitment had been conducted and Dave was unanimously voted into the ranks of the Rooks.


Dave learnt all the skills he would need to survive in Los Santos from the Rooks and to this day still considers them brothers.


Dave saw that the Rooks were dropping their standards out of boredom, after having a couple of heated words with a fellow Rook, Dave had come to the conclusion that his time in the 'Rooks' was heading for a violent end. To save himself from leaving on bad terms, Dave decided to leave before more friction grew.


West Coast Assassins  

Dave had left the rooks on good terms, he approached a member of WCA's high command and asked if he could join the crew. Unbeknown to Dave the man he approached he knew! The man was Shotcalla Michael Laurie. Dave and Michael had some unpleasant running's in the past, but there was no hard feelings. Dave was given a chance to prove himself to the WCA.


Dave joined the WCA during the war with the NLA. That is a factor that can put a lot of people off joining a crew, to Dave he only saw that as the perfect time to join and prove himself.



Prove himself is exactly what he did, Dave shone in the ranks as a natural leader and thinker, Dave began climbing the ranks of the WCA and earning the respect of his brothers. Now a leader within the gang Dave is held to the rank of Shotcalla! 



Sick write up 😎 keep up the good work homies

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The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


Good for the body is the work of the body, and good for the soul is the work of the soul, and good for either is the work of the other.


 It was a new day for Kronos, knowing that he needs to gather up some cash for the upcoming times, he took his gang mate, Jessy, into a trip to check the labs for some opportunities to cook some "meat"



Arriving at the lab, we met some friendly guys from The Misfits, cuttin' off the hair of a defenseless civilian that was wearing their color around. He has told us that he wants no beef and only some cash for himself, luckily for him, he was let to go away and run for his life, but of course, after taking his phone.




Job was done, drugs were loaded, it was time for Kronos and Jessy to leave before cops would eventually arrive.

As for Misfits, we left on a good note, names were exchanged, friendships may be made later.





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It's a almost two weeks now since Jessy joined West Coast Assassins, he really enjoy his stay and build good relationship with all the gang members.
He know consider himself a true and an active WCA member as he hangout and chill with them all the time when he's in town.




As always all the WCA members regrouped at there motel, Jessy was abit short on cash, so he asked them if anyone wanna hit the lab and make some. Apperently Jessy, Marquis and Keeshawn were on the same page and they agreed to go together.





They went to baradocks lab and shared tasks amogn them and started working. After couple of minutes a ballas member pulled up checking if the lab was empty, Jessy met the guy, exchanged names and it was a good interaction with ballas yet again.



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The Heist


Jessy got in touch with a new friend 'Alex Darnell' that recently joined WCA and told him that there might be a job on.

Jessy said :     

              "Do you wanna be involved in the biggest heist in Los Santos history"  

                               "Yeah I want to, remember brother I always got your back"   he replied.


We had a whole week to get all the kit ready, get hold of a couple of vehicles and have a good rest.



A week after, Jessy sent a message to Alex informing him that the job will be executed later on after today and he told him to come overto the WCA motel to get prepared.


Alex immediately showed up at the motel and started getting ready for there first heist ever.


We eventually arrived at the jewelry store


Took the equipments bags from the cars trunk


Broke in through the main door



We got a hold of the manager, tied him up and got him to turn off the alarm.

We destroyed all the Surveillance Cameras and went directly towards the shelfs.



          Jessy asked Alex "Got what you want?"
                                                    "Yes my friend" he says 

                                                                 "Now time to get what you want" Jessy answers.

We mainly got diamonds and a fair bit of jewellery too.


After they finished loading their bags they left the store and rushed out towards their cars


They met at a safe place afterwards, counted how much cash

they made so far and they left the place immediately.


This was the biggest score of Jessy and Alex's lifes and could have been bigger if they could carry more, You've got to know when to cut your losses and get out out when the going's good.


Big thanks to Alex Darnell @tpmzeux for his contribution in this.

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The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.



Kronos welcomes and exchanges names with the new recruit of the gang, Alex Darnell, as he starts explaining him how the current gang scene works.






Kronos had a good "first impression" about the new guy, as he had good hopes for him in the future, he was ready for everything that has to come.

He was not the only one new these days, Syke Thale, a strong woman with good dedication, was accepted to join our forces. She proved that she's a good driver and a very chill person you could have a laugh around. A lot of work awaits them in order to prove themselves.






If you want an audience, start a fight.


Gang has been called, regroup orders were given, people were ready.

If we don’t fight we remain equals, if we do fight then one of us wins.




We fight, get beat, rise, and fight again.




It is not about the gunfight, but about the whole gangscene....


"Gang scene? What gang scene?"






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Tim used to wear green, until he dropped his colors and went on to attack WCA together with Oti, until Oti ran away out of Los Santos. Without any place to call home, he sought protection from Vory, thinking that he would be untouchable there. Following a meeting with Jamal, it was agreed that Vory would not offer him protection.






However the other traitor and his friends could not stand to watch their friend being humiliated, and decided to take action against Jamal's orders. They all got dropped, and by the end of it, only WCA and Vory loyalists stood. 


WCA High Command met with Vory High Command and discussed the mutinous actions of the Vory members. Lester specifically tried to deflect his actions greatly in his texts to Jamal, but ultimately it was decided that everyone that acted against WCA had to be cut.


We then retreated to the motel, and had a meeting about the scene, and shared the information of what happened, and why to the rest of the group. In the following days, we would learn that the Vory traitors banded up with Vova and CJ and stole the fog city name from Frank, operating under it.


We shared this information with Misfits, who were similarly being hit by fake fog, and pledged to help each other when possible, together with Rooks and Vory. 


A couple of Rooks were being pursued by fake fog, and we coordinated on the same radio frequency, and baited them into the scrapyard. At the common ambush location, fake fog thought that they could fight their way out, but against the three groups, they all fell. 

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The Council called a great meeting of all the organizations operating in the city. In attendance were Rooks, NLA, Vory, WCA and Ballas. They wished it to be a platform for open communication between organizations, and a place to air out issues. The main issue that was agreed upon was cooperating with police, as in, the complete ban on cooperating with police.


The gang then grouped up at the motel, and were told about the contents of the meeting, and reminded not to cooperate with police, for any reason.


The Council then asked for a meeting with just WCA, in which they were informed of certain actions that were committed, and the repercussions for those actions.


A meeting was called with Vory's leadership to discuss the Council's statements and demands, and we decided upon a course of action.


It was then communicated to the council, and we maintained our neutrality with them, in spite of what our enemies might've wished to happen. The relationship is definitively at a low, but with time and work, the relationship will recover.


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WCA and Vory soldiers were relaxing at the Motel, casually chatting about random topics; winding down after a long day.


A man wearing all brown approached the group, and claimed to represent an Italian organization. Hoza, member of Vory took offense to his clothing, that resembled that of a defunct organization: Vespucci 13, and asked him to change. He refused to do so, and was critically injured, then moved to the place where V13 was founded, before finally being put out of his misery.


Next day, as part of a Vory-WCA operation, we raided the Church and caught a good amount of NLA, stripped them of their belongings and lined them up against their own wall.


We then made our way to Hayley Swan's club for a bit of dancing and relaxing, after a good raid.


Convoyed up, and with the other raid in mind, we once again grouped up with Vory and hit the Church during down times.


Similar to fish in a barrel, several people were caught once more, before we had to flee from the nearby Sheriffs.


At the garbage yard, we met with NLA leadership, with Zetas providing security, and agreed to accept reduced payment in exchange for ending the war.


Together we made our way to Paleto, where they were awaiting with the money and friendship.


We accepted the money, shook hands, and pledged to work against the fake fog city, with the other gangs.

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