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Doc overhaul

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Add multiple things to doc instead of just getting litter or mining, increase stamps back to 3, we lose the money in the casino anyways.

Cooking in the kitchen like burgershot where people can order food for cheap in prison made by prisoners if chosen a prison job.

Cleaning floors, windows, cells

Mining and outdoor activites such as cleaning litter outside, mowing the lawn, watering plants.

Cinema/tv room where theres a playlist of short youtube movies running or people can suggest stuff.


Why do we need that?

Cuz doc is essentially talk to people for a lil, fight with new players, report them and have a afk timer run down or just be afk.



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More stuff to do is always a good thing, but increasing the value of stamps back to $3 per stamp is a bad idea. a LOT of people gamed the system to just barely make it into DOC with minimal fines to go profit from the trip. its still more than possible with the current $1.50 value of stamps. it shouldnt be profitable to go to prison, and it shouldnt be a primary way people make income.

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+1 its so hard to do anything in DOC now, most people end up just staring at ta wall for a couple hours because if you dont, you either get into a random fight or just running round in silence picking up litter and laundry

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A further suggestion/twist on it is having prison jobs/activities be on a rotation, so not all of them are available at the same time but rather have periods of uptime and downtime!

+1, DOC needs a facelift

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I feel this is so drastically needed. The DoC faction do a fantastic job of working with what they can and creating more scenarios for RP but the truth is that being prisoned is just severely lacking, to the point that I would say it really is just an OOC punishment. 


Frey hit it in the head when they said DOC essentially boils down to talking to people, doing menial timer mini game tasks for stamps, or fighting new players. There needs to be fair more support for being in DOC and for the faction. 


Yard activities, cooking, cleaning, making use of the greenhouse, and even reutilizing spaces such as the boiler room by removing the explosives are all areas that could use script support to turn DOC from an afk simulator into an actual RP experience. Ensuring the DOC faction are more supported is also key since they play a large role in the non-script RP that can actually happen at DOC. It's entirely unacceptable that it took so long for them to get the necessary commands to support their Parol program nevermind the further support they may need to inspire more RP scenarios.



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+1 Prison RP is soooo tedious most of the time..
Would love it if there was more to do.. With a nice guard we can watch some tv there tho 🙂 atleast we got that

x3 value is to much tho but the current 1.5 is not worth it unless you're in there all alone.

Edited by GoldieShort
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