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Nerf Unarmed Damage

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Simple as the title. Punching and kicking deal far too much damage and its incredibly unrealistic. If you get punched, its so easy to get stunlocked/knocked down and kicked to death within seconds. I have seen plenty of times for example where an LEO or DOC officer has someone at taser/gun point and a prisoner has been able to turn around and punch/kick them once and its over. Even if someone has a gun, they get stun locked and go to injured state in three punches. I know the situation above is FRP, but I am just making a point how crazy unarmed damage is. 

In addition, this nerf would also create better RP opportunities! Someone could hold a more realistic boxing event for example where people could actually go a few rounds in the ring and not die within 3 hits. It would also create less instances of FRP where someone tries to fight back unarmed against someone with a weapon if they know they will lose because of the damage difference. 

Share your opinions below and maybe any evidence you have of getting destroyed in three punches.

Edited by Bill Breacher
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Great suggestion and it's strange that it isn't fixed yet. I'll add my suggestion to add bleeding out effect for melee stabs - 1 stab and victim bleeds visible blood for 5 minutes dealing 25% of damage to health bar, 2 stabs - 7.5min with 33% damage etc. If someone wins a melee match by tiny bit, he/she can move or run for couple of minutes before downing due to blood loss. It could be stopped with either bandages sold/craftable, or ems. So there is more interaction for medics and it wouldn't be "broken leg" 99.999% of time

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